$daoActivity->subject = 'I changed it';
+ static function testEventGeneration(){
+ //Event set initial params
+ $daoEvent = new CRM_Event_DAO_Event();
+ $daoEvent->title = 'Test event for Recurring Entity';
+ $daoEvent->event_type_id = 3;
+ $daoEvent->is_public = 1;
+ $daoEvent->start_date = date('YmdHis', strtotime('2014-09-24 10:30:00'));
+ $daoEvent->end_date = date('YmdHis', strtotime('2014-09-26 10:30:00'));
+ $daoEvent->created_date = date('YmdHis');
+ $daoEvent->save();
+ //Lets assume you saved the repeat configuration with these criterias
+ /**
+ * Event occurs every 2 weeks
+ * on monday, wednesday and friday
+ * for 4 times
+ * For eg - A small course on art and craft
+ */
+ $recursion = new CRM_Core_BAO_RecurringEntity();
+ $recursion->entity_id = $daoEvent->id;
+ $recursion->entity_table = 'civicrm_event';
+ $recursion->dateColumns = array('start_date');
+ $recursion->scheduleDBParams = array (
+ 'entity_value' => $daoEvent->id,
+ 'entity_status' => $daoEvent->start_date,
+ 'start_action_condition' => 'monday,wednesday,friday',
+ 'repetition_frequency_unit' => 'week',
+ 'repetition_frequency_interval' => 2,
+ 'start_action_offset' => 4,
+ 'used_for' => 'event'
+ );
+ $generatedEntities = $recursion->generate();
+ // try changing something
+ $recursion->mode(3); // sets ->mode var & saves in DB
+ $daoEvent->find(TRUE);
+ $daoEvent->title = 'I changed event';
+ $daoEvent->save();
+ }