let rooms = (this.Io.sockets.adapter.rooms as ExtRoomsInterface)
rooms.refreshUserPosition(rooms, this.Io);
+ socket.on('webrtc-room', (message : string) => {
+ let data = JSON.parse(message);
+ socket.join(data.roomId);
+ (socket as ExSocketInterface).roomId = data.roomId;
+ //if two persone in room share
+ if(this.Io.sockets.adapter.rooms[data.roomId].length < 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let clients : Array<any> = Object.values(this.Io.sockets.sockets);
+ //send start at one client to initialise offer webrtc
+ clients[0].emit('webrtc-start');
+ });
+ socket.on('video-offer', (message : string) => {
+ let data : any = JSON.parse(message);
+ socket.to(data.roomId).emit('video-offer', message);
+ });
+ socket.on('video-answer', (message : string) => {
+ let data : any = JSON.parse(message);
+ socket.to(data.roomId).emit('video-answer', message);
+ });
+ socket.on('ice-candidate', (message : string) => {
+ let data : any = JSON.parse(message);
+ socket.to(data.roomId).emit('ice-candidate', message);
+ });
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+ <img id="cinema-close" src="resources/logos/cinema-close.svg">
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+ display: none;
+ display: block;
+ display: none;
+ display: block;
+.webrtc, .activeCam{
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ background: black;
+.webrtc video{
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ height: 200px;
+ width: 300px;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 10px;
+ background: black;
+ border: none;
+ bottom: 20px;
+ max-height: 17%;
+ max-width: 17%;
+ opacity: 1;
+ transition: opacity 1s;
+.myCam video{
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+.btn-cam-action div{
+ cursor: pointer;
+ position: absolute;
+ border: solid 0px black;
+ width: 64px;
+ height: 64px;
+ background: #666;
+ left: 6vw;
+ box-shadow: 2px 2px 24px #444;
+ border-radius: 48px;
+ transform: translateX(calc(-6vw - 96px));
+ transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
+.webrtc:hover .btn-cam-action.active div{
+ transform: translateX(0);
+.btn-cam-action div:hover{
+ background: #407cf7;
+ box-shadow: 4px 4px 48px #666;
+ transition: 280ms;
+ bottom: 277px;
+ transition: all .3s;
+ bottom: 177px;
+ transition: all .2s;
+ bottom: 77px;
+ transition: all .1s;
+.btn-cam-action div img{
+ height: 32px;
+ width: 40px;
+ top: calc(48px - 32px);
+ left: calc(48px - 35px);
+ position: relative;
\ No newline at end of file
import {GameSceneInterface, GameScene} from "./GameScene";
import {ROOM} from "../../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"
import {Connexion, ConnexionInterface, ListMessageUserPositionInterface} from "../../Connexion";
+import {WebRtcEventManager} from "../../WebRtc/WebRtcEventManager";
export enum StatusGameManagerEnum {
return ConnexionInstance.createConnexion().then(() => {
/** TODO add loader in the page **/
+ //initialise cam
+ new WebRtcEventManager(ConnexionInstance);
}).catch((err) => {
throw err;
--- /dev/null
+/*import {ConnexionInterface} from "../Connexion";
+const Peer = require('simple-peer');
+let cinemaClose : any = null;
+let cinema : any = null;
+let microphoneClose : any = null;
+let microphone : any = null;
+let localStream : MediaStream = null;
+let remoteStream : MediaStream = null;
+let remoteVideo : any = null;
+let myCamVideo : any = null;
+let promiseGetCam : Promise<any> = null;
+let peer : any = null;
+let Connexion : ConnexionInterface = null;
+let roomId = "test-wertc";
+let gettingCamera : Promise<any> = null;
+let constraintsMedia = {audio: true, video: true};
+function joinRoom(){
+ Connexion.JoinRoomWebRtc(roomId);
+ Connexion.startRoomWebRtc(initialiseWebSocket)
+function initialiseWebSocket(message : any){
+ console.log('initialiseWebSocket => message', message);
+ peer = new Peer({
+ initiator: message.initiator
+ });
+ peer.on('signal', (data : any) => {
+ //send signal
+ //permit to send message and initialise peer connexion
+ console.log('signal sended', data);
+ Connexion.shareSignalWebRtc({
+ roomId: roomId,
+ signal: data
+ });
+ });
+ //permit to receive message and initialise peer connexion
+ Connexion.receiveSignalWebRtc((data : any) => {
+ let signal = JSON.parse(data);
+ console.log('receiveSignalWebRtc => signal', signal);
