* Do AlterDisplay processing on Address Fields.
+ * If there are multiple address field values then
+ * on basis of provided separator the code values are translated into respective labels
* @param array $row
* @param array $rows
* @param int $rowNum
* @param string $baseUrl
* @param string $linkText
+ * @param string $separator
* @return bool
- public function alterDisplayAddressFields(&$row, &$rows, &$rowNum, $baseUrl, $linkText) {
+ public function alterDisplayAddressFields(&$row, &$rows, &$rowNum, $baseUrl, $linkText, $separator = ',') {
$criteriaQueryParams = CRM_Report_Utils_Report::getPreviewCriteriaQueryParams($this->_defaults, $this->_params);
$entryFound = FALSE;
- // handle country
- if (array_key_exists('civicrm_address_country_id', $row)) {
- if ($value = $row['civicrm_address_country_id']) {
- $rows[$rowNum]['civicrm_address_country_id'] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country($value, FALSE);
- if ($baseUrl) {
- $url = CRM_Report_Utils_Report::getNextUrl($baseUrl,
- "reset=1&force=1&{$criteriaQueryParams}&" .
- "country_id_op=in&country_id_value={$value}",
- $this->_absoluteUrl, $this->_id
- );
- $rows[$rowNum]['civicrm_address_country_id_link'] = $url;
- $rows[$rowNum]['civicrm_address_country_id_hover'] = ts("%1 for this country.",
- array(1 => $linkText)
- );
- }
- }
- $entryFound = TRUE;
- }
- if (array_key_exists('civicrm_address_county_id', $row)) {
- if ($value = $row['civicrm_address_county_id']) {
- $rows[$rowNum]['civicrm_address_county_id'] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::county($value, FALSE);
- if ($baseUrl) {
- $url = CRM_Report_Utils_Report::getNextUrl($baseUrl,
- "reset=1&force=1&{$criteriaQueryParams}&" .
- "county_id_op=in&county_id_value={$value}",
- $this->_absoluteUrl, $this->_id
- );
- $rows[$rowNum]['civicrm_address_county_id_link'] = $url;
- $rows[$rowNum]['civicrm_address_county_id_hover'] = ts("%1 for this county.",
- array(1 => $linkText)
- );
- }
- }
- $entryFound = TRUE;
- }
- // handle state province
- if (array_key_exists('civicrm_address_state_province_id', $row)) {
- if ($value = $row['civicrm_address_state_province_id']) {
- $rows[$rowNum]['civicrm_address_state_province_id'] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvince($value, FALSE);
- if ($baseUrl) {
- $url = CRM_Report_Utils_Report::getNextUrl($baseUrl,
- "reset=1&force=1&{$criteriaQueryParams}&state_province_id_op=in&state_province_id_value={$value}",
- $this->_absoluteUrl, $this->_id
- );
- $rows[$rowNum]['civicrm_address_state_province_id_link'] = $url;
- $rows[$rowNum]['civicrm_address_state_province_id_hover'] = ts("%1 for this state.",
- array(1 => $linkText)
- );
+ $columnMap = array(
+ 'civicrm_address_country_id' => 'country',
+ 'civicrm_address_county_id' => 'county',
+ 'civicrm_address_state_province_id' => 'stateProvince',
+ );
+ foreach ($columnMap as $fieldName => $fnName) {
+ if (array_key_exists($fieldName, $row)) {
+ if ($values = $row[$fieldName]) {
+ $values = (array) explode($separator, $values);
+ $rows[$rowNum][$fieldName] = [];
+ $addressField = $fnName == 'stateProvince' ? 'state' : $fnName;
+ foreach ($values as $value) {
+ $rows[$rowNum][$fieldName][] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::$fnName($value);
+ }
+ $rows[$rowNum][$fieldName] = implode($separator, $rows[$rowNum][$fieldName]);
+ if ($baseUrl) {
+ $url = CRM_Report_Utils_Report::getNextUrl($baseUrl,
+ sprintf("reset=1&force=1&%s&%s_op=in&%s_value=%s",
+ $criteriaQueryParams,
+ str_replace('civicrm_address_', '', $fieldName),
+ str_replace('civicrm_address_', '', $fieldName),
+ implode(',', $values)
+ ), $this->_absoluteUrl, $this->_id
+ );
+ $rows[$rowNum]["{$fieldName}_link"] = $url;
+ $rows[$rowNum]["{$fieldName}_hover"] = ts("%1 for this %2.", array(1 => $linkText, 2 => $addressField));
+ }
+ $entryFound = TRUE;
- $entryFound = TRUE;
return $entryFound;
strstr($clause, 'civicrm_email_contact_source_email') ||
strstr($clause, 'civicrm_email_contact_assignee_email') ||
strstr($clause, 'civicrm_email_contact_target_email') ||
- strstr($clause, 'civicrm_phone_contact_target_phone')
+ strstr($clause, 'civicrm_phone_contact_target_phone') ||
+ strstr($clause, 'civicrm_address_')
) {
- $this->_selectClauses[$key] = "GROUP_CONCAT($clause SEPARATOR ';') as $clause";
+ $this->_selectClauses[$key] = "GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT $clause SEPARATOR ';') as $clause";
- $entryFound = $this->alterDisplayAddressFields($row, $rows, $rowNum, 'activity', 'List all activities for this ') ? TRUE : $entryFound;
+ $entryFound = $this->alterDisplayAddressFields($row, $rows, $rowNum, 'activity', 'List all activities for this', ';') ? TRUE : $entryFound;
if (!$entryFound) {