$this->_unscheduled = $this->_archived = $archiveLinks = FALSE;
$this->_mailingId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('mid', 'Positive', $this);
$this->_sms = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('sms', 'Positive', $this);
+ if ($this->_sms) {
+ // if this is an SMS page, check that the user has permission to browse SMS
+ if (!CRM_Core_Permission::check('send SMS')) {
+ CRM_Core_Error::fatal(ts('You do not have permission to send SMS'));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // If this is not an SMS page, check that the user has an appropriate
+ // permission (specific permissions have been copied from
+ // CRM/Mailing/xml/Menu/Mailing.xml)
+ if (!CRM_Core_Permission::check(array(array('access CiviMail', 'approve mailings', 'create mailings', 'schedule mailings')))) {
+ CRM_Core_Error::fatal(ts('You do not have permission to view this page.'));
+ }
+ }
$this->assign('sms', $this->_sms);
// check that the user has permission to access mailing id
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( domain_id, url, label, name, permission, permission_operator, parent_id, is_active, has_separator, weight )
- ( @domainID, NULL, '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Mailings{/ts}', 'Mailings', 'access CiviMail,create mailings,approve mailings,schedule mailings', 'OR', NULL, '1', NULL, 50 );
+ ( @domainID, NULL, '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Mailings{/ts}', 'Mailings', 'access CiviMail,create mailings,approve mailings,schedule mailings,send SMS', 'OR', NULL, '1', NULL, 50 );
SET @mailinglastID:=LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO civicrm_navigation
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/component?reset=1', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Headers, Footers, and Automated Messages{/ts}', 'Headers, Footers, and Automated Messages', 'access CiviMail,administer CiviCRM', 'AND', @mailinglastID, '1', NULL, 6 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/messageTemplates?reset=1', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Message Templates{/ts}', 'Message Templates', 'edit message templates', '', @mailinglastID, '1', NULL, 7 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/admin/options/from_email_address?reset=1', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}From Email Addresses{/ts}', 'From Email Addresses', 'administer CiviCRM', '', @mailinglastID, '1', 1, 8 ),
- ( @domainID, 'civicrm/sms/send?reset=1', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}New SMS{/ts}', 'New SMS', 'administer CiviCRM', NULL, @mailinglastID, '1', NULL, 9 ),
- ( @domainID, 'civicrm/mailing/browse?reset=1&sms=1', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Find Mass SMS{/ts}', 'Find Mass SMS', 'administer CiviCRM', NULL, @mailinglastID, '1', 1, 10 ),
+ ( @domainID, 'civicrm/sms/send?reset=1', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}New SMS{/ts}', 'New SMS', 'send SMS', NULL, @mailinglastID, '1', NULL, 9 ),
+ ( @domainID, 'civicrm/mailing/browse?reset=1&sms=1', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Find Mass SMS{/ts}', 'Find Mass SMS', 'send SMS', NULL, @mailinglastID, '1', 1, 10 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/a/#/abtest/new', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}New A/B Test{/ts}', 'New A/B Test', 'access CiviMail', '', @mailinglastID, '1', NULL, 15 ),
( @domainID, 'civicrm/a/#/abtest', '{ts escape="sql" skip="true"}Manage A/B Tests{/ts}', 'Manage A/B Tests', 'access CiviMail', '', @mailinglastID, '1', 1, 16 );