// Use a select2 widget as a pick-list. Instead of updating ngModel, the select2 widget will fire an event.
// This similar to ngModel+ngChange, except that value is never stored in a model. It is only fired in the event.
// usage: <select crm-ui-select='{...}' on-crm-ui-select="alert("User picked this item: " + selection)"></select>
- .directive('onCrmUiSelect', function ($parse) {
+ .directive('onCrmUiSelect', function () {
return {
priority: 10,
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
element.on('select2-selecting', function(e) {
element.select2('close').select2('val', '');
- scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.onCrmUiSelect, {selection: e.val});
+ scope.$apply(function() {
+ scope.$eval(attrs.onCrmUiSelect, {selection: e.val});
+ });