- - replace:
- filename: "/etc/logrotate.d/nginx"
- from: "weekly"
- to: "daily"
- - replace:
- filename: "/etc/logrotate.d/nginx"
- from: "52"
- to: "14"
+ - file:
+ path: /etc/logrotate.d/nginx
+ contents: |
+ /var/log/nginx/*.log {
+ daily
+ missingok
+ rotate 14
+ compress
+ delaycompress
+ notifempty
+ create 0640 www-data adm
+ sharedscripts
+ postrotate
+ sv 1 nginx
+ endscript
+ }
# move state out of the container this fancy is done to support rapid rebuilds of containers,
# we store anacron and logrotate state outside the container to ensure its maintained across builds