<li><a href="https://puri.sm">Purism</a>'s devices ship with the PureOS distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system, one that is more freedom-friendly than popular distributions like Mint or Ubuntu.</li>
<li><a href="https://pine64.org">PINE64</a> is a company and user community making a variety of laptops, smartwatches, ereaders, and more. The freedom status of these devices vary, but the project has made positive progress in a short time, piquing the interest of many in the free software community.</li>
- <p>If you know of a project or company we've missed who are earnestly working to free their devices, but who need a little help in doing so, <a href="mailto:campaigns@fsf.org">please let us know!</a></p>
+ <p>If you know of a project or company we've missed who are <em>earnestly</em> working to free their devices, but who need a little help in doing so, <a href="mailto:campaigns@fsf.org">please let us know!</a></p>
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<h5 class="text-center">Caveats</h5>