* XML_Util
* XML Utilities package
- *
+ *
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* utility class for working with XML documents
+ *
* @category XML
* @package XML_Util
* @author Stephan Schmidt <schst@php.net>
* @version Release: 1.2.1
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/XML_Util
-class XML_Util
- /**
- * return API version
- *
- * @return string $version API version
- * @access public
- * @static
- */
- function apiVersion()
- {
- return '1.1';
- }
- /**
- * replace XML entities
- *
- * With the optional second parameter, you may select, which
- * entities should be replaced.
- *
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // replace XML entites:
- * $string = XML_Util::replaceEntities('This string contains < & >.');
- * </code>
- *
- * With the optional third parameter, you may pass the character encoding
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // replace XML entites in UTF-8:
- * $string = XML_Util::replaceEntities(
- * 'This string contains < & > as well as ä, ö, ß, à and ê',
- * 'UTF-8'
- * );
- * </code>
- *
- * @param string $string string where XML special chars
- * should be replaced
- * @param int $replaceEntities setting for entities in attribute values
- * @param string $encoding encoding value (if any)...
- * must be a valid encoding as determined
- * by the htmlentities() function
- *
- * @return string string with replaced chars
- * @access public
- * @static
- * @see reverseEntities()
- */
- function replaceEntities($string, $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML,
- $encoding = 'ISO-8859-1')
- {
- switch ($replaceEntities) {
- return strtr($string, array(
- '&' => '&',
- '>' => '>',
- '<' => '<',
- '"' => '"',
- '\'' => ''' ));
- break;
- return strtr($string, array(
- '&' => '&',
- '<' => '<',
- '"' => '"' ));
- break;
- return htmlentities($string, ENT_COMPAT, $encoding);
- break;
- }
- return $string;
- }
- /**
- * reverse XML entities
- *
- * With the optional second parameter, you may select, which
- * entities should be reversed.
- *
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // reverse XML entites:
- * $string = XML_Util::reverseEntities('This string contains < & >.');
- * </code>
- *
- * With the optional third parameter, you may pass the character encoding
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // reverse XML entites in UTF-8:
- * $string = XML_Util::reverseEntities(
- * 'This string contains < & > as well as'
- * . ' ä, ö, ß, à and ê',
- * 'UTF-8'
- * );
- * </code>
- *
- * @param string $string string where XML special chars
- * should be replaced
- * @param int $replaceEntities setting for entities in attribute values
- * @param string $encoding encoding value (if any)...
- * must be a valid encoding as determined
- * by the html_entity_decode() function
- *
- * @return string string with replaced chars
- * @access public
- * @static
- * @see replaceEntities()
- */
- function reverseEntities($string, $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML,
- $encoding = 'ISO-8859-1')
- {
- switch ($replaceEntities) {
- return strtr($string, array(
- '&' => '&',
- '>' => '>',
- '<' => '<',
- '"' => '"',
- ''' => '\'' ));
- break;
- return strtr($string, array(
- '&' => '&',
- '<' => '<',
- '"' => '"' ));
- break;
- return html_entity_decode($string, ENT_COMPAT, $encoding);
- break;
- }
- return $string;
- }
- /**
- * build an xml declaration
- *
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // get an XML declaration:
- * $xmlDecl = XML_Util::getXMLDeclaration('1.0', 'UTF-8', true);
- * </code>
- *
- * @param string $version xml version
- * @param string $encoding character encoding
- * @param bool $standalone document is standalone (or not)
- *
- * @return string xml declaration
- * @access public
- * @static
- * @uses attributesToString() to serialize the attributes of the XML declaration
- */
- function getXMLDeclaration($version = '1.0', $encoding = null,
- $standalone = null)
- {
- $attributes = array(
- 'version' => $version,
- );
- // add encoding
- if ($encoding !== null) {
- $attributes['encoding'] = $encoding;
- }
- // add standalone, if specified
- if ($standalone !== null) {
- $attributes['standalone'] = $standalone ? 'yes' : 'no';
- }
- return sprintf('<?xml%s?>',
- XML_Util::attributesToString($attributes, false));
- }
- /**
- * build a document type declaration
- *
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // get a doctype declaration:
- * $xmlDecl = XML_Util::getDocTypeDeclaration('rootTag','myDocType.dtd');
- * </code>
- *
- * @param string $root name of the root tag
- * @param string $uri uri of the doctype definition
- * (or array with uri and public id)
- * @param string $internalDtd internal dtd entries
- *
- * @return string doctype declaration
- * @access public
- * @static
- * @since 0.2
- */
- function getDocTypeDeclaration($root, $uri = null, $internalDtd = null)
- {
- if (is_array($uri)) {
- $ref = sprintf(' PUBLIC "%s" "%s"', $uri['id'], $uri['uri']);
- } elseif (!empty($uri)) {
- $ref = sprintf(' SYSTEM "%s"', $uri);
- } else {
- $ref = '';
- }
+class XML_Util {
+ /**
+ * return API version
+ *
+ * @return string $version API version
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ */
+ public function apiVersion() {
+ return '1.1';
+ }
+ /**
+ * replace XML entities
+ *
+ * With the optional second parameter, you may select, which
+ * entities should be replaced.
+ *
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // replace XML entites:
+ * $string = XML_Util::replaceEntities('This string contains < & >.');
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * With the optional third parameter, you may pass the character encoding
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // replace XML entites in UTF-8:
+ * $string = XML_Util::replaceEntities(
+ * 'This string contains < & > as well as ä, ö, ß, à and ê',
+ * 'UTF-8'
+ * );
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @param string $string string where XML special chars
+ * should be replaced
+ * @param int $replaceEntities
+ * @param string $encoding encoding value (if any)...
+ * must be a valid encoding as determined
+ * by the htmlentities() function
+ *
+ * @return string string with replaced chars
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ * @see reverseEntities()
+ */
+ public function replaceEntities($string, $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML,
+ $encoding = 'ISO-8859-1') {
+ switch ($replaceEntities) {
+ return strtr($string, array(
+ '&' => '&',
+ '>' => '>',
+ '<' => '<',
+ '"' => '"',
+ '\'' => ''',
+ ));
+ break;
+ return strtr($string, array(
+ '&' => '&',
+ '<' => '<',
+ '"' => '"',
+ ));
+ break;
+ return htmlentities($string, ENT_COMPAT, $encoding);
+ break;
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
+ * reverse XML entities
+ *
+ * With the optional second parameter, you may select, which
+ * entities should be reversed.
+ *
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // reverse XML entites:
+ * $string = XML_Util::reverseEntities('This string contains < & >.');
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * With the optional third parameter, you may pass the character encoding
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // reverse XML entites in UTF-8:
+ * $string = XML_Util::reverseEntities(
+ * 'This string contains < & > as well as'
+ * . ' ä, ö, ß, à and ê',
+ * 'UTF-8'
+ * );
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @param string $string string where XML special chars
+ * should be replaced
+ * @param int $replaceEntities
+ * @param string $encoding encoding value (if any)...
