* Output a deprecated function warning to log file. Deprecated class:function is automatically generated from calling function.
- * @param $newMethod
+ * @param string $newMethod
* description of new method (eg. "buildOptions() method in the appropriate BAO object").
+ * @param string $oldMethod
+ * optional description of old method (if not the calling method). eg. CRM_MyClass::myOldMethodToGetTheOptions()
- public static function deprecatedFunctionWarning($newMethod) {
- $dbt = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2);
- $callerFunction = $dbt[1]['function'] ?? NULL;
- $callerClass = $dbt[1]['class'] ?? NULL;
- Civi::log()->warning("Deprecated function $callerClass::$callerFunction, use $newMethod.", ['civi.tag' => 'deprecated']);
+ public static function deprecatedFunctionWarning($newMethod, $oldMethod = NULL) {
+ if (!$oldMethod) {
+ $dbt = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2);
+ $callerFunction = $dbt[1]['function'] ?? NULL;
+ $callerClass = $dbt[1]['class'] ?? NULL;
+ $oldMethod = "{$callerClass}::{$callerFunction}";
+ }
+ Civi::log()->warning("Deprecated function $oldMethod, use $newMethod.", ['civi.tag' => 'deprecated']);