$this->deprecatedFormatParams($paramValues, $formatted);
- if ($this->isUpdateExisting()) {
+ if (!empty($params['soft_credit']) && $this->isUpdateExisting()) {
//need to check existing soft credit contribution, CRM-3968
- if (!empty($formatted['soft_credit'])) {
- $dupeSoftCredit = [
- 'contact_id' => $formatted['soft_credit'],
- 'contribution_id' => $paramValues['id'],
- ];
- //Delete all existing soft Contribution from contribution_soft table for pcp_id is_null
- $existingSoftCredit = CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionSoft::getSoftContribution($dupeSoftCredit['contribution_id']);
- if (isset($existingSoftCredit['soft_credit']) && !empty($existingSoftCredit['soft_credit'])) {
- foreach ($existingSoftCredit['soft_credit'] as $key => $existingSoftCreditValues) {
- if (!empty($existingSoftCreditValues['soft_credit_id'])) {
- civicrm_api3('ContributionSoft', 'delete', [
- 'id' => $existingSoftCreditValues['soft_credit_id'],
- 'pcp_id' => NULL,
- ]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ $this->deleteExistingSoftCredit($contributionParams['id']);
$contributionID = civicrm_api3('contribution', 'create', $formatted)['id'];
$this->processNote($contributionID, $contactID, $entityKeyedParams['Note']);
//return soft valid since we need to show how soft credits were added
- if (!empty($formatted['soft_credit'])) {
+ if (!empty($params['soft_credit'])) {
$this->setImportStatus($rowNumber, $this->getStatus(self::SOFT_CREDIT), '', $contributionID);
+ /**
+ * @param int $contributionID
+ *
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+ */
+ protected function deleteExistingSoftCredit(int $contributionID): void {
+ //Delete all existing soft Contribution from contribution_soft table for pcp_id is_null
+ $existingSoftCredit = CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionSoft::getSoftContribution($contributionID);
+ if (isset($existingSoftCredit['soft_credit']) && !empty($existingSoftCredit['soft_credit'])) {
+ foreach ($existingSoftCredit['soft_credit'] as $key => $existingSoftCreditValues) {
+ if (!empty($existingSoftCreditValues['soft_credit_id'])) {
+ civicrm_api3('ContributionSoft', 'delete', [
+ 'id' => $existingSoftCreditValues['soft_credit_id'],
+ 'pcp_id' => NULL,
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Lookup matching contact.