+ * must be a valid encoding as determined
+ * by the html_entity_decode() function
+ *
+ * @return string string with replaced chars
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ * @see replaceEntities()
+ */
+ public function reverseEntities($string, $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML,
+ $encoding = 'ISO-8859-1') {
+ switch ($replaceEntities) {
+ return strtr($string, array(
+ '&' => '&',
+ '>' => '>',
+ '<' => '<',
+ '"' => '"',
+ ''' => '\'',
+ ));
+ break;
+ return strtr($string, array(
+ '&' => '&',
+ '<' => '<',
+ '"' => '"',
+ ));
+ break;
+ return html_entity_decode($string, ENT_COMPAT, $encoding);
+ break;
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
+ * build an xml declaration
+ *
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // get an XML declaration:
+ * $xmlDecl = XML_Util::getXMLDeclaration('1.0', 'UTF-8', true);
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @param string $version xml version
+ * @param string $encoding character encoding
+ * @param bool $standalone
+ *
+ * @return string xml declaration
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ * @uses attributesToString() to serialize the attributes of the XML declaration
+ */
+ public function getXMLDeclaration($version = '1.0', $encoding = NULL,
+ $standalone = NULL) {
+ $attributes = array(
+ 'version' => $version,
+ );
+ // add encoding
+ if ($encoding !== NULL) {
+ $attributes['encoding'] = $encoding;
+ }
+ // add standalone, if specified
+ if ($standalone !== NULL) {
+ $attributes['standalone'] = $standalone ? 'yes' : 'no';
+ }
- if (empty($internalDtd)) {
- return sprintf('<!DOCTYPE %s%s>', $root, $ref);
- } else {
- return sprintf("<!DOCTYPE %s%s [\n%s\n]>", $root, $ref, $internalDtd);
- }
+ return sprintf('<?xml%s?>',
+ XML_Util::attributesToString($attributes, FALSE));
+ }
+ /**
+ * build a document type declaration
+ *
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // get a doctype declaration:
+ * $xmlDecl = XML_Util::getDocTypeDeclaration('rootTag','myDocType.dtd');
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @param string $root name of the root tag
+ * @param string $uri uri of the doctype definition
+ * (or array with uri and public id)
+ * @param string $internalDtd internal dtd entries
+ *
+ * @return string doctype declaration
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ * @since 0.2
+ */
+ public function getDocTypeDeclaration($root, $uri = NULL, $internalDtd = NULL) {
+ if (is_array($uri)) {
+ $ref = sprintf(' PUBLIC "%s" "%s"', $uri['id'], $uri['uri']);
+ }
+ elseif (!empty($uri)) {
+ $ref = sprintf(' SYSTEM "%s"', $uri);
+ }
+ else {
+ $ref = '';
- /**
- * create string representation of an attribute list
- *
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // build an attribute string
- * $att = array(
- * 'foo' => 'bar',
- * 'argh' => 'tomato'
- * );
- *
- * $attList = XML_Util::attributesToString($att);
- * </code>
- *
- * @param array $attributes attribute array
- * @param bool|array $sort sort attribute list alphabetically,
- * may also be an assoc array containing
- * the keys 'sort', 'multiline', 'indent',
- * 'linebreak' and 'entities'
- * @param bool $multiline use linebreaks, if more than
- * one attribute is given
- * @param string $indent string used for indentation of
- * multiline attributes
- * @param string $linebreak string used for linebreaks of
- * multiline attributes
- * @param int $entities setting for entities in attribute values
- *
- * @return string string representation of the attributes
- * @access public
- * @static
- * @uses replaceEntities() to replace XML entities in attribute values
- * @todo allow sort also to be an options array
+ if (empty($internalDtd)) {
+ return sprintf('<!DOCTYPE %s%s>', $root, $ref);
+ }
+ else {
+ return sprintf("<!DOCTYPE %s%s [\n%s\n]>", $root, $ref, $internalDtd);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * create string representation of an attribute list
+ *
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // build an attribute string
+ * $att = array(
+ * 'foo' => 'bar',
+ * 'argh' => 'tomato'
+ * );
+ *
+ * $attList = XML_Util::attributesToString($att);
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @param array $attributes
+ * @param bool|array $sort sort attribute list alphabetically,
+ * may also be an assoc array containing
+ * the keys 'sort', 'multiline', 'indent',
+ * 'linebreak' and 'entities'
+ * @param bool $multiline
+ * one attribute is given
+ * @param string $indent
+ * multiline attributes
+ * @param string $linebreak
+ * multiline attributes
+ * @param int $entities
+ *
+ * @return string string representation of the attributes
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ * @uses replaceEntities() to replace XML entities in attribute values
+ * @todo allow sort also to be an options array
+ */
+ public function attributesToString($attributes, $sort = TRUE, $multiline = FALSE,
+ $indent = ' ', $linebreak = "\n", $entities = XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML) {
+ /*
+ * second parameter may be an array
- function attributesToString($attributes, $sort = true, $multiline = false,
- $indent = ' ', $linebreak = "\n", $entities = XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML)
- {
- /*
- * second parameter may be an array
- */
- if (is_array($sort)) {
- if (isset($sort['multiline'])) {
- $multiline = $sort['multiline'];
- }
- if (isset($sort['indent'])) {
- $indent = $sort['indent'];
- }
- if (isset($sort['linebreak'])) {
- $multiline = $sort['linebreak'];
- }
- if (isset($sort['entities'])) {
- $entities = $sort['entities'];
- }
- if (isset($sort['sort'])) {
- $sort = $sort['sort'];
- } else {
- $sort = true;
- }
- }
- $string = '';
- if (is_array($attributes) && !empty($attributes)) {
- if ($sort) {
- ksort($attributes);
- }
- if ( !$multiline || count($attributes) == 1) {
- foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
- if ($entities != XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_NONE) {
- if ($entities === XML_UTIL_CDATA_SECTION) {
- $entities = XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML;
- }
- $value = XML_Util::replaceEntities($value, $entities);
- }
- $string .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"';
- }
- } else {
- $first = true;
- foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
- if ($entities != XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_NONE) {
- $value = XML_Util::replaceEntities($value, $entities);
- }
- if ($first) {
- $string .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"';
- $first = false;
- } else {
- $string .= $linebreak . $indent . $key . '="' . $value . '"';
- }
- }
+ if (is_array($sort)) {
+ if (isset($sort['multiline'])) {
+ $multiline = $sort['multiline'];
+ }
+ if (isset($sort['indent'])) {
+ $indent = $sort['indent'];
+ }
+ if (isset($sort['linebreak'])) {
+ $multiline = $sort['linebreak'];
+ }
+ if (isset($sort['entities'])) {
+ $entities = $sort['entities'];
+ }
+ if (isset($sort['sort'])) {
+ $sort = $sort['sort'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $sort = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ $string = '';
+ if (is_array($attributes) && !empty($attributes)) {
+ if ($sort) {
+ ksort($attributes);
+ }
+ if (!$multiline || count($attributes) == 1) {
+ foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
+ if ($entities != XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_NONE) {
+ if ($entities === XML_UTIL_CDATA_SECTION) {
+ $entities = XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML;
+ $value = XML_Util::replaceEntities($value, $entities);
+ }
+ $string .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"';
- return $string;
- }
- /**
- * Collapses empty tags.
- *
- * @param string $xml XML
- * @param int $mode Whether to collapse all empty tags (XML_UTIL_COLLAPSE_ALL)
- *
- * @return string XML
- * @access public
- * @static
- * @todo PEAR CS - unable to avoid "space after open parens" error
- * in the IF branch
- */
- function collapseEmptyTags($xml, $mode = XML_UTIL_COLLAPSE_ALL)
- {
- return preg_replace(
- '/<(area|base(?:font)?|br|col|frame|hr|img|input|isindex|link|meta|'
- . 'param)([^>]*)><\/\\1>/s',
- '<\\1\\2 />',
- $xml);
- } else {
- return preg_replace('/<(\w+)([^>]*)><\/\\1>/s', '<\\1\\2 />', $xml);
+ }
+ else {
+ $first = TRUE;
+ foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
+ if ($entities != XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_NONE) {
+ $value = XML_Util::replaceEntities($value, $entities);
+ }
+ if ($first) {
+ $string .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"';
+ $first = FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ $string .= $linebreak . $indent . $key . '="' . $value . '"';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Collapses empty tags.
