* Add or update a contribution
- * @param array $params (reference ) input parameters
+ * @param array $params (reference ) input parameters
+ * @throws API_Exception
* @return array Api result array
* @static void
* @access public
* Retrieve a set of contributions, given a set of input params
- * @param array $params (reference ) input parameters
- * @param array $returnProperties Which properties should be included in the
+ * @param array $params (reference ) input parameters
+ *
+ * @internal param array $returnProperties Which properties should be included in the
* returned Contribution object. If NULL, the default
* set of properties will be included.
* take the input parameter list as specified in the data model and
* convert it into the same format that we use in QF and BAO object
- * @param array $params Associative array of property name/value
+ * @param array $params Associative array of property name/value
* pairs to insert in new contact.
- * @param array $values The reformatted properties that we can use internally
+ * @param array $values The reformatted properties that we can use internally
* '
+ * @param bool $create
+ *
* @return array|CRM_Error
* @access public
return civicrm_api('contribution', 'create', $params);
* Send a contribution confirmation (receipt or invoice)
* The appropriate online template will be used (the existence of related objects
* (e.g. memberships ) will affect this selection
+ *
* @param array $params input parameters
* {@getfields Contribution_sendconfirmation}
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
* @return array Api result array
* @static void
* @access public
- *
function civicrm_api3_contribution_sendconfirmation($params) {
$contribution = new CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution();
* @param array $params input parameters
* {@getfields Contribution_completetransaction}
+ *
+ * @throws API_Exception
* @return array Api result array
* @static void
* @access public
- *
function civicrm_api3_contribution_completetransaction(&$params) {