* Test the column definition when 'all' fields defined.
- * @param $exportMode
- * @param $expected
+ * @param int $exportMode
+ * @param array $expected
+ * @param array $expectedHeaders
* @dataProvider getSqlColumnsOutput
- public function testGetSQLColumns($exportMode, $expected) {
+ public function testGetSQLColumnsAndHeaders($exportMode, $expected, $expectedHeaders) {
// We need some data so that we can get to the end of the export
// function. Hopefully one day that won't be required to get metadata info out.
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result[1]);
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedHeaders, $result[2]);
'anything that will then be defaulting ton contact',
+ $this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(TRUE),
array_merge($this->getBasicSqlColumnDefinition(FALSE), $this->getActivitySqlColumns()),
+ array_merge($this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(FALSE), $this->getActivityHeaderDefinition()),
array_merge($this->getBasicSqlColumnDefinition(FALSE), $this->getCaseSqlColumns()),
+ array_merge($this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(FALSE), $this->getCaseHeaderDefinition()),
array_merge($this->getBasicSqlColumnDefinition(FALSE), $this->getContributionSqlColumns()),
+ array_merge($this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(FALSE), $this->getContributeHeaderDefinition()),
array_merge($this->getBasicSqlColumnDefinition(FALSE), $this->getParticipantSqlColumns()),
+ array_merge($this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(FALSE), $this->getParticipantHeaderDefinition()),
array_merge($this->getBasicSqlColumnDefinition(FALSE), $this->getMembershipSqlColumns()),
+ array_merge($this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(FALSE), $this->getMemberHeaderDefinition()),
array_merge($this->getBasicSqlColumnDefinition(FALSE), $this->getPledgeSqlColumns()),
+ array_merge($this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(FALSE), $this->getPledgeHeaderDefinition()),
+ /**
+ * Get the header definition for exports.
+ *
+ * @param bool $isContactExport
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getBasicHeaderDefinition($isContactExport) {
+ $headers = [
+ 0 => 'Contact ID',
+ 1 => 'Contact Type',
+ 2 => 'Contact Subtype',
+ 3 => 'Do Not Email',
+ 4 => 'Do Not Phone',
+ 5 => 'Do Not Mail',
+ 6 => 'Do Not Sms',
+ 7 => 'Do Not Trade',
+ 8 => 'No Bulk Emails (User Opt Out)',
+ 9 => 'Legal Identifier',
+ 10 => 'External Identifier',
+ 11 => 'Sort Name',
+ 12 => 'Display Name',
+ 13 => 'Nickname',
+ 14 => 'Legal Name',
+ 15 => 'Image Url',
+ 16 => 'Preferred Communication Method',
+ 17 => 'Preferred Language',
+ 18 => 'Preferred Mail Format',
+ 19 => 'Contact Hash',
+ 20 => 'Contact Source',
+ 21 => 'First Name',
+ 22 => 'Middle Name',
+ 23 => 'Last Name',
+ 24 => 'Individual Prefix',
+ 25 => 'Individual Suffix',
+ 26 => 'Formal Title',
+ 27 => 'Communication Style',
+ 28 => 'Email Greeting ID',
+ 29 => 'Postal Greeting ID',
+ 30 => 'Addressee ID',
+ 31 => 'Job Title',
+ 32 => 'Gender',
+ 33 => 'Birth Date',
+ 34 => 'Deceased',
+ 35 => 'Deceased Date',
+ 36 => 'Household Name',
+ 37 => 'Organization Name',
+ 38 => 'Sic Code',
+ 39 => 'Unique ID (OpenID)',
+ 40 => 'Current Employer ID',
+ 41 => 'Contact is in Trash',
+ 42 => 'Created Date',
+ 43 => 'Modified Date',
+ 44 => 'Addressee',
+ 45 => 'Email Greeting',
+ 46 => 'Postal Greeting',
+ 47 => 'Current Employer',
+ 48 => 'Location Type',
+ 49 => 'Street Address',
+ 50 => 'Street Number',
+ 51 => 'Street Number Suffix',
+ 52 => 'Street Name',
+ 53 => 'Street Unit',
+ 54 => 'Supplemental Address 1',
+ 55 => 'Supplemental Address 2',
+ 56 => 'Supplemental Address 3',
+ 57 => 'City',
+ 58 => 'Postal Code Suffix',
+ 59 => 'Postal Code',
+ 60 => 'Latitude',
+ 61 => 'Longitude',
+ 62 => 'Address Name',
+ 63 => 'Master Address Belongs To',
+ 64 => 'County',
+ 65 => 'State',
+ 66 => 'Country',
+ 67 => 'Phone',
+ 68 => 'Phone Extension',
+ 69 => 'Email',
+ 70 => 'On Hold',
+ 71 => 'Use for Bulk Mail',
+ 72 => 'Signature Text',
+ 73 => 'Signature Html',
+ 74 => 'IM Provider',
+ 75 => 'IM Screen Name',
+ 76 => 'OpenID',
+ 77 => 'World Region',
+ 78 => 'Website',
+ 79 => 'Group(s)',
+ 80 => 'Tag(s)',
+ 81 => 'Note(s)',
+ 82 => 'Phone Type',
+ 83 => 'IM Service Provider',
+ ];
+ if (!$isContactExport) {
+ unset($headers[79]);
+ unset($headers[80]);
+ unset($headers[81]);
+ }
+ return $headers;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the definition for activity headers.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getActivityHeaderDefinition() {