+ *
+ * @param string $xml XML
+ * @param int $mode
+ *
+ * @return string XML
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ * @todo PEAR CS - unable to avoid "space after open parens" error
+ * in the IF branch
+ */
+ public function collapseEmptyTags($xml, $mode = XML_UTIL_COLLAPSE_ALL) {
+ return preg_replace(
+ '/<(area|base(?:font)?|br|col|frame|hr|img|input|isindex|link|meta|'
+ . 'param)([^>]*)><\/\\1>/s',
+ '<\\1\\2 />',
+ $xml);
+ }
+ else {
+ return preg_replace('/<(\w+)([^>]*)><\/\\1>/s', '<\\1\\2 />', $xml);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * create a tag
+ *
+ * This method will call XML_Util::createTagFromArray(), which
+ * is more flexible.
+ *
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // create an XML tag:
+ * $tag = XML_Util::createTag('myNs:myTag',
+ * array('foo' => 'bar'),
+ * 'This is inside the tag',
+ * 'http://www.w3c.org/myNs#');
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @param string $qname qualified tagname (including namespace)
+ * @param array $attributes
+ * @param mixed $content
+ * @param string $namespaceUri URI of the namespace
+ * @param int $replaceEntities
+ * content, embedd it in a CData section
+ * or none of both
+ * @param bool $multiline
+ * each attribute gets written to a single line
+ * @param string $indent string used to indent attributes
+ * (_auto indents attributes so they start
+ * at the same column)
+ * @param string $linebreak string used for linebreaks
+ * @param bool $sortAttributes
+ *
+ * @return string XML tag
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ * @see createTagFromArray()
+ * @uses createTagFromArray() to create the tag
+ */
+ public function createTag($qname, $attributes = array(), $content = NULL,
+ $namespaceUri = NULL, $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES,
+ $multiline = FALSE, $indent = '_auto', $linebreak = "\n",
+ $sortAttributes = TRUE) {
+ $tag = array(
+ 'qname' => $qname,
+ 'attributes' => $attributes,
+ );
+ // add tag content
+ if ($content !== NULL) {
+ $tag['content'] = $content;
- /**
- * create a tag
- *
- * This method will call XML_Util::createTagFromArray(), which
- * is more flexible.
- *
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // create an XML tag:
- * $tag = XML_Util::createTag('myNs:myTag',
- * array('foo' => 'bar'),
- * 'This is inside the tag',
- * 'http://www.w3c.org/myNs#');
- * </code>
- *
- * @param string $qname qualified tagname (including namespace)
- * @param array $attributes array containg attributes
- * @param mixed $content the content
- * @param string $namespaceUri URI of the namespace
- * @param int $replaceEntities whether to replace XML special chars in
- * content, embedd it in a CData section
- * or none of both
- * @param bool $multiline whether to create a multiline tag where
- * each attribute gets written to a single line
- * @param string $indent string used to indent attributes
- * (_auto indents attributes so they start
- * at the same column)
- * @param string $linebreak string used for linebreaks
- * @param bool $sortAttributes Whether to sort the attributes or not
- *
- * @return string XML tag
- * @access public
- * @static
- * @see createTagFromArray()
- * @uses createTagFromArray() to create the tag
- */
- function createTag($qname, $attributes = array(), $content = null,
- $namespaceUri = null, $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES,
- $multiline = false, $indent = '_auto', $linebreak = "\n",
- $sortAttributes = true)
- {
- $tag = array(
- 'qname' => $qname,
- 'attributes' => $attributes
- );
- // add tag content
- if ($content !== null) {
- $tag['content'] = $content;
- }
- // add namespace Uri
- if ($namespaceUri !== null) {
- $tag['namespaceUri'] = $namespaceUri;
- }
+ // add namespace Uri
+ if ($namespaceUri !== NULL) {
+ $tag['namespaceUri'] = $namespaceUri;
+ }
- return XML_Util::createTagFromArray($tag, $replaceEntities, $multiline,
- $indent, $linebreak, $sortAttributes);
- }
- /**
- * create a tag from an array
- * this method awaits an array in the following format
- * <pre>
- * array(
- * // qualified name of the tag
- * 'qname' => $qname
- *
- * // namespace prefix (optional, if qname is specified or no namespace)
- * 'namespace' => $namespace
- *
- * // local part of the tagname (optional, if qname is specified)
- * 'localpart' => $localpart,
- *
- * // array containing all attributes (optional)
- * 'attributes' => array(),
- *
- * // tag content (optional)
- * 'content' => $content,
- *
- * // namespaceUri for the given namespace (optional)
- * 'namespaceUri' => $namespaceUri
- * )
- * </pre>
- *
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * $tag = array(
- * 'qname' => 'foo:bar',
- * 'namespaceUri' => 'http://foo.com',
- * 'attributes' => array('key' => 'value', 'argh' => 'fruit&vegetable'),
- * 'content' => 'I\'m inside the tag',
- * );
- * // creating a tag with qualified name and namespaceUri
- * $string = XML_Util::createTagFromArray($tag);
- * </code>
- *
- * @param array $tag tag definition
- * @param int $replaceEntities whether to replace XML special chars in
- * content, embedd it in a CData section
- * or none of both
- * @param bool $multiline whether to create a multiline tag where each
- * attribute gets written to a single line
- * @param string $indent string used to indent attributes
- * (_auto indents attributes so they start
- * at the same column)
- * @param string $linebreak string used for linebreaks
- * @param bool $sortAttributes Whether to sort the attributes or not
- *
- * @return string XML tag
- * @access public
- * @static
- * @see createTag()
- * @uses attributesToString() to serialize the attributes of the tag
- * @uses splitQualifiedName() to get local part and namespace of a qualified name
- * @uses createCDataSection()
- * @uses raiseError()
- */
- function createTagFromArray($tag, $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES,
- $multiline = false, $indent = '_auto', $linebreak = "\n",
- $sortAttributes = true)
- {
- if (isset($tag['content']) && !is_scalar($tag['content'])) {
- return XML_Util::raiseError('Supplied non-scalar value as tag content',
- }
+ return XML_Util::createTagFromArray($tag, $replaceEntities, $multiline,
+ $indent, $linebreak, $sortAttributes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * create a tag from an array
+ * this method awaits an array in the following format
+ * <pre>
+ * array(
+ * // qualified name of the tag
+ * 'qname' => $qname
+ *
+ * // namespace prefix (optional, if qname is specified or no namespace)
+ * 'namespace' => $namespace
+ *
+ * // local part of the tagname (optional, if qname is specified)
+ * 'localpart' => $localpart,
+ *
+ * // array containing all attributes (optional)
+ * 'attributes' => array(),
+ *
+ * // tag content (optional)
+ * 'content' => $content,
+ *
+ * // namespaceUri for the given namespace (optional)
+ * 'namespaceUri' => $namespaceUri
+ * )
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * $tag = array(
+ * 'qname' => 'foo:bar',
+ * 'namespaceUri' => 'http://foo.com',
+ * 'attributes' => array('key' => 'value', 'argh' => 'fruit&vegetable'),
+ * 'content' => 'I\'m inside the tag',
+ * );
+ * // creating a tag with qualified name and namespaceUri
+ * $string = XML_Util::createTagFromArray($tag);
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @param array $tag
+ * @param int $replaceEntities
+ * content, embedd it in a CData section
+ * or none of both
+ * @param bool $multiline
+ * attribute gets written to a single line
+ * @param string $indent string used to indent attributes
+ * (_auto indents attributes so they start
+ * at the same column)
+ * @param string $linebreak string used for linebreaks
+ * @param bool $sortAttributes
+ *
+ * @return string XML tag
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ * @see createTag()
+ * @uses attributesToString() to serialize the attributes of the tag
+ * @uses splitQualifiedName() to get local part and namespace of a qualified name
+ * @uses createCDataSection()
+ * @uses raiseError()
+ */
+ public function createTagFromArray($tag, $replaceEntities = XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES,
