<p>We welcome you to use the #libreplanet channel on Freenode for informal communication with other volunteers before and during the conference. Please email Chrissie at <a href="mailto:resources@fsf.org">resources@fsf.org</a> with any questions.</p>
+<p><strong>If you are attending the conference, you'll need to <a href="https://libreplanet.org/2015/registration">register</a> in addition to filling out this form. Email <a href="mailto:campaigns@fsf.org">campaigns@fsf.org</a> before registering if you'd like to take advantage of the gratis registration offered volunteers.</strong></p>
<form action="https://crm.fsf.org/civicrm/profile/create?gid=327&reset=1"
class="form-horizontal margin-top" method="post" name="Edit" id="Edit1" role="form">