+ peer.signal(signal.signal);
+ });
+ peer.on('stream', (stream : MediaStream) => {
+ // got remote video stream, now let's show it in a video tag
+ console.log("peer => stream", stream);
+ //set local stream in little cam
+ myCamVideo.srcObject = localStream;
+ //set remote stream in remote video
+ remoteStream = stream;
+ remoteVideo.srcObject = stream;
+ });
+ peer.on('connect', () => {
+ console.log('CONNECT')
+ peer.send('whatever' + Math.random())
+ });
+ peer.on('data', (data : any) => {
+ console.log('data: ' + data)
+ });
+ peer.on('close', (err : any) => console.error('close', err));
+ peer.on('error', (err : any) => console.error('error', err));
+ peer.on('track', (track : any, stream : any) => {
+ remoteStream = stream;
+ remoteVideo.srcObject = stream;
+ track.onended = (e : any) => remoteVideo.srcObject = remoteVideo.srcObject; // Chrome/Firefox bug
+ });
+ gettingCamera.then(() => {
+ addMedia();
+ });
+//get camera
+function getCamera() {
+ gettingCamera = navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraintsMedia)
+ .then((stream: MediaStream) => {
+ localStream = stream;
+ remoteVideo.srcObject = stream;
+ }).catch((err) => {
+ console.error(err);
+ localStream = null;
+ throw err;
+ });
+ return gettingCamera;
+function addMedia () {
+ if(peer) {
+ peer.addStream(localStream) // <- add streams to peer dynamically
+ }
+function enabledCamera(){
+ cinemaClose.style.display = "none";
+ cinema.style.display = "block";
+ constraintsMedia.video = true;
+function disabledCamera(){
+ cinemaClose.style.display = "block";
+ cinema.style.display = "none";
+ constraintsMedia.video = false;
+function enabledMicrophone(){
+ microphoneClose.style.display = "none";
+ microphone.style.display = "block";
+ constraintsMedia.audio = true;
+function disabledMicrophone(){
+ microphoneClose.style.display = "block";
+ microphone.style.display = "none";
+ constraintsMedia.audio = false;
+function showWebRtc(){
+ remoteVideo = document.getElementById('activeCamVideo');
+ myCamVideo = document.getElementById('myCamVideo');
+ microphoneClose = document.getElementById('microphone-close');
+ microphoneClose.addEventListener('click', (e : any) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ enabledMicrophone();
+ //update tracking
+ });
+ microphone = document.getElementById('microphone');
+ microphone.addEventListener('click', (e : any) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ disabledMicrophone();
+ //update tracking
+ });
+ cinemaClose = document.getElementById('cinema-close');
+ cinemaClose.addEventListener('click', (e : any) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ enabledCamera();
+ //update tracking
+ });
+ cinema = document.getElementById('cinema');
+ cinema.addEventListener('click', (e : any) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ disabledCamera();
+ //update tracking
+ });
+ enabledMicrophone();
+ enabledCamera();
+ let webRtc = document.getElementById('webRtc');
+ webRtc.classList.add('active');
+export const initialisation = (ConnexionInterface : ConnexionInterface) => {
+ Connexion = ConnexionInterface;
+ //show camera
+ showWebRtc();
+ //open the camera
+ getCamera();
+ //join room to create webrtc
+ joinRoom();
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+export class MediaManager {
+ localStream: MediaStream;
+ remoteStream: MediaStream;
+ remoteVideo: any;
+ myCamVideo: any;
+ cinemaClose: any = null;
+ cinema: any = null;
+ microphoneClose: any = null;
+ microphone: any = null;
+ constraintsMedia = {audio: true, video: true};
+ getCameraPromise : Promise<any> = null;
+ constructor() {
+ this.remoteVideo = document.getElementById('activeCamVideo');
+ this.myCamVideo = document.getElementById('myCamVideo');
+ this.microphoneClose = document.getElementById('microphone-close');
+ this.microphoneClose.addEventListener('click', (e: any) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.enabledMicrophone();
+ //update tracking
+ });
+ this.microphone = document.getElementById('microphone');
+ this.microphone.addEventListener('click', (e: any) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.disabledMicrophone();
+ //update tracking
+ });
+ this.cinemaClose = document.getElementById('cinema-close');