+ $multiline = FALSE, $indent = '_auto', $linebreak = "\n",
+ $sortAttributes = TRUE) {
+ if (isset($tag['content']) && !is_scalar($tag['content'])) {
+ return XML_Util::raiseError('Supplied non-scalar value as tag content',
+ }
- if (!isset($tag['qname']) && !isset($tag['localPart'])) {
- return XML_Util::raiseError('You must either supply a qualified name '
- . '(qname) or local tag name (localPart).',
- }
+ if (!isset($tag['qname']) && !isset($tag['localPart'])) {
+ return XML_Util::raiseError('You must either supply a qualified name '
+ . '(qname) or local tag name (localPart).',
+ }
- // if no attributes hav been set, use empty attributes
- if (!isset($tag['attributes']) || !is_array($tag['attributes'])) {
- $tag['attributes'] = array();
- }
+ // if no attributes hav been set, use empty attributes
+ if (!isset($tag['attributes']) || !is_array($tag['attributes'])) {
+ $tag['attributes'] = array();
+ }
- if (isset($tag['namespaces'])) {
- foreach ($tag['namespaces'] as $ns => $uri) {
- $tag['attributes']['xmlns:' . $ns] = $uri;
- }
- }
+ if (isset($tag['namespaces'])) {
+ foreach ($tag['namespaces'] as $ns => $uri) {
+ $tag['attributes']['xmlns:' . $ns] = $uri;
+ }
+ }
- if (!isset($tag['qname'])) {
- // qualified name is not given
+ if (!isset($tag['qname'])) {
+ // qualified name is not given
- // check for namespace
- if (isset($tag['namespace']) && !empty($tag['namespace'])) {
- $tag['qname'] = $tag['namespace'] . ':' . $tag['localPart'];
- } else {
- $tag['qname'] = $tag['localPart'];
- }
- } elseif (isset($tag['namespaceUri']) && !isset($tag['namespace'])) {
- // namespace URI is set, but no namespace
+ // check for namespace
+ if (isset($tag['namespace']) && !empty($tag['namespace'])) {
+ $tag['qname'] = $tag['namespace'] . ':' . $tag['localPart'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $tag['qname'] = $tag['localPart'];
+ }
+ }
+ elseif (isset($tag['namespaceUri']) && !isset($tag['namespace'])) {
+ // namespace URI is set, but no namespace
- $parts = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($tag['qname']);
+ $parts = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($tag['qname']);
- $tag['localPart'] = $parts['localPart'];
- if (isset($parts['namespace'])) {
- $tag['namespace'] = $parts['namespace'];
- }
- }
+ $tag['localPart'] = $parts['localPart'];
+ if (isset($parts['namespace'])) {
+ $tag['namespace'] = $parts['namespace'];
+ }
+ }
- if (isset($tag['namespaceUri']) && !empty($tag['namespaceUri'])) {
- // is a namespace given
- if (isset($tag['namespace']) && !empty($tag['namespace'])) {
- $tag['attributes']['xmlns:' . $tag['namespace']] =
+ if (isset($tag['namespaceUri']) && !empty($tag['namespaceUri'])) {
+ // is a namespace given
+ if (isset($tag['namespace']) && !empty($tag['namespace'])) {
+ $tag['attributes']['xmlns:' . $tag['namespace']] =
- } else {
- // define this Uri as the default namespace
- $tag['attributes']['xmlns'] = $tag['namespaceUri'];
- }
- }
+ }
+ else {
+ // define this Uri as the default namespace
+ $tag['attributes']['xmlns'] = $tag['namespaceUri'];
+ }
+ }
- // check for multiline attributes
- if ($multiline === true) {
- if ($indent === '_auto') {
- $indent = str_repeat(' ', (strlen($tag['qname'])+2));
- }
- }
+ // check for multiline attributes
+ if ($multiline === TRUE) {
+ if ($indent === '_auto') {
+ $indent = str_repeat(' ', (strlen($tag['qname']) + 2));
+ }
+ }
- // create attribute list
- $attList = XML_Util::attributesToString($tag['attributes'],
- $sortAttributes, $multiline, $indent, $linebreak, $replaceEntities);
- if (!isset($tag['content']) || (string)$tag['content'] == '') {
- $tag = sprintf('<%s%s />', $tag['qname'], $attList);
- } else {
- switch ($replaceEntities) {
- break;
- $tag['content'] = XML_Util::createCDataSection($tag['content']);
- break;
- default:
- $tag['content'] = XML_Util::replaceEntities($tag['content'],
- $replaceEntities);
- break;
- }
- $tag = sprintf('<%s%s>%s</%s>', $tag['qname'], $attList, $tag['content'],
- $tag['qname']);
- }
- return $tag;
- }
- /**
- * create a start element
- *
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // create an XML start element:
- * $tag = XML_Util::createStartElement('myNs:myTag',
- * array('foo' => 'bar') ,'http://www.w3c.org/myNs#');
- * </code>
- *
- * @param string $qname qualified tagname (including namespace)
- * @param array $attributes array containg attributes
- * @param string $namespaceUri URI of the namespace
- * @param bool $multiline whether to create a multiline tag where each
- * attribute gets written to a single line
- * @param string $indent string used to indent attributes (_auto indents
- * attributes so they start at the same column)
- * @param string $linebreak string used for linebreaks
- * @param bool $sortAttributes Whether to sort the attributes or not
- *
- * @return string XML start element
- * @access public
- * @static
- * @see createEndElement(), createTag()
- */
- function createStartElement($qname, $attributes = array(), $namespaceUri = null,
- $multiline = false, $indent = '_auto', $linebreak = "\n",
- $sortAttributes = true)
- {
- // if no attributes hav been set, use empty attributes
- if (!isset($attributes) || !is_array($attributes)) {
- $attributes = array();
- }
+ // create attribute list
+ $attList = XML_Util::attributesToString($tag['attributes'],
+ $sortAttributes, $multiline, $indent, $linebreak, $replaceEntities);
+ if (!isset($tag['content']) || (string) $tag['content'] == '') {
+ $tag = sprintf('<%s%s />', $tag['qname'], $attList);
+ }
+ else {
+ switch ($replaceEntities) {
+ break;
+ $tag['content'] = XML_Util::createCDataSection($tag['content']);
+ break;
+ default:
+ $tag['content'] = XML_Util::replaceEntities($tag['content'],
+ $replaceEntities);
+ break;
+ }
+ $tag = sprintf('<%s%s>%s</%s>', $tag['qname'], $attList, $tag['content'],
+ $tag['qname']);
+ }
+ return $tag;
+ }
+ /**
+ * create a start element
+ *
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // create an XML start element:
+ * $tag = XML_Util::createStartElement('myNs:myTag',
+ * array('foo' => 'bar') ,'http://www.w3c.org/myNs#');
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @param string $qname qualified tagname (including namespace)
+ * @param array $attributes
+ * @param string $namespaceUri URI of the namespace
+ * @param bool $multiline
+ * attribute gets written to a single line
+ * @param string $indent string used to indent attributes (_auto indents
+ * attributes so they start at the same column)
+ * @param string $linebreak string used for linebreaks
+ * @param bool $sortAttributes
+ *
+ * @return string XML start element
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ * @see createEndElement()
+ * @see createTag()
+ */
+ public function createStartElement($qname, $attributes = array(), $namespaceUri = NULL,
+ $multiline = FALSE, $indent = '_auto', $linebreak = "\n",
+ $sortAttributes = TRUE) {
+ // if no attributes hav been set, use empty attributes
+ if (!isset($attributes) || !is_array($attributes)) {
+ $attributes = array();
+ }
- if ($namespaceUri != null) {
- $parts = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($qname);
- }
+ if ($namespaceUri != NULL) {
+ $parts = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($qname);
+ }
- // check for multiline attributes
- if ($multiline === true) {
- if ($indent === '_auto') {
- $indent = str_repeat(' ', (strlen($qname)+2));
- }
- }
+ // check for multiline attributes
+ if ($multiline === TRUE) {
+ if ($indent === '_auto') {
+ $indent = str_repeat(' ', (strlen($qname) + 2));
+ }
+ }
- if ($namespaceUri != null) {
- // is a namespace given
- if (isset($parts['namespace']) && !empty($parts['namespace'])) {
- $attributes['xmlns:' . $parts['namespace']] = $namespaceUri;
- } else {
- // define this Uri as the default namespace
- $attributes['xmlns'] = $namespaceUri;
- }
- }
+ if ($namespaceUri != NULL) {
+ // is a namespace given
+ if (isset($parts['namespace']) && !empty($parts['namespace'])) {
+ $attributes['xmlns:' . $parts['namespace']] = $namespaceUri;
+ }
+ else {
+ // define this Uri as the default namespace
+ $attributes['xmlns'] = $namespaceUri;
+ }
+ }
- // create attribute list
