public function getTabs() {
$allTabs = [];
+ $getCountParams = [];
$weight = 10;
foreach (CRM_Core_Component::getEnabledComponents() as $name => $component) {
// FIXME: not very elegant, probably needs better approach
// allow explicit id, if not defined, use keyword instead
- if (array_key_exists('id', $elem)) {
- $i = $elem['id'];
- }
- else {
- $i = $component->getKeyword();
- }
+ $i = $elem['id'] ?? $component->getKeyword();
$u = $elem['url'];
//appending isTest to url for test soft credit CRM-3891.
'url' => CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/contact/view/$u", $q),
'title' => $elem['title'],
'weight' => $elem['weight'],
- 'count' => CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getCountComponent($u, $this->_contactId),
+ 'count' => NULL,
'class' => 'livePage',
'icon' => $component->getIcon(),
+ $getCountParams[$i] = [$u, $this->_contactId];
elseif ($accessCiviCRM && !empty($this->_viewOptions[$tab['id']])) {
$allTabs[] = $tab + [
'url' => CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/contact/view/{$tab['id']}", "reset=1&cid={$this->_contactId}"),
- 'count' => CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getCountComponent($tab['id'], $this->_contactId),
+ 'count' => NULL,
+ $getCountParams[$tab['id']] = [$tab['id'], $this->_contactId];
$weight = $tab['weight'] + 10;
'url' => CRM_Utils_System::url($group['path'], $group['query'] . "&selectedChild=$id"),
'title' => $group['title'],
'weight' => $weight,
- 'count' => CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getCountComponent($id, $this->_contactId, $group['table_name']),
+ 'count' => NULL,
'hideCount' => !$group['is_multiple'],
'class' => 'livePage',
'icon' => 'crm-i ' . ($group['icon'] ?: 'fa-gear'),
+ $getCountParams[$id] = [$id, $this->_contactId, $group['table_name']];
$weight += 10;
$context = ['contact_id' => $this->_contactId];
CRM_Utils_Hook::tabset('civicrm/contact/view', $allTabs, $context);
+ // Get tab counts last to avoid wasting time; if a tab was removed by hook, the count isn't needed.
+ foreach ($allTabs as &$tab) {
+ if (!isset($tab['count']) && isset($getCountParams[$tab['id']])) {
+ $tab['count'] = call_user_func_array(['CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact', 'getCountComponent'], $getCountParams[$tab['id']]);
+ }
+ }
// now sort the tabs based on weight
usort($allTabs, ['CRM_Utils_Sort', 'cmpFunc']);
return $allTabs;