// - crm-autosave="callback" -- A function to handle saving. Should return a promise.
// If it's not a promise, then we'll assume that it completes successfully.
- // - crm-autosave-interval="object" -- Interval spec. Default: {poll: 250, save: 3000}
+ // - crm-autosave-interval="object" -- Interval spec. Default: {poll: 250, save: 5000}
// - crm-autosave-if="conditional" -- Only allow autosave when conditional returns true. Default: !form.$invalid
// - crm-autosave-model="object" -- (Re)schedule saves based on observed changes to object.
// We perform deep ispection on the model object. This could be a performance issue you had many concurrent
restrict: 'AE',
require: '^form',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, form) {
- var intervals = angular.extend({poll: 250, save: 3000}, scope.$eval(attrs.crmAutosaveInterval));
+ var intervals = angular.extend({poll: 250, save: 5000}, scope.$eval(attrs.crmAutosaveInterval));
var jobs = {poll: null, save: null}; // job handles used ot cancel/reschedule timeouts/intervals
var lastSeenModel = null;
var saving = false;