--- /dev/null
- dm_install_files "$repo" "$to" sql/civicrm*.mysql sql/case_sample*.mysql sql/counties.US.sql.gz
+ #!/bin/bash
+ ## Delete/create a dir
+ ## usage: dm_reset_dirs <path1> <path2> ...
+ function dm_reset_dirs() {
+ for d in "$@" ; do
+ [ -d "$d" ] && rm -rf "$d"
+ done
+ mkdir -p "$@"
+ }
+ ## Copy files from one dir into another dir
+ ## usage: dm_install_dir <from-dir> <to-dir>
+ function dm_install_dir() {
+ local from="$1"
+ local to="$2"
+ if [ ! -d "$to" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$to"
+ fi
+ $DM_RSYNC -avC --exclude=.git --exclude=.svn "$from/./" "$to/./"
+ }
+ ## Copy listed files
+ ## usage: dm_install_files <from-dir> <to-dir> <file1> <file2>...
+ function dm_install_files() {
+ local from="$1"
+ shift
+ local to="$1"
+ shift
+ for file in "$@" ; do
+ [ -f "$from/$file" ] && cp -f "$from/$file" "$to/$file"
+ done
+ }
+ ## usage: dm_remove_files <directory> <file1> <file2>...
+ function dm_remove_files() {
+ local tgt="$1"
+ shift
+ for file in "$@" ; do
+ [ -f "$tgt/$file" ] && rm -f "$tgt/$file"
+ done
+ }
+ ## Copy all core files
+ ## usage: dm_install_core <core_repo_path> <to_path>
+ function dm_install_core() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ local to="$2"
+ for dir in css i js PEAR templates bin CRM api extern Reports install settings Civi ; do
+ [ -d "$repo/$dir" ] && dm_install_dir "$repo/$dir" "$to/$dir"
+ done
+ dm_install_files "$repo" "$to" {agpl-3.0,agpl-3.0.exception,gpl,README,CONTRIBUTORS}.txt
+ mkdir -p "$to/sql"
+ pushd "$repo" >> /dev/null
++ dm_install_files "$repo" "$to" sql/civicrm*.mysql sql/case_sample*.mysql
+ ## TODO: for master, remove counties.US.SQL.gz
+ popd >> /dev/null
+ if [ -d $to/bin ] ; then
+ rm -f $to/bin/setup.sh
+ rm -f $to/bin/setup.php4.sh
+ rm -f $to/bin/setup.bat
+ fi
+ set +e
+ rm -rf $to/sql/civicrm_*.??_??.mysql
+ set -e
+ }
+ ## Copy all packages
+ ## usage: dm_install_packages <packages_repo_path> <to_path>
+ function dm_install_packages() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ local to="$2"
+ local excludes_rsync=""
+ for exclude in .git .svn _ORIGINAL_ SeleniumRC PHPUnit PhpDocumentor SymfonyComponents amavisd-new git-footnote ; do
+ excludes_rsync="--exclude=${exclude} ${excludes_rsync}"
+ done
+ ## Note: These small folders have items that previously were not published,
+ ## but there's no real cost to including them, and excluding them seems
+ ## likely to cause confusion as the codebase evolves:
+ ## packages/Files packages/PHP packages/Text
+ [ ! -d "$to" ] && mkdir "$to"
+ $DM_RSYNC -avC $excludes_rsync --include=core "$repo/./" "$to/./"
+ }
+ ## Copy Drupal-integration module
+ ## usage: dm_install_drupal <drupal_repo_path> <to_path>
+ function dm_install_drupal() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ local to="$2"
+ dm_install_dir "$repo" "$to"
+ # set full version in .info files
+ local MODULE_DIRS=`find "$to" -type f -name "*.info"`
+ for INFO in $MODULE_DIRS; do
+ if [ $(uname) = "Darwin" ]; then
+ ## BSD sed
+ sed -i '' "s/version = [1-9.]*/version = $DM_VERSION/g" $INFO
+ else
+ ## GNU sed
+ sed -i'' "s/version = [1-9.]*/version = $DM_VERSION/g" $INFO
+ fi
+ done
+ }
+ ## Copy Joomla-integration module
+ ## usage: dm_install_joomla <joomla_repo_path> <to_path>
+ function dm_install_joomla() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ local to="$2"
+ dm_install_dir "$repo" "$to"
+ ## Before this change, the zip file included the joomla-integration
+ ## modules twice. The two were basically identical -- except that
+ ## one included .gitignore and the omitted it. We'll now omit it
+ ## consistently.
+ rm -f "$to/.gitignore"
+ }
+ ## usage: dm_install_l10n <l10n_repo_path> <to_path>
+ function dm_install_l10n() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ local to="$2"
+ dm_install_dir "$repo" "$to"
+ }
+ ## usage: dm_install_wordpress <wp_repo_path> <to_path>
+ function dm_install_wordpress() {
+ local repo="$1"
+ local to="$2"
+ if [ ! -d "$to" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$to"
+ fi
+ $DM_RSYNC -avC \
+ --exclude=.git \
+ --exclude=.svn \
+ --exclude=civicrm.config.php.wordpress \
+ --exclude=.gitignore \
+ --exclude=civicrm \
+ "$repo/./" "$to/./"
+ ## Need --exclude=civicrm for self-building on WP site
+ }
+ ## Generate civicrm-version.php
+ ## usage: dm_generate_version <file> <ufname>
+ function dm_generate_version() {
+ local to="$1"
+ local ufname="$2"
+ # final touch
+ echo "<?php
+ function civicrmVersion( ) {
+ return array( 'version' => '$DM_VERSION',
+ 'cms' => '$ufname',
+ 'revision' => '$DM_REVISION' );
+ }
+ " > "$to"
+ }
+ ## Perform a hard checkout on a given report
+ ## usage: dm_git_checkout <repo_path> <tree-ish>
+ function dm_git_checkout() {
+ pushd "$1"
+ git checkout .
+ git checkout "$2"
+ popd
+ }