- t = Twitter(auth=authen())
- t.statuses.update(status=g['stuff'])
+ # Regex to check if tweet contains '--i' pattern
+ pattern = '(.*) --i (.+)'
+ m = re.match(pattern, g['stuff'])
+ if m is None:
+ # text only tweet
+ t = Twitter(auth=authen())
+ t.statuses.update(status=g['stuff'])
+ else:
+ # A tweet with media items
+ body = m.group(1)
+ imagePaths = m.group(2)
+ # Generating image ids
+ imageIds = []
+ for impath in imagePaths.split(','):
+ imagedata = open(impath, 'rb').read()
+ # upload media
+ t_up = Twitter(domain='upload.twitter.com',
+ auth=authen())
+ img_id = t_up.media.upload(media=imagedata)["media_id_string"]
+ imageIds.append(img_id)
+ # send your tweet with the list of media ids:
+ t = Twitter(auth=authen())
+ t.statuses.update(status=body, media_ids=",".join(imageIds))
def pocket():
usage = '\n'
usage += s + grey(u'\u266A' + ' Tweets \n')
usage += s * 2 + light_green('t oops ') + \
- 'will tweet "' + light_yellow('oops') + '" immediately.\n'
+ 'will tweet "' + light_yellow('oops') + '" immediately.\n' + \
+ s * 3 + ' Optionally you can add --i <img1path>[,<img2path>,...] argument, e.g:\n' + \
+ s * 3 + light_yellow(' t This tweet has images --i /path/to/test1.png,relative_test.jpg') + '\n'
usage += s * 2 + \
light_green('rt 12 ') + ' will retweet to tweet with ' + \
light_yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n'
except TwitterHTTPError as e:
- except Exception:
- debug_option()
- printNicely(red('OMG something is wrong with Twitter API right now.'))
# Release the semaphore lock
c['lock'] = False