+ return [
+ 81 => 'Activity ID',
+ 82 => 'Activity Type',
+ 83 => 'Activity Type ID',
+ 84 => 'Subject',
+ 85 => 'Activity Date',
+ 86 => 'Duration',
+ 87 => 'Location',
+ 88 => 'Details',
+ 89 => 'Activity Status',
+ 90 => 'Activity Priority',
+ 91 => 'Source Contact',
+ 92 => 'source_record_id',
+ 93 => 'Test',
+ 94 => 'Campaign ID',
+ 95 => 'result',
+ 96 => 'Engagement Index',
+ 97 => 'parent_id',
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the definition for case headers.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getCaseHeaderDefinition() {
+ return [
+ 81 => 'contact_id',
+ 82 => 'Case ID',
+ 83 => 'case_activity_subject',
+ 84 => 'Case Subject',
+ 85 => 'Case Status',
+ 86 => 'Case Type',
+ 87 => 'Role in Case',
+ 88 => 'Case is in the Trash',
+ 89 => 'case_recent_activity_date',
+ 90 => 'case_recent_activity_type',
+ 91 => 'case_scheduled_activity_date',
+ 92 => 'Case Start Date',
+ 93 => 'Case End Date',
+ 94 => 'case_source_contact_id',
+ 95 => 'case_activity_status',
+ 96 => 'case_activity_duration',
+ 97 => 'case_activity_medium_id',
+ 98 => 'case_activity_details',
+ 99 => 'case_activity_is_auto',
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the definition for contribute headers.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getContributeHeaderDefinition() {
+ return [
+ 81 => 'Financial Type',
+ 82 => 'Contribution Source',
+ 83 => 'Date Received',
+ 84 => 'Thank-you Date',
+ 85 => 'Cancel Date',
+ 86 => 'Total Amount',
+ 87 => 'Accounting Code',
+ 88 => 'payment_instrument',
+ 89 => 'Payment Method ID',
+ 90 => 'Check Number',
+ 91 => 'Non-deductible Amount',
+ 92 => 'Fee Amount',
+ 93 => 'Net Amount',
+ 94 => 'Transaction ID',
+ 95 => 'Invoice Reference',
+ 96 => 'Invoice Number',
+ 97 => 'Currency',
+ 98 => 'Cancel Reason',
+ 99 => 'Receipt Date',
+ 100 => 'Product Name',
+ 101 => 'SKU',
+ 102 => 'Product Option',
+ 103 => 'Fulfilled Date',
+ 104 => 'Start date for premium',
+ 105 => 'End date for premium',
+ 106 => 'Test',
+ 107 => 'Is Pay Later',
+ 108 => 'contribution_status',
+ 109 => 'Recurring Contribution ID',
+ 110 => 'Amount Label',
+ 111 => 'Contribution Note',
+ 112 => 'Batch Name',
+ 113 => 'Campaign Title',
+ 114 => 'Campaign ID',
+ 115 => 'Premium',
+ 116 => 'Soft Credit For',
+ 117 => 'Soft Credit Amount',
+ 118 => 'Soft Credit Type',
+ 119 => 'Soft Credit For Contact ID',
+ 120 => 'Soft Credit For Contribution ID',
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the definition for event headers.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getParticipantHeaderDefinition() {
+ return [
+ 81 => 'Event',
+ 82 => 'Event Title',
+ 83 => 'Event Start Date',
+ 84 => 'Event End Date',
+ 85 => 'Event Type',
+ 86 => 'Participant ID',
+ 87 => 'Participant Status',
+ 88 => 'Participant Status Id',
+ 89 => 'Participant Role',
+ 90 => 'Participant Role Id',
+ 91 => 'Participant Note',
+ 92 => 'Register date',
+ 93 => 'Participant Source',
+ 94 => 'Fee level',
+ 95 => 'Test',
+ 96 => 'Is Pay Later',
+ 97 => 'Fee Amount',
+ 98 => 'Discount Name',
+ 99 => 'Fee Currency',
+ 100 => 'Registered By ID',
+ 101 => 'Campaign ID',
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the definition for member headers.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getMemberHeaderDefinition() {
+ return [
+ 81 => 'Membership Type',
+ 82 => 'Test',
+ 83 => 'Is Pay Later',
+ 84 => 'Member Since',
+ 85 => 'Membership Start Date',
+ 86 => 'Membership Expiration Date',
+ 87 => 'Source',
+ 88 => 'Membership Status',
+ 89 => 'Membership ID',
+ 90 => 'Primary Member ID',
+ 91 => 'max_related',
+ 92 => 'membership_recur_id',
+ 93 => 'Campaign ID',
+ 94 => 'member_is_override',
+ 95 => 'member_auto_renew',
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the definition for pledge headers.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getPledgeHeaderDefinition() {
+ return [
+ 81 => 'Pledge ID',
+ 82 => 'Total Pledged',
+ 83 => 'Total Paid',
+ 84 => 'Pledge Made',
+ 85 => 'pledge_start_date',
+ 86 => 'Next Payment Date',
+ 87 => 'Next Payment Amount',
+ 88 => 'Pledge Status',
+ 89 => 'Test',
+ 90 => 'Pledge Contribution Page Id',
+ 91 => 'pledge_financial_type',
+ 92 => 'Pledge Frequency Interval',
+ 93 => 'Pledge Frequency Unit',
+ 94 => 'pledge_currency',
+ 95 => 'Campaign ID',
+ 96 => 'Balance Amount',
+ 97 => 'Payment ID',
+ 98 => 'Scheduled Amount',
+ 99 => 'Scheduled Date',
+ 100 => 'Paid Amount',
+ 101 => 'Paid Date',
+ 102 => 'Last Reminder',
+ 103 => 'Reminders Sent',
+ 104 => 'Pledge Payment Status',
+ ];
+ }
* Get the column definition for exports.