* @var boolean
var $trailing_text_small;
+ /**
+ * Indicates that the widget's "trailing text"
+ * contains HTML and should not thus be
+ * sanitized (encoded)
+ *
+ * @var boolean
+ */
+ var $trailing_text_is_html;
* Text that overrides the "Yes" label for boolean
* radio option widgets
$this->size = SMOPT_SIZE_NORMAL;
$this->trailing_text = '';
$this->trailing_text_small = FALSE;
+ $this->trailing_text_is_html = FALSE;
$this->yes_text = '';
$this->no_text = '';
$this->comment = '';
- * Set the trailing_text for this option.
- * @param string $trailing_text
+ * Set the trailing_text_small for this option.
+ * @param boolean $trailing_text_small
function setTrailingTextSmall($trailing_text_small) {
$this->trailing_text_small = $trailing_text_small;
+ /**
+ * Set the trailing_text_is_html for this option.
+ * @param boolean $trailing_text_is_html
+ */
+ function setTrailingTextIsHtml($trailing_text_is_html) {
+ $this->trailing_text_is_html = $trailing_text_is_html;
+ }
* Set the yes_text for this option.
* @param string $yes_text
//TODO: might be better to have a separate template file for all widgets, because then the layout of the widget and the "trailing text" can be customized - they are still hard coded here (also, we have <small> tags here; don't want HTML here!)
if ($password)
- return addPwField('new_' . $this->name, $this->value, $width, 0, $this->aExtraAttribs) . ' ' . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '<small>' : '') . sm_encode_html_special_chars($this->trailing_text) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '</small>' : '');
+ return addPwField('new_' . $this->name, $this->value, $width, 0, $this->aExtraAttribs) . ' ' . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '<small>' : '') . ($this->trailing_text_is_html ? $this->trailing_text : sm_encode_html_special_chars($this->trailing_text)) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '</small>' : '');
- return addInput('new_' . $this->name, $this->value, $width, 0, $this->aExtraAttribs) . ' ' . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '<small>' : '') . sm_encode_html_special_chars($this->trailing_text) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '</small>' : '');
+ return addInput('new_' . $this->name, $this->value, $width, 0, $this->aExtraAttribs) . ' ' . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '<small>' : '') . ($this->trailing_text_is_html ? $this->trailing_text : sm_encode_html_special_chars($this->trailing_text)) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '</small>' : '');
$height = 5;
- return addSelect('new_' . $this->name, $this->possible_values, $this->value, TRUE, $this->aExtraAttribs, $multiple_select, $height, !$this->htmlencoded) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '<small>' : '') . sm_encode_html_special_chars($this->trailing_text) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '</small>' : '');
+ return addSelect('new_' . $this->name, $this->possible_values, $this->value, TRUE, $this->aExtraAttribs, $multiple_select, $height, !$this->htmlencoded) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '<small>' : '') . ($this->trailing_text_is_html ? $this->trailing_text : sm_encode_html_special_chars($this->trailing_text)) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '</small>' : '');
$option_list = array('ignore' => _("unavailable"));
- return addSelect('new_' . $this->name, $option_list, $this->value, TRUE, $this->aExtraAttribs, $multiple_select, $height) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '<small>' : '') . sm_encode_html_special_chars($this->trailing_text) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '</small>' : '');
+ return addSelect('new_' . $this->name, $option_list, $this->value, TRUE, $this->aExtraAttribs, $multiple_select, $height) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '<small>' : '') . ($this->trailing_text_is_html ? $this->trailing_text : sm_encode_html_special_chars($this->trailing_text)) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '</small>' : '');
// checkbox...
if ($checkbox) {
+//TODO: Why isn't trailing_text being sanitized with sm_encode_special_chars()??? If this is a bug, add that, then add the option to display unsanitized if $this->trailing_text_is_html is enabled
$result = addCheckbox('new_' . $this->name, ($this->value != SMPREF_NO), SMPREF_YES, array_merge(array('id' => 'new_' . $this->name), $this->aExtraAttribs)) . $nbsp . create_label(($this->trailing_text_small ? '<small>' : '') . $this->trailing_text . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '</small>' : ''), 'new_' . $this->name);
$oTemplate->assign('trailing_text', $this->trailing_text);
$oTemplate->assign('trailing_text_small', $this->trailing_text_small);
+ $oTemplate->assign('trailing_text_is_html', $this->trailing_text_is_html);
$oTemplate->assign('possible_values', $this->possible_values);
$oTemplate->assign('current_value', $this->value);
$oTemplate->assign('select_widget', addSelect('new_' . $this->name, $this->possible_values, $this->value, FALSE, !checkForJavascript() ? $this->aExtraAttribs : array_merge(array('onchange' => 'if (typeof(window.addinput_' . $this->name . ') == \'undefined\') { var f = document.forms.length; var i = 0; var pos = -1; while( pos == -1 && i < f ) { var e = document.forms[i].elements.length; var j = 0; while( pos == -1 && j < e ) { if ( document.forms[i].elements[j].type == \'text\' && document.forms[i].elements[j].name == \'add_' . $this->name . '\' ) { pos = j; i=f-1; j=e-1; } j++; } i++; } if( pos >= 0 ) { window.addinput_' . $this->name . ' = document.forms[i-1].elements[pos]; } } for (x = 0; x < this.length; x++) { if (this.options[x].selected) { window.addinput_' . $this->name . '.value = this.options[x].text; break; } }'), $this->aExtraAttribs), TRUE, $height));
$oTemplate->assign('trailing_text', $this->trailing_text);
$oTemplate->assign('trailing_text_small', $this->trailing_text_small);
+ $oTemplate->assign('trailing_text_is_html', $this->trailing_text_is_html);
switch ($this->layout_type) {
function createWidget_Submit() {
- return addSubmit($this->comment, $this->name, $this->aExtraAttribs) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '<small>' : '') . sm_encode_html_special_chars($this->trailing_text) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '</small>' : '');
+ return addSubmit($this->comment, $this->name, $this->aExtraAttribs) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '<small>' : '') . ($this->trailing_text_is_html ? $this->trailing_text : sm_encode_html_special_chars($this->trailing_text)) . ($this->trailing_text_small ? '</small>' : '');
+ /* If provided, set the trailing_text_is_html for this option. */
+ if (isset($optset['trailing_text_is_html'])) {
+ $next_option->setTrailingTextIsHtml($optset['trailing_text_is_html']);
+ }
/* If provided, set the yes_text for this option. */
if (isset($optset['yes_text'])) {