if ($aclWhere) {
$where .= " AND $aclWhere ";
+ $isPrependWildcard = \Civi::settings()->get('includeWildCardInName');
if (!empty($params['org'])) {
$where .= " AND contact_type = \"Organization\"";
(int) $params['employee_id'],
)) {
- if ($config->includeWildCardInName) {
+ if ($isPrependWildcard) {
$strSearch = "%$name%";
else {
$rel = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($relation[2], 'String');
- if ($config->includeWildCardInName) {
+ if ($isPrependWildcard) {
$strSearch = "%$name%";
else {
if (!empty($params['field_name']) && !empty($params['table_name'])) {
$whereClause = " WHERE ( $table_name.$field_name LIKE '$strSearch') {$where}";
- $exactWhereClause = " WHERE ( $table_name.$field_name = '$name') {$where}";
// Search by id should be exact
if ($field_name == 'id' || $field_name == 'external_identifier') {
- $whereClause = $exactWhereClause;
+ $whereClause = " WHERE ( $table_name.$field_name = '$name') {$where}";
else {
$whereClause = " WHERE ( sort_name LIKE '$strSearch' $includeNickName ) {$where} ";
- $exactWhereClause = " WHERE ( sort_name LIKE '$name' $exactIncludeNickName ) {$where} ";
if ($config->includeEmailInName) {
if (!in_array('email', $list)) {
$includeEmailFrom = "LEFT JOIN civicrm_email eml ON ( cc.id = eml.contact_id AND eml.is_primary = 1 )";
INNER JOIN civicrm_uf_match um ON (um.contact_id=cc.id)
- $orderByInner = $orderByOuter = "ORDER BY exactFirst";
- if ($config->includeOrderByClause) {
- $orderByInner = "ORDER BY exactFirst, sort_name";
- $orderByOuter .= ", sort_name";
- }
+ $orderBy = _civicrm_api3_quicksearch_get_order_by($name, $isPrependWildcard, $field_name);
$query = "
- {$orderByInner}
+ {$orderBy}
LIMIT 0, {$limit} )
{$additionalFrom} {$includeEmailFrom}
{$emailWhere} AND cc.is_deleted = 0 " . ($aclWhere ? " AND $aclWhere " : '') . "
- {$orderByInner}
+ {$orderBy}
LIMIT 0, {$limit}
$query .= ") t
- {$orderByOuter}
+ {$orderBy}
LIMIT 0, {$limit}
return civicrm_api3_create_success($contactList, $params, 'Contact', 'getquick');
+ * Get the order by string for the quicksearch query.
+ *
+ * Get the order by string. The string might be
+ * - sort name if there is no search value provided and the site is configured
+ * to search by sort name
+ * - empty if there is no search value provided and the site is not configured
+ * to search by sort name
+ * - exactFirst and then sort name if a search value is provided and the site is configured
+ * to search by sort name
+ * - exactFirst if a search value is provided and the site is not configured
+ * to search by sort name
+ *
+ * exactFirst means 'yes if the search value exactly matches the searched field. else no'.
+ * It is intended to prioritise exact matches for the entered string so on a first name search
+ * for 'kath' contacts with a first name of exactly Kath rise to the top.
+ *
+ * On short strings it is expensive. Per CRM-19547 there is still an open question
+ * as to whether we should only do exactMatch on a minimum length or on certain fields.
+ *
+ * However, we have mitigated this somewhat by not doing an exact match search on
+ * empty strings, non-wildcard sort-name searches and email searches where there is
+ * no @ after the first character.
+ *
+ * For the user it is further mitigated by the fact they just don't know the
+ * slower queries are firing. If they type 'smit' slowly enough 4 queries will trigger
+ * but if the first 3 are slow the first result they see may be off the 4th query.
