//relationship contact insert
foreach ($params as $key => $field) {
- list($id, $first, $second) = CRM_Utils_System::explode('_', $key, 3);
+ [$id, $first, $second] = CRM_Utils_System::explode('_', $key, 3);
if (!($first == 'a' && $second == 'b') && !($first == 'b' && $second == 'a')) {
$code = NULL;
if (($code = CRM_Utils_Array::value('code', $newContact['error_message'])) && ($code == CRM_Core_Error::DUPLICATE_CONTACT)) {
- $urls = [];
- // need to fix at some stage and decide if the error will return an
- // array or string, crude hack for now
- if (is_array($newContact['error_message']['params'][0])) {
- $cids = $newContact['error_message']['params'][0];
- }
- else {
- $cids = explode(',', $newContact['error_message']['params'][0]);
- }
- foreach ($cids as $cid) {
- $urls[] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view', 'reset=1&cid=' . $cid, TRUE);
- }
- $url_string = implode("\n", $urls);
- // If we duplicate more than one record, skip no matter what
- if (count($cids) > 1) {
- $errorMessage = ts('Record duplicates multiple contacts');
- $importRecordParams = [
- $statusFieldName => 'ERROR',
- "${statusFieldName}Msg" => $errorMessage,
- ];
- //combine error msg to avoid mismatch between error file columns.
- $errorMessage .= "\n" . $url_string;
- array_unshift($values, $errorMessage);
- $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
- return CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR;
- }
- // Params only had one id, so shift it out
- $contactId = array_shift($cids);
- $cid = NULL;
- $vals = ['contact_id' => $contactId];
- if ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_REPLACE) {
- civicrm_api('contact', 'delete', $vals);
- $cid = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::createProfileContact($formatted, $contactFields, $contactId, NULL, NULL, $formatted['contact_type']);
- }
- elseif ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE) {
- $newContact = $this->createContact($formatted, $contactFields, $onDuplicate, $contactId);
- }
- elseif ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_FILL) {
- $newContact = $this->createContact($formatted, $contactFields, $onDuplicate, $contactId);
- }
- // else skip does nothing and just returns an error code.
- if ($cid) {
- $contact = [
- 'contact_id' => $cid,
- ];
- $defaults = [];
- $newContact = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::retrieve($contact, $defaults);
- }
- if (civicrm_error($newContact)) {
- if (empty($newContact['error_message']['params'])) {
- // different kind of error other than DUPLICATE
- $errorMessage = $newContact['error_message'];
- array_unshift($values, $errorMessage);
- $importRecordParams = [
- $statusFieldName => 'ERROR',
- "${statusFieldName}Msg" => $errorMessage,
- ];
- $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
- return CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR;
- }
- $contactID = $newContact['error_message']['params'][0];
- if (is_array($contactID)) {
- $contactID = array_pop($contactID);
- }
- if (!in_array($contactID, $this->_newContacts)) {
- $this->_newContacts[] = $contactID;
- }
- }
- //CRM-262 No Duplicate Checking
- if ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_SKIP) {
- array_unshift($values, $url_string);
- $importRecordParams = [
- $statusFieldName => 'DUPLICATE',
- "${statusFieldName}Msg" => "Skipping duplicate record",
- ];
- $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
- return CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE;
- }
- $importRecordParams = [
- $statusFieldName => 'IMPORTED',
- ];
- $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
- //return warning if street address is not parsed, CRM-5886
- return $this->processMessage($values, $statusFieldName, CRM_Import_Parser::VALID);
+ return $this->handleDuplicateError($newContact, $statusFieldName, $values, $onDuplicate, $formatted, $contactFields);
else {
// Not a dupe, so we had an error
$this->_relationships = $this->getRelationships();
+ /**
+ * @param array $newContact
+ * @param $statusFieldName
+ * @param array $values
+ * @param int $onDuplicate
+ * @param array $formatted
+ * @param array $contactFields
+ *
+ * @return int
+ *
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+ * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException
+ */
+ protected function handleDuplicateError(array $newContact, $statusFieldName, array $values, int $onDuplicate, array $formatted, array $contactFields): int {
+ $urls = [];
+ // need to fix at some stage and decide if the error will return an
+ // array or string, crude hack for now
+ if (is_array($newContact['error_message']['params'][0])) {
+ $cids = $newContact['error_message']['params'][0];
+ }
+ else {
+ $cids = explode(',', $newContact['error_message']['params'][0]);
+ }
+ foreach ($cids as $cid) {
+ $urls[] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view', 'reset=1&cid=' . $cid, TRUE);
+ }
+ $url_string = implode("\n", $urls);
+ // If we duplicate more than one record, skip no matter what
+ if (count($cids) > 1) {
+ $errorMessage = ts('Record duplicates multiple contacts');
+ $importRecordParams = [
+ $statusFieldName => 'ERROR',
+ "${statusFieldName}Msg" => $errorMessage,
+ ];
+ //combine error msg to avoid mismatch between error file columns.
+ $errorMessage .= "\n" . $url_string;
+ array_unshift($values, $errorMessage);
+ $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
+ return CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR;
+ }
+ // Params only had one id, so shift it out
+ $contactId = array_shift($cids);
+ $cid = NULL;
+ $vals = ['contact_id' => $contactId];
+ if ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_REPLACE) {
+ civicrm_api('contact', 'delete', $vals);
+ $cid = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::createProfileContact($formatted, $contactFields, $contactId, NULL, NULL, $formatted['contact_type']);
+ }
+ elseif ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE) {
+ $newContact = $this->createContact($formatted, $contactFields, $onDuplicate, $contactId);
+ }
+ elseif ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_FILL) {
+ $newContact = $this->createContact($formatted, $contactFields, $onDuplicate, $contactId);
+ }
+ // else skip does nothing and just returns an error code.
+ if ($cid) {
+ $contact = [
+ 'contact_id' => $cid,
+ ];
+ $defaults = [];
+ $newContact = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::retrieve($contact, $defaults);
+ }
+ if (civicrm_error($newContact)) {
+ if (empty($newContact['error_message']['params'])) {
+ // different kind of error other than DUPLICATE
+ $errorMessage = $newContact['error_message'];
+ array_unshift($values, $errorMessage);
+ $importRecordParams = [
+ $statusFieldName => 'ERROR',
+ "${statusFieldName}Msg" => $errorMessage,
+ ];
+ $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
+ return CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR;
+ }
+ $contactID = $newContact['error_message']['params'][0];
+ if (is_array($contactID)) {
+ $contactID = array_pop($contactID);
+ }
+ if (!in_array($contactID, $this->_newContacts)) {
+ $this->_newContacts[] = $contactID;
+ }
+ }
+ //CRM-262 No Duplicate Checking
+ if ($onDuplicate == CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_SKIP) {
+ array_unshift($values, $url_string);
+ $importRecordParams = [
+ $statusFieldName => 'DUPLICATE',
+ "${statusFieldName}Msg" => "Skipping duplicate record",
+ ];
+ $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
+ return CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE;
+ }
+ $importRecordParams = [
+ $statusFieldName => 'IMPORTED',
+ ];
+ $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
+ //return warning if street address is not parsed, CRM-5886
+ return $this->processMessage($values, $statusFieldName, CRM_Import_Parser::VALID);
+ }