+ this.cinemaClose.addEventListener('click', (e: any) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.enabledCamera();
+ //update tracking
+ });
+ this.cinema = document.getElementById('cinema');
+ this.cinema.addEventListener('click', (e: any) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.disabledCamera();
+ //update tracking
+ });
+ this.enabledMicrophone();
+ this.enabledCamera();
+ let webRtc = document.getElementById('webRtc');
+ webRtc.classList.add('active');
+ this.getCamera();
+ }
+ enabledCamera() {
+ this.cinemaClose.style.display = "none";
+ this.cinema.style.display = "block";
+ this.constraintsMedia.video = true;
+ }
+ disabledCamera() {
+ this.cinemaClose.style.display = "block";
+ this.cinema.style.display = "none";
+ this.constraintsMedia.video = false;
+ }
+ enabledMicrophone() {
+ this.microphoneClose.style.display = "none";
+ this.microphone.style.display = "block";
+ this.constraintsMedia.audio = true;
+ }
+ disabledMicrophone() {
+ this.microphoneClose.style.display = "block";
+ this.microphone.style.display = "none";
+ this.constraintsMedia.audio = false;
+ }
+ //get camera
+ getCamera() {
+ this.getCameraPromise = navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(this.constraintsMedia)
+ .then((stream: MediaStream) => {
+ this.localStream = stream;
+ this.myCamVideo.srcObject = this.localStream;
+ }).catch((err) => {
+ console.error(err);
+ this.localStream = null;
+ throw err;
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+import {WebRtcEventManager} from "./WebRtcEventManager";
+import {MediaManager} from "./MediaManager";
+const offerOptions = {
+ offerToReceiveAudio: 1,
+ offerToReceiveVideo: 1,
+ iceServers: [{url:'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'}],
+export class PeerConnexionManager {
+ WebRtcEventManager: WebRtcEventManager;
+ MediaManager : MediaManager;
+ peerConnection: RTCPeerConnection;
+ constructor(WebRtcEventManager : WebRtcEventManager) {
+ this.WebRtcEventManager = WebRtcEventManager;
+ this.MediaManager = new MediaManager();
+ }
+ createPeerConnection(data: any = null): Promise<any> {
+ this.peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection();
+ //init all events peer connection
+ this.createEventPeerConnection();
+ this.MediaManager.getCameraPromise.then(() => {
+ this.MediaManager.localStream.getTracks().forEach(
+ (track : MediaStreamTrack) => this.peerConnection.addTrack(track, this.MediaManager.localStream)
+ );
+ });
+ //if no data, create offer
+ if (!data || !data.message) {
+ return this.createOffer();
+ }
+ let description = new RTCSessionDescription(data.message);
+ return this.peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(description).catch((err) => {
+ console.error("createPeerConnection => setRemoteDescription", err);
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+ createOffer(): Promise<any> {
+ console.log('pc1 createOffer start');
+ // @ts-ignore
+ return this.peerConnection.createOffer(offerOptions).then((offer: RTCSessionDescriptionInit) => {
+ this.peerConnection.setLocalDescription(offer).then(() => {
+ let message = {message: this.peerConnection.localDescription};
+ this.WebRtcEventManager.emitVideoOffer(message);
+ }).catch((err) => {
+ console.error("createOffer => setLocalDescription", err);
+ throw err;
+ });
+ }).catch((err: Error) => {
+ console.error("createOffer => createOffer", err);
+ throw err;
+ });
+ }
+ createAnswer(): Promise<any> {
+ return this.peerConnection.createAnswer().then((answer : RTCSessionDescriptionInit) => {
+ this.peerConnection.setLocalDescription(answer).then(() => {
+ //push video-answer
+ let messageSend = {message: this.peerConnection.localDescription};
+ this.WebRtcEventManager.emitVideoAnswer(messageSend);
+ console.info("video-answer => send", messageSend);
+ }).catch((err) => {
+ console.error("eventVideoOffer => createAnswer => setLocalDescription", err);
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }).catch((err) => {
+ console.error("eventVideoOffer => createAnswer", err);
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+ setRemoteDescription(data: any): Promise<any> {
+ let description = new RTCSessionDescription(data.message);
+ return this.peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(description).catch((err) => {
+ console.error("PeerConnexionManager => setRemoteDescription", err);