- $attList = XML_Util::attributesToString($attributes, $sortAttributes,
- $multiline, $indent, $linebreak);
- $element = sprintf('<%s%s>', $qname, $attList);
- return $element;
- }
- /**
- * create an end element
- *
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // create an XML start element:
- * $tag = XML_Util::createEndElement('myNs:myTag');
- * </code>
- *
- * @param string $qname qualified tagname (including namespace)
- *
- * @return string XML end element
- * @access public
- * @static
- * @see createStartElement(), createTag()
- */
- function createEndElement($qname)
- {
- $element = sprintf('</%s>', $qname);
- return $element;
- }
- /**
- * create an XML comment
- *
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // create an XML start element:
- * $tag = XML_Util::createComment('I am a comment');
- * </code>
- *
- * @param string $content content of the comment
- *
- * @return string XML comment
- * @access public
- * @static
- */
- function createComment($content)
- {
- $comment = sprintf('<!-- %s -->', $content);
- return $comment;
- }
- /**
- * create a CData section
- *
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // create a CData section
- * $tag = XML_Util::createCDataSection('I am content.');
- * </code>
- *
- * @param string $data data of the CData section
- *
- * @return string CData section with content
- * @access public
- * @static
- */
- function createCDataSection($data)
- {
- return sprintf('<![CDATA[%s]]>',
- preg_replace('/\]\]>/', ']]]]><![CDATA[>', strval($data)));
- }
- /**
- * split qualified name and return namespace and local part
- *
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // split qualified tag
- * $parts = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName('xslt:stylesheet');
- * </code>
- * the returned array will contain two elements:
- * <pre>
- * array(
- * 'namespace' => 'xslt',
- * 'localPart' => 'stylesheet'
- * );
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param string $qname qualified tag name
- * @param string $defaultNs default namespace (optional)
- *
- * @return array array containing namespace and local part
- * @access public
- * @static
- */
- function splitQualifiedName($qname, $defaultNs = null)
- {
- if (strstr($qname, ':')) {
- $tmp = explode(':', $qname);
- return array(
- 'namespace' => $tmp[0],
- 'localPart' => $tmp[1]
- );
- }
- return array(
- 'namespace' => $defaultNs,
- 'localPart' => $qname
- );
- }
- /**
- * check, whether string is valid XML name
- *
- * <p>XML names are used for tagname, attribute names and various
- * other, lesser known entities.</p>
- * <p>An XML name may only consist of alphanumeric characters,
- * dashes, undescores and periods, and has to start with a letter
- * or an underscore.</p>
- *
- * <code>
- * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
- *
- * // verify tag name
- * $result = XML_Util::isValidName('invalidTag?');
- * if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
- * print 'Invalid XML name: ' . $result->getMessage();
- * }
- * </code>
- *
- * @param string $string string that should be checked
- *
- * @return mixed true, if string is a valid XML name, PEAR error otherwise
- * @access public
- * @static
- * @todo support for other charsets
- * @todo PEAR CS - unable to avoid 85-char limit on second preg_match
- */
- function isValidName($string)
- {
- // check for invalid chars
- if (!preg_match('/^[[:alpha:]_]$/', $string{0})) {
- return XML_Util::raiseError('XML names may only start with letter '
- . 'or underscore', XML_UTIL_ERROR_INVALID_START);
- }
+ // create attribute list
+ $attList = XML_Util::attributesToString($attributes, $sortAttributes,
+ $multiline, $indent, $linebreak);
+ $element = sprintf('<%s%s>', $qname, $attList);
+ return $element;
+ }
+ /**
+ * create an end element
+ *
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // create an XML start element:
+ * $tag = XML_Util::createEndElement('myNs:myTag');
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @param string $qname qualified tagname (including namespace)
+ *
+ * @return string XML end element
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ * @see createStartElement()
+ * @see createTag()
+ */
+ public function createEndElement($qname) {
+ $element = sprintf('</%s>', $qname);
+ return $element;
+ }
+ /**
+ * create an XML comment
+ *
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // create an XML start element:
+ * $tag = XML_Util::createComment('I am a comment');
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @param string $content content of the comment
+ *
+ * @return string XML comment
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ */
+ public function createComment($content) {
+ $comment = sprintf('<!-- %s -->', $content);
+ return $comment;
+ }
+ /**
+ * create a CData section
+ *
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // create a CData section
+ * $tag = XML_Util::createCDataSection('I am content.');
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @param string $data data of the CData section
+ *
+ * @return string CData section with content
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ */
+ public function createCDataSection($data) {
+ return sprintf('<![CDATA[%s]]>',
+ preg_replace('/\]\]>/', ']]]]><![CDATA[>', strval($data)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * split qualified name and return namespace and local part
+ *
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // split qualified tag
+ * $parts = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName('xslt:stylesheet');
+ * </code>
+ * the returned array will contain two elements:
+ * <pre>
+ * array(
+ * 'namespace' => 'xslt',
+ * 'localPart' => 'stylesheet'
+ * );
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @param string $qname qualified tag name
+ * @param string $defaultNs default namespace (optional)
+ *
+ * @return array array containing namespace and local part
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ */
+ public function splitQualifiedName($qname, $defaultNs = NULL) {
+ if (strstr($qname, ':')) {
+ $tmp = explode(':', $qname);
+ return array(
+ 'namespace' => $tmp[0],
+ 'localPart' => $tmp[1],
+ );
+ }
+ return array(
+ 'namespace' => $defaultNs,
+ 'localPart' => $qname,
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * check, whether string is valid XML name
+ *
+ * <p>XML names are used for tagname, attribute names and various
+ * other, lesser known entities.</p>
+ * <p>An XML name may only consist of alphanumeric characters,
+ * dashes, undescores and periods, and has to start with a letter
+ * or an underscore.</p>
+ *
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'XML/Util.php';
+ *
+ * // verify tag name
+ * $result = XML_Util::isValidName('invalidTag?');
+ * if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
+ * print 'Invalid XML name: ' . $result->getMessage();
+ * }
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @param string $string string that should be checked
+ *
+ * @return mixed true, if string is a valid XML name, PEAR error otherwise
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ * @todo support for other charsets
+ * @todo PEAR CS - unable to avoid 85-char limit on second preg_match
+ */
+ public function isValidName($string) {
+ // check for invalid chars
+ if (!preg_match('/^[[:alpha:]_]$/', $string{0})) {
+ return XML_Util::raiseError('XML names may only start with letter '
+ . 'or underscore', XML_UTIL_ERROR_INVALID_START);
+ }
- // check for invalid chars
- if (!preg_match('/^([[:alpha:]_]([[:alnum:]\-\.]*)?:)?[[:alpha:]_]([[:alnum:]\_\-\.]+)?$/',
- $string)
- ) {
- return XML_Util::raiseError('XML names may only contain alphanumeric '
- . 'chars, period, hyphen, colon and underscores',
- }
- // XML name is valid
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * replacement for XML_Util::raiseError
- *
- * Avoids the necessity to always require
- * PEAR.php
- *
- * @param string $msg error message
- * @param int $code error code
- *
- * @return PEAR_Error
- * @access public
- * @static
- * @todo PEAR CS - should this use include_once instead?