+ *
+ * @param string $name
+ * @param bool $isPrependWildcard
+ * @param string $field_name
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+function _civicrm_api3_quicksearch_get_order_by($name, $isPrependWildcard, $field_name) {
+ $skipExactMatch = ($name === '%');
+ if ($field_name === 'email' && !strpos('@', $name)) {
+ $skipExactMatch = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!\Civi::settings()->get('includeOrderByClause')) {
+ return $skipExactMatch ? '' : "ORDER BY exactFirst";
+ }
+ if ($skipExactMatch || (!$isPrependWildcard && $field_name === 'sort_name')) {
+ // If there is no wildcard then sorting by exactFirst would have the same
+ // effect as just a sort_name search, but slower.
+ return "ORDER BY sort_name";
+ }
+ return "ORDER BY exactFirst, sort_name";
* Declare deprecated api functions.
* The search string 'b' & 'bob' both return ordered by sort_name if includeOrderByClause
* is true (default) but if it is false then matches are returned in ID order.
+ *
+ * @dataProvider getSearchSortOptions
- public function testGetQuickExactFirst() {
+ public function testGetQuickExactFirst($searchParameters, $settings, $firstContact, $secondContact = NULL) {
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array('name' => 'b'));
- $this->assertEquals('A Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
- $this->assertEquals('B Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][1]['sort_name']);
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array('name' => 'bob'));
- $this->assertEquals('A Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
- $this->assertEquals('B Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][1]['sort_name']);
- $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeOrderByClause' => FALSE));
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array('name' => 'bob'));
- $this->assertEquals('Bob, Bob', $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
- $this->assertEquals('A Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][1]['sort_name']);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', $settings);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', $searchParameters);
+ $this->assertEquals($firstContact, $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals($secondContact, $result['values'][1]['sort_name']);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE));
+ }
+ public function getSearchSortOptions() {
+ $firstAlphabeticalContactBySortName = 'A Bobby, Bobby';
+ $secondAlphabeticalContactBySortName = 'Aadvark, Bob';
+ $secondAlphabeticalContactWithEmailBySortName = 'Bob, Bob';
+ $firstAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob = 'Aadvark, Bob';
+ $secondAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob = 'Bob, Bob';
+ $firstByIDContactFirstNameBob = 'Bob, Bob';
+ $secondByIDContactFirstNameBob = 'K Bobby, Bob';
+ $firstContactByID = 'Bob, Bob';
+ $secondContactByID = 'E Bobby, Bobby';
+ $bobLikeEmail = 'A Bobby, Bobby';
+ return array(
+ 'empty_search_basic' => array(
+ 'search_parameters' => array('name' => '%'),
+ 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
+ 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
+ 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
+ ),
+ 'empty_search_basic_no_wildcard' => array(
+ 'search_parameters' => array('name' => '%'),
+ 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => FALSE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
+ 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
+ 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
+ ),
+ 'single_letter_search_basic' => array(
+ 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'b'),
+ 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
+ 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
+ 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
+ ),
+ 'bob_search_basic' => array(
+ 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob'),
+ 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
+ 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
+ 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
+ ),
+ 'bob_search_no_orderby' => array(
+ 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob'),
+ 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => FALSE),
+ 'first_contact' => $firstContactByID,
+ 'second_contact' => $secondContactByID,
+ ),
+ 'bob_search_no_wildcard' => array(
+ 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob'),
+ 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => FALSE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
+ 'second_contact' => $bobLikeEmail,
+ 'first_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob,
+ ),
+ // This should be the same as just no wildcard as if we had an exactMatch while searching by
+ // sort name it would rise to the top CRM-19547
+ 'bob_search_no_wildcard_no_orderby' => array(
+ 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob'),
+ 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => FALSE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
+ 'second_contact' => $bobLikeEmail,
+ 'first_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob,
+ ),
+ 'first_name_search_basic' => array(
+ 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob', 'field_name' => 'first_name'),
+ 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
+ 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob,
+ 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob,
+ ),
+ 'first_name_search_no_wildcard' => array(
+ 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob', 'field_name' => 'first_name'),
+ 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => FALSE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
+ 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob,
+ 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactFirstNameBob,
+ ),
+ 'first_name_search_no_orderby' => array(
+ 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob', 'field_name' => 'first_name'),
+ 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => TRUE, 'includeOrderByClause' => FALSE),
+ 'first_contact' => $firstByIDContactFirstNameBob,
+ 'second_contact' => $secondByIDContactFirstNameBob,
+ ),
+ 'email_search_basic' => array(
+ 'search_parameters' => array('name' => 'bob', 'field_name' => 'email', 'table_name' => 'eml'),
+ 'settings' => array('includeWildCardInName' => FALSE, 'includeOrderByClause' => TRUE),
+ 'first_contact' => $firstAlphabeticalContactBySortName,
+ 'second_contact' => $secondAlphabeticalContactWithEmailBySortName,
+ ),
+ );
'name' => 'c',
$expectedData = array(
+ 'A Bobby, Bobby :: bob@bobby.com',
'Bob, Bob :: bob@bob.com',
'C Bobby, Bobby',
- 'E Bobby, Bobby :: bob@bobby.com',
'H Bobby, Bobby :: bob@h.com',
'Second Domain',
$this->callAPISuccessGetValue('Contact', array('id' => $loggedInContactID, 'return' => 'last_name')) . ', Logged In :: anthony_anderson@civicrm.org',
// Without the acl it would be 6 like the previous email getquick test.