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+ addIceCandidate(data: any): Promise<any> {
+ return this.peerConnection.addIceCandidate(data.message)
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.error("PeerConnexionManager => addIceCandidate", err);
+ throw err;
+ })
+ }
+ hangup() {
+ console.log('Ending call');
+ if (this.peerConnection) {
+ this.peerConnection.close();
+ }
+ this.peerConnection = null;
+ }
+ createEventPeerConnection(){
+ //define creator of offer
+ this.peerConnection.onicecandidate = (event: RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent) => {
+ let message = {message: event.candidate};
+ if (!event.candidate) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.WebRtcEventManager.emitIceCandidate(message);
+ };
+ this.peerConnection.ontrack = (e:RTCTrackEvent) => {
+ console.info('Event:track', e);
+ this.MediaManager.remoteVideo.srcObject = e.streams[0];
+ this.MediaManager.myCamVideo.srcObject = e.streams[0];
+ };
+ this.peerConnection.onnegotiationneeded = (e : Event) => {
+ console.info("Event:negotiationneeded => call()", e);
+ this.createOffer()
+ };
+ this.peerConnection.oniceconnectionstatechange = (e) => {
+ console.info('ICE state change event: ', e);
+ };
+ this.peerConnection.oniceconnectionstatechange = (e:Event) => {
+ console.info('oniceconnectionstatechange => iceConnectionState', this.peerConnection.iceConnectionState);
+ };
+ this.peerConnection.onicegatheringstatechange = () => {
+ console.info('onicegatheringstatechange => iceConnectionState', this.peerConnection.iceConnectionState);
+ };
+ this.peerConnection.onsignalingstatechange = () => {
+ console.info('onsignalingstatechange => iceConnectionState', this.peerConnection.iceConnectionState);
+ };
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+import {ConnexionInterface} from "../Connexion";
+import {PeerConnexionManager} from "./PeerConnexionManager";
+export class WebRtcEventManager {
+ Connexion: ConnexionInterface;
+ PeerConnexionManager: PeerConnexionManager;
+ RoomId : string;
+ constructor(Connexion : ConnexionInterface, roomId : string = "test-webrtc") {
+ this.RoomId = roomId;
+ this.Connexion = Connexion;
+ this.PeerConnexionManager = new PeerConnexionManager(this);
+ this.start();
+ this.eventVideoOffer();
+ this.eventVideoAnswer();
+ this.eventIceCandidate();
+ //connect on the room to create a meet
+ Connexion.socket.emit('webrtc-room', JSON.stringify({roomId: roomId}));
+ }
+ /**
+ * server has two person connected, start the meet
+ */
+ start(){
+ this.Connexion.socket.on('webrtc-start', () => {
+ return this.PeerConnexionManager.createPeerConnection();
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Receive video offer
+ */
+ eventVideoOffer() {
+ this.Connexion.socket.on("video-offer", (message : any) => {
+ let data = JSON.parse(message);
+ console.info("video-offer", data);
+ this.PeerConnexionManager.createPeerConnection(data).then(() => {
+ return this.PeerConnexionManager.createAnswer();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Receive video answer
+ */
+ eventVideoAnswer() {
+ this.Connexion.socket.on("video-answer", (message : any) => {
+ let data = JSON.parse(message);
+ console.info("video-answer", data);
+ this.PeerConnexionManager.setRemoteDescription(data)
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.error("video-answer => setRemoteDescription", err)
+ })
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Receive ice candidate
+ */
+ eventIceCandidate() {
+ this.Connexion.socket.on("ice-candidate", (message : any) => {
+ let data = JSON.parse(message);
+ console.info("ice-candidate", data);
+ this.PeerConnexionManager.addIceCandidate(data).then(() => {
+ console.log(`ICE candidate:\n${data.message ? data.message.candidate : '(null)'}`);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ emitIceCandidate(message : any){
+ message.roomId = this.RoomId;
+ this.Connexion.socket.emit('ice-candidate', JSON.stringify(message));
+ }
+ emitVideoOffer(message : any){
+ message.roomId = this.RoomId;
+ this.Connexion.socket.emit('video-offer', JSON.stringify(message));
+ }
+ emitVideoAnswer(message : any){
+ message.roomId = this.RoomId;
+ this.Connexion.socket.emit("video-answer", JSON.stringify(message));
+ }
\ No newline at end of file