- */
- function raiseError($msg, $code)
- {
- require_once 'PEAR.php';
- return PEAR::raiseError($msg, $code);
+ // check for invalid chars
+ if (!preg_match('/^([[:alpha:]_]([[:alnum:]\-\.]*)?:)?[[:alpha:]_]([[:alnum:]\_\-\.]+)?$/',
+ $string)
+ ) {
+ return XML_Util::raiseError('XML names may only contain alphanumeric '
+ . 'chars, period, hyphen, colon and underscores',
+ // XML name is valid
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * replacement for XML_Util::raiseError
+ *
+ * Avoids the necessity to always require
+ * PEAR.php
+ *
+ * @param string $msg error message
+ * @param int $code
+ *
+ * @return PEAR_Error
+ * @access public
+ * @static
+ * @todo PEAR CS - should this use include_once instead?
+ */
+ public function raiseError($msg, $code) {
+ require_once 'PEAR.php';
+ return PEAR::raiseError($msg, $code);
+ }
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
- | CiviCRM version 5 |\r
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
- | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |\r
- | |\r
- | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |\r
- | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |\r
- | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |\r
- | |\r
- | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |\r
- | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |\r
- | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |\r
- | |\r
- | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |\r
- | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |\r
- | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |\r
- | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |\r
- | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |\r
- | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |\r
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
- * Licensed to CiviCRM under the Academic Free License version 3.0\r
- * Written & Contributed by Dolphin Software P/L - March 2008 \r
- *\r
- * 'eWAY_GatewayRequest.php' - Based on the standard supplied eWay sample code 'GatewayResponse.php'\r
- *\r
- * The only significant change from the original is that the 'CVN' field is uncommented,\r
- * unlike the distributed sample code.\r
- *\r
- * ALSO: Added a 'GetTransactionNumber' function.\r
- *\r
- **************************************************************************************************************************/\r
-use CRM_Ewaysingle_ExtensionUtil as E;\r
- \r
-class GatewayRequest\r
- var $txCustomerID = "";\r
- var $txAmount = 0;\r
- var $txCardholderName = "";\r
- var $txCardNumber = "";\r
- var $txCardExpiryMonth = "01";\r
- var $txCardExpiryYear = "00";\r
- var $txTransactionNumber = "";\r
- var $txCardholderFirstName = "";\r
- var $txCardholderLastName = "";\r
- var $txCardholderEmailAddress = "";\r
- var $txCardholderAddress = "";\r
- var $txCardholderPostalCode = "";\r
- var $txInvoiceReference = "";\r
- var $txInvoiceDescription = "";\r
- var $txCVN = "";\r
- var $txOption1 = "";\r
- var $txOption2 = "";\r
- var $txOption3 = "";\r
- \r
- var $txCustomerBillingCountry = "";\r
- var $txCustomerIPAddress = "";\r
- function __construct()\r
- {\r
- // Empty Constructor\r
- }\r
- function GetTransactionNumber()\r
- {\r
- return $this->txTransactionNumber;\r
- }\r
- function EwayCustomerID($value) \r
- {\r
- $this->txCustomerID=$value;\r
- }\r
- function InvoiceAmount($value)\r
- {\r
- $this->txAmount=$value;\r
- }\r
- function CardHolderName($value)\r
- {\r
- $this->txCardholderName=$value;\r
- }\r
- function CardExpiryMonth($value) \r
- {\r
- $this->txCardExpiryMonth=$value;\r
- }\r
- function CardExpiryYear($value)\r
- {\r
- $this->txCardExpiryYear=$value;\r
- }\r
- function TransactionNumber($value)\r
- {\r
- $this->txTransactionNumber=$value;\r
- }\r
- function PurchaserFirstName($value)\r
- {\r
- $this->txCardholderFirstName=$value;\r
- }\r
- function PurchaserLastName($value)\r
- {\r
- $this->txCardholderLastName=$value;\r
- }\r
- function CardNumber($value)\r
- {\r
- $this->txCardNumber=$value;\r
- }\r
- function PurchaserAddress($value)\r
- {\r
- $this->txCardholderAddress=$value;\r
- }\r
- function PurchaserPostalCode($value)\r
- {\r
- $this->txCardholderPostalCode=$value;\r
- }\r
- function PurchaserEmailAddress($value)\r
- {\r
- $this->txCardholderEmailAddress=$value;\r
- }\r
- function InvoiceReference($value) \r
- {\r
- $this->txInvoiceReference=$value; \r
- }\r
- function InvoiceDescription($value) \r
- {\r
- $this->txInvoiceDescription=$value; \r
- }\r
- function CVN($value) \r
- {\r
- $this->txCVN=$value; \r
- }\r
- function EwayOption1($value) \r
- {\r
- $this->txOption1=$value; \r
- }\r
- function EwayOption2($value) \r
- {\r
- $this->txOption2=$value; \r
- }\r
- function EwayOption3($value) \r
- {\r
- $this->txOption3=$value; \r
- }\r
- function CustomerBillingCountry($value) \r
- {\r
- $this->txCustomerBillingCountry=$value; \r
- }\r
- function CustomerIPAddress($value) \r
- {\r
- $this->txCustomerIPAddress=$value; \r
- }\r
- function ToXml()\r
- {\r
- // We don't really need the overhead of creating an XML DOM object\r
- // to really just concatenate a string together.\r
- $xml = "<ewaygateway>";\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerID", $this->txCustomerID);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayTotalAmount", $this->txAmount);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCardHoldersName", $this->txCardholderName);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCardNumber", $this->txCardNumber);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCardExpiryMonth", $this->txCardExpiryMonth);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCardExpiryYear", $this->txCardExpiryYear);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayTrxnNumber", $this->txTransactionNumber);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerInvoiceDescription", $this->txInvoiceDescription);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerFirstName", $this->txCardholderFirstName);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerLastName", $this->txCardholderLastName);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerEmail", $this->txCardholderEmailAddress);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerAddress", $this->txCardholderAddress);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerPostcode", $this->txCardholderPostalCode);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerInvoiceRef", $this->txInvoiceReference);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCVN", $this->txCVN);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayOption1", $this->txOption1);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayOption2", $this->txOption2);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayOption3", $this->txOption3);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerIPAddress", $this->txCustomerIPAddress);\r
- $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerBillingCountry", $this->txCustomerBillingCountry);\r
- $xml .= "</ewaygateway>";\r
- \r
- return $xml;\r
- }\r
- \r
- \r
- /********************************************************\r
- * Builds a simple XML Node\r
- *\r
- * 'NodeName' is the anem of the node being created.\r
- * 'NodeValue' is its value\r
- *\r
- ********************************************************/\r
- function CreateNode($NodeName, $NodeValue)\r
- {\r
- require_once E::path('lib/XML/Util.php');\r
- $xml = new XML_Util();\r
- $node = "<" . $NodeName . ">" . $xml->replaceEntities($NodeValue) . "</" . $NodeName . ">";\r
- return $node;\r
- }\r
- \r
-} // class GatewayRequest\r
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | CiviCRM version 5 |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
+ | |
+ | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
+ | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
+ | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
+ | |
+ | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
+ | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
+ | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
+ | |
+ | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
+ | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
+ | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
+ | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
+ | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
+ | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ */
+ * Licensed to CiviCRM under the Academic Free License version 3.0
+ * Written & Contributed by Dolphin Software P/L - March 2008
+ *
+ * 'eWAY_GatewayRequest.php' - Based on the standard supplied eWay sample code 'GatewayResponse.php'
+ *
+ * The only significant change from the original is that the 'CVN' field is uncommented,
+ * unlike the distributed sample code.
