- // Is new contact created?
- $this->waitForText("css=div.crm-status-box-msg", "$currentEmployer Created");
$this->select2('employer_id', $currentEmployer);
//make sure shared address is selected
- // Is new contact created?
- $this->waitForText("css=div.crm-status-box-msg", "$sharedHousehold Created");
//make sure shared address is selected
- $text = 'This membership will be renewed automatically every 1 year(s).';
+ $text = 'This membership will be renewed automatically every year.';
$this->assertElementContainsText("xpath=//div[@class='crm-group amount_display-group']/div[2]/strong[3]", $text, 'Missing text: ' . $text);
- $text = 'This membership will be renewed automatically every 1 year(s).';
+ $text = 'This membership will be renewed automatically every year.';
$this->assertElementContainsText("xpath=//div[@class='crm-group amount_display-group']/div[2]/strong[3]", $text, 'Missing text: ' . $text);
- $text = 'This membership will be renewed automatically every 1 year(s).';
+ $text = 'This membership will be renewed automatically every year.';
$this->assertElementContainsText("xpath=//div[@class='crm-group amount_display-group']/div[2]/strong[3]", $text, 'Missing text: ' . $text);