$cache = CRM_Utils_Cache::singleton();
self::$_cache[$argString] = $cache->get($argString);
if (!self::$_cache[$argString]) {
- $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO_Cache();
- $dao->group_name = $group;
- $dao->path = $path;
- $dao->component_id = $componentID;
- $data = NULL;
- if ($dao->find(TRUE)) {
- $data = unserialize($dao->data);
- }
+ $table = self::getTableName();
+ $where = self::whereCache($group, $path, $componentID);
+ $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SELECT data FROM $table WHERE $where");
+ $data = isset($dao->data) ? unserialize($dao->data) : NULL;
self::$_cache[$argString] = $data;
$cache->set($argString, self::$_cache[$argString]);
$cache = CRM_Utils_Cache::singleton();
self::$_cache[$argString] = $cache->get($argString);
if (!self::$_cache[$argString]) {
- $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO_Cache();
- $dao->group_name = $group;
- $dao->component_id = $componentID;
- $dao->find();
+ $table = self::getTableName();
+ $where = self::whereCache($group, NULL, $componentID);
+ $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SELECT path, data FROM $table WHERE $where");
$result = array();
while ($dao->fetch()) {
self::$_cache = array();
- $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO_Cache();
- $dao->group_name = $group;
- $dao->path = $path;
- $dao->component_id = $componentID;
// get a lock so that multiple ajax requests on the same page
// dont trample on each other
// CRM-11234
- $dao->find(TRUE);
- $dao->data = serialize($data);
- $dao->created_date = date('YmdHis');
- $dao->save(FALSE);
+ $table = self::getTableName();
+ $where = self::whereCache($group, $path, $componentID);
+ $id = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT id FROM $table WHERE $where");
+ $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // FIXME - Use SQL NOW() or CRM_Utils_Time?
+ $dataSerialized = serialize($data);
+ // This table has a wonky index, so we cannot use REPLACE or
+ // "INSERT ... ON DUPE". Instead, use SELECT+(INSERT|UPDATE).
+ if ($id) {
+ $sql = "UPDATE $table SET data = %1, created_date = %2 WHERE id = %3";
+ $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, array(
+ 1 => array($dataSerialized, 'String'),
+ 2 => array($now, 'String'),
+ 3 => array($id, 'Int'),
+ ));
+ }
+ else {
+ $insert = CRM_Utils_SQL_Insert::into($table)
+ ->row(array(
+ 'group_name' => $group,
+ 'path' => $path,
+ 'component_id' => $componentID,
+ 'data' => $dataSerialized,
+ 'created_date' => $now,
+ ));
+ $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($insert->toSQL());
+ }
$argString = "CRM_CT_{$group}_{$path}_{$componentID}";
$cache = CRM_Utils_Cache::singleton();
- $data = unserialize($dao->data);
+ $data = unserialize($dataSerialized);
self::$_cache[$argString] = $data;
$cache->set($argString, $data);
* @param bool $clearAll clear all caches
public static function deleteGroup($group = NULL, $path = NULL, $clearAll = TRUE) {
- $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO_Cache();
- if (!empty($group)) {
- $dao->group_name = $group;
- }
- if (!empty($path)) {
- $dao->path = $path;
- }
- $dao->delete();
+ $table = self::getTableName();
+ $where = self::whereCache($group, $path, NULL);
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("DELETE FROM $table WHERE $where");
if ($clearAll) {
// also reset ACL Cache
+ /**
+ * Compose a SQL WHERE clause for the cache.
+ *
+ * Note: We need to use the cache during bootstrap, so we don't have
+ * full access to DAO services.
+ *
+ * @param string $group
+ * @param string|NULL $path
+ * Filter by path. If NULL, then return any paths.
+ * @param int|NULL $componentID
+ * Filter by component. If NULL, then look for explicitly NULL records.
+ * @return string
+ */
+ protected static function whereCache($group, $path, $componentID) {
+ $clauses = array();
+ $clauses[] = ('group_name = "' . CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($group) . '"');
+ if ($path) {
+ $clauses[] = ('path = "' . CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($path) . '"');
+ }
+ if ($componentID && is_numeric($componentID)) {
+ $clauses[] = ('component_id = ' . (int) $componentID);
+ }
+ return $clauses ? implode(' AND ', $clauses) : '(1)';
+ }