$valid = $invalid = $duplicate = $saved = 0;
$relationships = $relationshipIds = array();
$relationshipId = CRM_Utils_Array::value('relationship', $ids, CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params));
+ echo 'relationship id is ' . $relationshipId . "\n";
//CRM-9015 - the hooks are called here & in add (since add doesn't call create)
// but in future should be tidied per ticket
if (empty($relationshipId)) {
$hook = 'create';
- $action = CRM_Core_Action::ADD;
else {
$hook = 'edit';
- $action = CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE;
CRM_Utils_Hook::pre($hook, 'Relationship', $relationshipId, $params);
//@todo hook are called from create and add - remove one
CRM_Utils_Hook::pre($hook, 'Relationship', $relationshipId, $params);
- // Requirement to set fields in this function is historical & hopefully can go at some point.
- $contactFields = self::setContactABFromIDs($params, $ids);
- $params = array_merge($params, $contactFields);
$relationshipTypes = CRM_Utils_Array::value('relationship_type_id', $params);
// explode the string with _ to get the relationship type id