+ *
+ * ALSO: Added a 'GetTransactionNumber' function.
+ *
+ */
+use CRM_Ewaysingle_ExtensionUtil as E;
+class GatewayRequest {
+ public $txCustomerID = "";
+ public $txAmount = 0;
+ public $txCardholderName = "";
+ public $txCardNumber = "";
+ public $txCardExpiryMonth = "01";
+ public $txCardExpiryYear = "00";
+ public $txTransactionNumber = "";
+ public $txCardholderFirstName = "";
+ public $txCardholderLastName = "";
+ public $txCardholderEmailAddress = "";
+ public $txCardholderAddress = "";
+ public $txCardholderPostalCode = "";
+ public $txInvoiceReference = "";
+ public $txInvoiceDescription = "";
+ public $txCVN = "";
+ public $txOption1 = "";
+ public $txOption2 = "";
+ public $txOption3 = "";
+ public $txCustomerBillingCountry = "";
+ public $txCustomerIPAddress = "";
+ public function __construct() {
+ // Empty Constructor
+ }
+ public function GetTransactionNumber() {
+ return $this->txTransactionNumber;
+ }
+ public function EwayCustomerID($value) {
+ $this->txCustomerID = $value;
+ }
+ public function InvoiceAmount($value) {
+ $this->txAmount = $value;
+ }
+ public function CardHolderName($value) {
+ $this->txCardholderName = $value;
+ }
+ public function CardExpiryMonth($value) {
+ $this->txCardExpiryMonth = $value;
+ }
+ public function CardExpiryYear($value) {
+ $this->txCardExpiryYear = $value;
+ }
+ public function TransactionNumber($value) {
+ $this->txTransactionNumber = $value;
+ }
+ public function PurchaserFirstName($value) {
+ $this->txCardholderFirstName = $value;
+ }
+ public function PurchaserLastName($value) {
+ $this->txCardholderLastName = $value;
+ }
+ public function CardNumber($value) {
+ $this->txCardNumber = $value;
+ }
+ public function PurchaserAddress($value) {
+ $this->txCardholderAddress = $value;
+ }
+ public function PurchaserPostalCode($value) {
+ $this->txCardholderPostalCode = $value;
+ }
+ public function PurchaserEmailAddress($value) {
+ $this->txCardholderEmailAddress = $value;
+ }
+ public function InvoiceReference($value) {
+ $this->txInvoiceReference = $value;
+ }
+ public function InvoiceDescription($value) {
+ $this->txInvoiceDescription = $value;
+ }
+ public function CVN($value) {
+ $this->txCVN = $value;
+ }
+ public function EwayOption1($value) {
+ $this->txOption1 = $value;
+ }
+ public function EwayOption2($value) {
+ $this->txOption2 = $value;
+ }
+ public function EwayOption3($value) {
+ $this->txOption3 = $value;
+ }
+ public function CustomerBillingCountry($value) {
+ $this->txCustomerBillingCountry = $value;
+ }
+ public function CustomerIPAddress($value) {
+ $this->txCustomerIPAddress = $value;
+ }
+ public function ToXml() {
+ // We don't really need the overhead of creating an XML DOM object
+ // to really just concatenate a string together.
+ $xml = "<ewaygateway>";
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerID", $this->txCustomerID);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayTotalAmount", $this->txAmount);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCardHoldersName", $this->txCardholderName);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCardNumber", $this->txCardNumber);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCardExpiryMonth", $this->txCardExpiryMonth);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCardExpiryYear", $this->txCardExpiryYear);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayTrxnNumber", $this->txTransactionNumber);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerInvoiceDescription", $this->txInvoiceDescription);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerFirstName", $this->txCardholderFirstName);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerLastName", $this->txCardholderLastName);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerEmail", $this->txCardholderEmailAddress);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerAddress", $this->txCardholderAddress);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerPostcode", $this->txCardholderPostalCode);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerInvoiceRef", $this->txInvoiceReference);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCVN", $this->txCVN);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayOption1", $this->txOption1);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayOption2", $this->txOption2);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayOption3", $this->txOption3);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerIPAddress", $this->txCustomerIPAddress);
+ $xml .= $this->CreateNode("ewayCustomerBillingCountry", $this->txCustomerBillingCountry);
+ $xml .= "</ewaygateway>";
+ return $xml;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Builds a simple XML Node
+ *
+ * 'NodeName' is the anem of the node being created.
+ * 'NodeValue' is its value
+ *
+ */
+ public function CreateNode($NodeName, $NodeValue) {
+ require_once E::path('lib/XML/Util.php');
+ $xml = new XML_Util();
+ $node = "<" . $NodeName . ">" . $xml->replaceEntities($NodeValue) . "</" . $NodeName . ">";
+ return $node;
+ }
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
- | CiviCRM version 5 |\r
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
- | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |\r
- | |\r
- | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |\r
- | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |\r
- | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |\r
- | |\r
- | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |\r
- | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |\r
- | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |\r
- | |\r
- | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |\r
- | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |\r
- | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |\r
- | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |\r
- | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |\r
- | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |\r
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+\r
- * Licensed to CiviCRM under the Academic Free License version 3.0\r
- * Written & Contributed by Dolphin Software P/L - March 2008 \r
- *\r
- * 'eWAY_GatewayResponse.php' - Loosley based on the standard supplied eWay sample code 'GatewayResponse.php'\r
- *\r
- * The 'simplexml_load_string' has been removed as it was causing major issues\r
- * with Drupal V5.7 / CiviCRM 1.9 installtion's Home page. \r
- * Filling the Home page with "Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Node no longer exists in ..." messages\r
- *\r
- * Found web reference indicating 'simplexml_load_string' was a probable cause.\r
- * As soon as 'simplexml_load_string' was removed the problem fixed itself.\r
- *\r
- * Additionally the '$txStatus' var has been set as a string rather than a boolean.\r
- * This is because the returned $params['trxn_result_code'] is in fact a string and not a boolean.\r
- **************************************************************************************************************************/\r
- \r
-class GatewayResponse\r
- var $txAmount = 0;\r
- var $txTransactionNumber = "";\r
- var $txInvoiceReference = "";\r
- var $txOption1 = "";\r
- var $txOption2 = "";\r
- var $txOption3 = "";\r
- var $txStatus = "";\r
- var $txAuthCode = "";\r
- var $txError = "";\r
- var $txBeagleScore = "";\r
- function __construct()\r
- {\r
- // Empty Constructor\r
- }\r
- \r
- function ProcessResponse($Xml)\r
- {\r
-# #\r
-# $xtr = simplexml_load_string($Xml) or die ("Unable to load XML string!"); #\r
-# #\r
-# $this->txError = $xtr->ewayTrxnError; #\r