$this->assertEquals(5, $result['count']);
$expectedData = array(
+ 'A Bobby, Bobby :: bob@bobby.com',
'Bob, Bob :: bob@bob.com',
'C Bobby, Bobby',
- 'E Bobby, Bobby :: bob@bobby.com',
'Second Domain',
$this->callAPISuccessGetValue('Contact', array('id' => $loggedInContactID, 'return' => 'last_name')) . ', Logged In :: anthony_anderson@civicrm.org',
'table_name' => 'cc',
$this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
- $this->assertEquals('A Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals('E Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
$result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
'name' => $max + 2,
'field_name' => 'contact_id',
'table_name' => 'cc',
$this->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
- $this->assertEquals('A Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals('E Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
'table_name' => 'cc',
$expected = array(
+ 'Aadvark, Bob',
'Bob, Bob',
'K Bobby, Bob',
'A Bobby, Bobby',
$this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeOrderByClause' => FALSE));
$result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array('name' => 'bob'));
$this->assertEquals('Bob, Bob', $result['values'][0]['sort_name']);
- $this->assertEquals('A Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][1]['sort_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals('E Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][1]['sort_name']);
public function testGetQuickFirstNameACLs() {
$userID = $this->createLoggedInUser();
- $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeOrderByClause' => TRUE));
+ $this->callAPISuccess('Setting', 'create', array('includeOrderByClause' => TRUE, 'search_autocomplete_count' => 15));
CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array();
$result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'getquick', array(
'name' => 'Bob',
'field_name' => 'first_name',
'table_name' => 'cc',
- $this->assertEquals('K Bobby, Bob', $result['values'][1]['sort_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals('K Bobby, Bob', $result['values'][2]['sort_name']);
// Without the ACL 9 would be bob@h.com.
- $this->assertEquals('I Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][9]['sort_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals('I Bobby, Bobby', $result['values'][10]['sort_name']);
public function getQuickSearchSampleData() {
$contacts = array(
array('first_name' => 'Bob', 'last_name' => 'Bob', 'external_identifier' => 'abc', 'email' => 'bob@bob.com'),
- array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'A Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'abcd'),
+ array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'E Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'abcd'),
'first_name' => 'Bobby',
'last_name' => 'B Bobby',
array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'D Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'efg'),
- array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'E Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'hij', 'email' => 'bob@bobby.com'),
+ array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'A Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'hij', 'email' => 'bob@bobby.com'),
array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'F Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'klm'),
array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'G Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'nop'),
array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'H Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'qrs', 'email' => 'bob@h.com'),
array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'I Bobby'),
array('first_name' => 'Bobby', 'last_name' => 'J Bobby'),
array('first_name' => 'Bob', 'last_name' => 'K Bobby', 'external_identifier' => 'bcdef'),
+ array('first_name' => 'Bob', 'last_name' => 'Aadvark'),
foreach ($contacts as $type => $contact) {
$contact['contact_type'] = 'Individual';