private $_name;
+ /**
+ * @var array{name: string, type: string, runner: string, batch_limit: int, lease_time: ?int, retry_limit: int, retry_interval: ?int}
+ * @see \CRM_Queue_Service::create()
+ */
+ protected $queueSpec;
* Create a reference to queue. After constructing the queue, one should
* usually call createQueue (if it's a new queue) or loadQueue (if it's
* known to be an existing queue).
- * @param array $queueSpec
- * Array with keys:
- * - type: string, required, e.g. "interactive", "immediate", "stomp",
- * "beanstalk"
- * - name: string, required, e.g. "upgrade-tasks"
- * - reset: bool, optional; if a queue is found, then it should be
- * flushed; default to TRUE
- * - (additional keys depending on the queue provider).
+ * @param array{name: string, type: string, runner: string, batch_limit: int, lease_time: ?int, retry_limit: int, retry_interval: ?int} $queueSpec
+ * Ex: ['name' => 'my-import', 'type' => 'SqlParallel']
+ * The full definition of queueSpec is defined in CRM_Queue_Service.
+ * @see \CRM_Queue_Service::create()
public function __construct($queueSpec) {
$this->_name = $queueSpec['name'];
+ $this->queueSpec = $queueSpec;
return $this->_name;
+ /**
+ * Get a property from the queueSpec.
+ *
+ * @param string $field
+ * @return mixed|null
+ */
+ public function getSpec(string $field) {
+ return $this->queueSpec[$field] ?? NULL;
+ }
* Perform any registation or resource-allocation for a new queue
$this->queue = $this->queueService->create($queueSpec);
$this->assertDBQuery(0, 'SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_queue');
$this->assertTrue($this->queue instanceof CRM_Queue_Queue);
+ $this->assertEquals($queueSpec['name'], $this->queue->getSpec('name'));
+ $this->assertEquals($queueSpec['type'], $this->queue->getSpec('type'));
'test-key' => 'a',