<p>{ts}If your site uses Contact Subtypes, you can assign this set of custom fields to a specific subtype (e.g. 'Student'), OR you can select '- Any -' which makes the fields available to contacts of the parent type (e.g. 'Individual') as well as to any subtypes.{/ts}</p>
+{capture assign=importMultipleURL}{crmURL p="civicrm/import/custom" q="reset=1"}{/capture}
{htxt id=id-is_multiple-title"}
{ts}Allow Multiple Records{/ts}
<p>{ts}Checking this box allows you to enter multiple sets of values for a given contact.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}<strong>EXAMPLE:</strong> When creating a set of custom fields used to collect <strong>Employment History</strong> - you might have fields for Job Title, Start Date, End Date, and Reason for Leaving. Checking the "multiple records" box allows you to collect information for multiple jobs.{/ts}</p>
<p>{ts}You can also set the maximum number of records which can be recorded per contact. Using the previous example, you might only want data for the three most recent jobs.{/ts}</p>
+ <p>{ts 1=$importMultipleURL}Use the <a href="%1">Multi-value Custom Data Import tool</a> to import data into multiple record custom fields (contact records must already exist).{/ts}</p>
{ts}CAUTION: The following features are NOT available for custom fields in 'multiple record' custom set:{/ts}
- <ul>
- <li>{ts}They can not be Imported or Exported{/ts}</li>
- <li>{ts}If they are included in a report as a display column, only the first set of values are shown.{/ts}</li>
- </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li>{ts}They can not be Exported{/ts}</li>
+ <li>{ts}If they are included in a report as a display column, only the first set of values are shown.{/ts}</li>
+ </ul>
+ </p>
{htxt id=id-max_multiple-title"}