* @throws API_Exception
function civicrm_api3_contribution_repeattransaction($params) {
civicrm_api3_verify_one_mandatory($params, NULL, ['contribution_recur_id', 'original_contribution_id']);
+ // We need a contribution to copy.
if (empty($params['original_contribution_id'])) {
+ // Find one from the given recur. A template contribution is preferred, otherwise use the latest one added.
$templateContribution = CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionRecur::getTemplateContribution($params['contribution_recur_id']);
if (empty($templateContribution)) {
throw new CiviCRM_API3_Exception('Contribution.repeattransaction failed to get original_contribution_id for recur with ID: ' . $params['contribution_recur_id']);
- $params['original_contribution_id'] = $templateContribution['id'];
- }
- $contribution = new CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution();
- $contribution->id = $params['original_contribution_id'];
- if (!$contribution->find(TRUE)) {
- throw new API_Exception(
- 'A valid original contribution ID is required', 'invalid_data');
- // We don't support repeattransaction without a related recurring contribution.
- if (empty($contribution->contribution_recur_id)) {
- throw new API_Exception(
- 'Repeattransaction API can only be used in the context of contributions that have a contribution_recur_id.',
- 'invalid_data'
- );
+ else {
+ // A template/original contribution was specified by the params. Load it.
+ $templateContribution = Contribution::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('id', '=', $params['original_contribution_id'])
+ ->addWhere('is_test', 'IN', [0, 1])
+ ->addWhere('contribution_recur_id', 'IS NOT EMPTY')
+ ->execute()->first();
+ if (empty($templateContribution)) {
+ throw new CiviCRM_API3_Exception("Contribution.repeattransaction failed to load the given original_contribution_id ($params[original_contribution_id]) because it does not exist, or because it does not belong to a recurring contribution");
+ }
- $params['payment_processor_id'] = civicrm_api3('contributionRecur', 'getvalue', [
- 'return' => 'payment_processor_id',
- 'id' => $contribution->contribution_recur_id,
- ]);
- $passThroughParams = [
+ // Collect inputs for CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::completeOrder in $input.
+ $paramsToCopy = [
- 'total_amount',
- ];
- $input = array_intersect_key($params, array_fill_keys($passThroughParams, NULL));
+ 'is_email_receipt',
+ 'trxn_date',
+ 'receive_date',
+ 'card_type_id',
+ 'pan_truncation',
+ 'payment_instrument_id',
+ // Q. not contribution_page_id ?
+ ];
+ $input = array_intersect_key($params, array_fill_keys($paramsToCopy, NULL));
+ // Ensure certain keys exist with NULL values if they don't already (not sure if this is ACTUALLY necessary?)
+ $input += array_fill_keys(['card_type_id', 'pan_truncation'], NULL);
+ // Set amount, use templateContribution if not in params.
+ $input['total_amount'] = $params['total_amount'] ?? $templateContribution['total_amount'];
+ // Why do we need this extra 'amount' key? It's used in CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::completeOrder to pass on to CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionRecur::updateRecurLinkedPledge
+ // but it could possibly be removed if that code was adjusted unless anything else uses 'amount'
+ $input['amount'] = $input['total_amount'];
+ $input['payment_processor_id'] = civicrm_api3('contributionRecur', 'getvalue', [
+ 'return' => 'payment_processor_id',
+ 'id' => $templateContribution['contribution_recur_id'],
+ ]);
- $ids = [];
- if (!$contribution->loadRelatedObjects(['payment_processor_id' => $input['payment_processor_id']], $ids, TRUE)) {
- throw new API_Exception('failed to load related objects');
- }
- unset($contribution->id, $contribution->receive_date, $contribution->invoice_id);
- $contribution->receive_date = $params['receive_date'];
+ $input['is_test'] = $templateContribution['is_test'];
- // @todo Copied from _ipn_process_transaction - needs cleanup/refactor
- $objects = $contribution->_relatedObjects;
- $objects['contribution'] = &$contribution;
- $input['component'] = $contribution->_component;
- $input['is_test'] = $contribution->is_test;
- $input['amount'] = empty($input['total_amount']) ? $contribution->total_amount : $input['total_amount'];
- if (isset($params['is_email_receipt'])) {
- $input['is_email_receipt'] = $params['is_email_receipt'];
- }
- if (!empty($params['trxn_date'])) {
- $input['trxn_date'] = $params['trxn_date'];
- }
- if (!empty($params['receive_date'])) {
- $input['receive_date'] = $params['receive_date'];
- }
- if (empty($contribution->contribution_page_id)) {
+ if (empty($templateContribution['contribution_page_id'])) {
+ // Q. why do we need statics here?
static $domainFromName;
static $domainFromEmail;
if (empty($domainFromEmail) && (empty($params['receipt_from_name']) || empty($params['receipt_from_email']))) {
[$domainFromName, $domainFromEmail] = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getNameAndEmail(TRUE);
- $input['receipt_from_name'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('receipt_from_name', $params, $domainFromName);
- $input['receipt_from_email'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('receipt_from_email', $params, $domainFromEmail);
- }
- $input['card_type_id'] = $params['card_type_id'] ?? NULL;
- $input['pan_truncation'] = $params['pan_truncation'] ?? NULL;
- if (!empty($params['payment_instrument_id'])) {
- $input['payment_instrument_id'] = $params['payment_instrument_id'];
+ $input['receipt_from_name'] = ($params['receipt_from_name'] ?? NULL) ?: $domainFromName;
+ $input['receipt_from_email'] = ($params['receipt_from_email'] ?? NULL) ?: $domainFromEmail;
return CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::completeOrder($input,
- !empty($objects['contributionRecur']) ? $objects['contributionRecur']->id : NULL,
- $objects['contribution']->id ?? NULL,
+ $templateContribution['contribution_recur_id'],
$params['is_post_payment_create'] ?? NULL);