use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock);
use Getopt::Long;
use Text::Wrap;
-use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Cwd;
use Email::MessageID;
=item $results = verify_clearsigned_message ( $text, @keyrings )
-Verify the PGP-clearsigned message in TEXT, using a key from KEYRINGS.
+Verify the PGP-clearsigned message in TEXT, using a key from KEYRINGS. The
+TEXT may be tainted, but the list of KEYRINGS must be untainted.
+The message signature should be considered verified iff C<exitcode> is zero
+and C<TILT> is not defined in the returned hashref.
The return value is a hashref containing:
+=item TILT
+An arrayref of reasons the results should be considered invalid. This key
+will not exist if the verification was successful and trustworthy.
+The presense of this key in the returned hashref indicates that we saw
+something very wrong from gpgv. Note that our handling is fairly paranoid,
+for example, multiple signatures on the input will result in this being
+set, as we assume that gpgv has been somehow subverted if more than one
+verification result is returned.
=item exitcode
The exit status from gpgv. This will be zero if gpgv considers the
+The C<raw_*> fields in the returned hashref are tainted; the extracted
+values are untainted. The C<TILT> field, if present, is untainted.
sub verify_clearsigned_message {
# The three output streams from gpgv must be kept separate, or
# CVE-2018-12020 "SigSpoof" issues can occur. Worse, the gpgv status
# output must be examined with care, as there has been at least one bug
- # (CVE-2022-34903) whereby gpgv could be tricked to emit arbitrary output
+ # (CVE-2022-34903) whereby GPG could be tricked to emit arbitrary output
# on the status pipe.
pipe my $gpgv_stdin, my $gpgv_stdin_source
or ftp_abort('failed to create pipe for gpgv stdin');
my %ret = (exitcode => $?, raw_output => $raw_output,
raw_log => $raw_log, raw_status => $raw_status);
- # TODO: analyze results...
+ # Analyze the results
+ # CVE-2022-34903 caused GPG to dump a chunk of its heap to the status fd,
+ # and, eventually, segfault upon reaching unallocated address space.
+ # This had two recognizable consequences:
+ # - The GPG process dies with SIGSEGV.
+ # - The status output very likely contains multiple NUL bytes.
+ push @{$ret{TILT}}, 'gpgv died on signal '.WTERMSIG($ret{exitcode})
+ if WIFSIGNALED($ret{exitcode});
+ for (qw(output log status))
+ { push @{$ret{TILT}}, "gpgv $_ contained NUL byte"
+ if $ret{'raw_'.$_} =~ m/\0/ }
+ local *_;
+ # counters
+ my $intro_status = 0; my $check_status = 0; my $verdict_status = 0;
+ open my $status, '<', \$ret{raw_status}
+ or ftp_abort('open in-memory file for gpgv status');
+ while (<$status>) {
+ chomp;
+ unless (m/^\[GNUPG:\] /g) {
+ push @{$ret{TILT}}, "gpgv status line lacks required prefix";
+ last; # stop parsing if an invalid line is found
+ }
+ if (m/\GNEWSIG/gc) {
+ $intro_status++; # Note that NEWSIG is optional
+ } elsif (m/\G(GOOD|EXP|EXPKEY|REVKEY|BAD|ERR)SIG ([[:xdigit:]]+) /gc) {
+ # $1 -- result tag $2 -- long ID or fingerprint
+ # The next field is the primary username, except ERRSIG, but there is
+ # no guarantee that the primary UID will contain an email address.
+ if (length($2) > 16) { # We have a key fingerprint
+ $ret{key_fingerprint} = $2;
+ $ret{key_longid} = substr $2,-16;
+ } else { # We only have a long key ID
+ $ret{key_longid} = $2;
+ }
+ if ($1 eq 'BAD') {
+ $verdict_status++;
+ push @{$ret{TILT}}, 'gpgv reported a bad signature, but exited zero'
+ if 0 == $ret{exitcode};
+ } elsif ($1 eq 'ERR') { # an ERRSIG line
+ $verdict_status++;
+ if (m/\G(\d+)\s(\d+)\s([[:xdigit:]]{2})\s([-:T[:digit:]]+)\s(\d+)/gc) {
+ # $1 -- pubkey algorithm $2 -- digest algorithm
+ # $3 -- timestamp $4 -- result code
+ } else
+ { push @{$ret{TILT}}, 'gpgv ERRSIG line failed parsing' }
+ push @{$ret{TILT}}, 'gpgv reported an error, but exited zero'
+ if 0 == $ret{exitcode};
+ $check_status++;
+ }
+ } elsif (m/\G(VALID)SIG\s([[:xdigit:]]+)\s(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\s
+ ([-:T[:digit:]]+)\s([-:T[:digit:]]+)\s(\d+)\s(\S+)\s
+ (\d+)\s(\d+)\s([[:xdigit:]]{2})\s([[:xdigit:]]+)
+ /gcx) {
+ $verdict_status++;
+ # $1 -- valid tag $2 -- key fingerprint
+ # $3 -- signature date $4 -- signature timestamp
+ # $5 -- expiration timestamp $6 -- signature version
+ # $7 -- reserved $8 -- pubkey algorithm
+ # $9 -- digest algorithm $10 -- signature class
+ # $11 -- primary key fingerprint
+ $ret{key_fingerprint} = $2;
+ $ret{key_longid} = substr $2,-16;
+ }
+ }
+ close $status or ftp_abort('close in-memory file for gpgv status');
+ push @{$ret{TILT}}, 'gpgv reported more than one signature'
+ if $intro_status > 1;
+ push @{$ret{TILT}}, 'gpgv reported more than one signature check'
+ if $check_status > 1;
+ push @{$ret{TILT}}, 'gpgv reported more than one signature verdict'
+ if $verdict_status > 1;
+ push @{$ret{TILT}}, 'gpgv reported no signature verdict at all'
+ if $verdict_status < 1;
return \%ret;