-# $this->txStatus = $xtr->ewayTrxnStatus; #\r
-# $this->txTransactionNumber = $xtr->ewayTrxnNumber; #\r
-# $this->txOption1 = $xtr->ewayTrxnOption1; #\r
-# $this->txOption2 = $xtr->ewayTrxnOption2; #\r
-# $this->txOption3 = $xtr->ewayTrxnOption3; #\r
-# $this->txAmount = $xtr->ewayReturnAmount; #\r
-# $this->txAuthCode = $xtr->ewayAuthCode; #\r
-# $this->txInvoiceReference = $xtr->ewayTrxnReference; #\r
-# #\r
- $this->txError = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnError", $Xml);\r
- $this->txStatus = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnStatus", $Xml);\r
- $this->txTransactionNumber = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnNumber", $Xml);\r
- $this->txOption1 = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnOption1", $Xml);\r
- $this->txOption2 = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnOption2", $Xml);\r
- $this->txOption3 = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnOption3", $Xml);\r
- $amount = self::GetNodeValue("ewayReturnAmount", $Xml);\r
- $this->txAuthCode = self::GetNodeValue("ewayAuthCode", $Xml);\r
- $this->txInvoiceReference = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnReference", $Xml);\r
- $this->txBeagleScore = self::GetNodeValue("ewayBeagleScore", $Xml);\r
- $this->txAmount = (int) $amount;\r
- }\r
- \r
- \r
- /************************************************************************\r
- * Simple function to use in place of the 'simplexml_load_string' call.\r
- * \r
- * It returns the NodeValue for a given NodeName\r
- * or returns and empty string.\r
- ************************************************************************/\r
- function GetNodeValue($NodeName, &$strXML)\r
- {\r
- $OpeningNodeName = "<" . $NodeName . ">";\r
- $ClosingNodeName = "</" . $NodeName . ">";\r
- \r
- $pos1 = stripos($strXML, $OpeningNodeName);\r
- $pos2 = stripos($strXML, $ClosingNodeName);\r
- \r
- if ( ($pos1 === false) || ($pos2 === false) )\r
- return "";\r
- \r
- $pos1 += strlen($OpeningNodeName);\r
- $len = $pos2 - $pos1;\r
- $return = substr($strXML, $pos1, $len); \r
- \r
- return ($return);\r
- }\r
- \r
- function TransactionNumber()\r
- {\r
- return $this->txTransactionNumber; \r
- }\r
- function InvoiceReference() \r
- {\r
- return $this->txInvoiceReference; \r
- }\r
- function Option1() \r
- {\r
- return $this->txOption1; \r
- }\r
- function Option2() \r
- {\r
- return $this->txOption2; \r
- }\r
- function Option3() \r
- {\r
- return $this->txOption3; \r
- }\r
- function AuthorisationCode()\r
- {\r
- return $this->txAuthCode; \r
- }\r
- function Error()\r
- {\r
- return $this->txError; \r
- } \r
- function Amount() \r
- {\r
- return $this->txAmount; \r
- } \r
- function Status()\r
- {\r
- return $this->txStatus;\r
- }\r
- function BeagleScore ()\r
- {\r
- return $this->txBeagleScore ;\r
- }\r
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | CiviCRM version 5 |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
+ | |
+ | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
+ | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
+ | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
+ | |
+ | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
+ | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
+ | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
+ | |
+ | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
+ | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
+ | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
+ | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
+ | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
+ | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ */
+ * Licensed to CiviCRM under the Academic Free License version 3.0
+ * Written & Contributed by Dolphin Software P/L - March 2008
+ *
+ * 'eWAY_GatewayResponse.php' - Loosley based on the standard supplied eWay sample code 'GatewayResponse.php'
+ *
+ * The 'simplexml_load_string' has been removed as it was causing major issues
+ * with Drupal V5.7 / CiviCRM 1.9 installtion's Home page.
+ * Filling the Home page with "Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Node no longer exists in ..." messages
+ *
+ * Found web reference indicating 'simplexml_load_string' was a probable cause.
+ * As soon as 'simplexml_load_string' was removed the problem fixed itself.
+ *
+ * Additionally the '$txStatus' var has been set as a string rather than a boolean.
+ * This is because the returned $params['trxn_result_code'] is in fact a string and not a boolean.
+ */
+class GatewayResponse {
+ public $txAmount = 0;
+ public $txTransactionNumber = "";
+ public $txInvoiceReference = "";
+ public $txOption1 = "";
+ public $txOption2 = "";
+ public $txOption3 = "";
+ public $txStatus = "";
+ public $txAuthCode = "";
+ public $txError = "";
+ public $txBeagleScore = "";
+ public function __construct() {
+ // Empty Constructor
+ }
+ public function ProcessResponse($Xml) {
+ //$xtr = simplexml_load_string($Xml) or die ("Unable to load XML string!");
+ //$this->txError = $xtr->ewayTrxnError;
+ //$this->txStatus = $xtr->ewayTrxnStatus;
+ //$this->txTransactionNumber = $xtr->ewayTrxnNumber;
+ //$this->txOption1 = $xtr->ewayTrxnOption1;
+ //$this->txOption2 = $xtr->ewayTrxnOption2;
+ //$this->txOption3 = $xtr->ewayTrxnOption3;
+ //$this->txAmount = $xtr->ewayReturnAmount;
+ //$this->txAuthCode = $xtr->ewayAuthCode;
+ //$this->txInvoiceReference = $xtr->ewayTrxnReference;
+ $this->txError = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnError", $Xml);
+ $this->txStatus = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnStatus", $Xml);
+ $this->txTransactionNumber = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnNumber", $Xml);
+ $this->txOption1 = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnOption1", $Xml);
+ $this->txOption2 = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnOption2", $Xml);
+ $this->txOption3 = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnOption3", $Xml);
+ $amount = self::GetNodeValue("ewayReturnAmount", $Xml);
+ $this->txAuthCode = self::GetNodeValue("ewayAuthCode", $Xml);
+ $this->txInvoiceReference = self::GetNodeValue("ewayTrxnReference", $Xml);
+ $this->txBeagleScore = self::GetNodeValue("ewayBeagleScore", $Xml);
+ $this->txAmount = (int) $amount;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Simple function to use in place of the 'simplexml_load_string' call.
+ *
+ * It returns the NodeValue for a given NodeName
+ * or returns and empty string.
+ */
+ public function GetNodeValue($NodeName, &$strXML) {
+ $OpeningNodeName = "<" . $NodeName . ">";
+ $ClosingNodeName = "</" . $NodeName . ">";
+ $pos1 = stripos($strXML, $OpeningNodeName);
+ $pos2 = stripos($strXML, $ClosingNodeName);
+ if (($pos1 === FALSE) || ($pos2 === FALSE)) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ $pos1 += strlen($OpeningNodeName);
+ $len = $pos2 - $pos1;
+ $return = substr($strXML, $pos1, $len);
+ return ($return);
+ }
+ public function TransactionNumber() {
+ return $this->txTransactionNumber;
+ }
+ public function InvoiceReference() {
+ return $this->txInvoiceReference;
+ }
+ public function Option1() {
+ return $this->txOption1;
+ }
+ public function Option2() {
+ return $this->txOption2;
+ }
+ public function Option3() {
+ return $this->txOption3;
+ }
+ public function AuthorisationCode() {
+ return $this->txAuthCode;
+ }
+ public function Error() {
+ return $this->txError;
+ }
+ public function Amount() {
+ return $this->txAmount;
+ }
+ public function Status() {
+ return $this->txStatus;
+ }
+ public function BeagleScore () {
+ return $this->txBeagleScore;
+ }