CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Unsupported locale specified to parseStreetAddress: %1. Proceeding with en_US locale.', array(1 => $locale)), ts('Unsupported Locale'), 'alert');
$locale = 'en_US';
- $parseFields = array(
+ $emptyParseFields = $parseFields = array(
'street_name' => '',
'street_unit' => '',
'street_number' => '',
'en_CA', 'fr_CA'))) {
$streetUnitFormats = array('APT', 'APP', 'SUITE', 'BUREAU', 'UNIT');
+ //@todo per CRM-14459 this regex picks up words with the string in them - e.g APT picks up
+ //Captain - presuming fixing regex (& adding test) to ensure a-z does not preced string will fix
$streetUnitPreg = '/(' . implode('|\s', $streetUnitFormats) . ')(.+)?/i';
$matches = array();
if (preg_match($streetUnitPreg, $streetAddress, $matches)) {
foreach ($parseFields as $parseField => $value) {
$parseFields[$parseField] = CRM_Utils_String::stripSpaces($value);
+ //CRM-14459 if the field is too long we should assume it didn't get it right & skip rather than allow
+ // the DB to fatal
+ $fields = CRM_Core_BAO_Address::fields();
+ foreach ($fields as $fieldname => $field) {
+ if(!empty($field['maxlength']) && strlen(CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldname, $parseFields)) > $field['maxlength']) {
+ return $emptyParseFields;
+ }
+ }
return $parseFields;