(function($) {
+ // Helper function to support older versions of jQuery that don't
+ // parse the JSON returned from AJAX calls by default.
+ function parseJSONMaybe(obj) {
+ return _.isString(obj) ? JSON.parse(obj): obj;
+ }
function loadProfile(gid, success) {
$.get('/civicrm/profile/edit', {
gid: gid,
- // Support older versions of jQuery that don't parse the JSON by
- // default.
- profile = _.isString(profile) ? JSON.parse(profile): profile;
+ profile = parseJSONMaybe(profile);
var form = $('<form' + profile.attributes + '></form>');
+ // Fetch states/provinces via AJAX.
+ function watchForCountryChanges() {
+ // TODO: Fetch these ids from the profile JSON.
+ var countryId = "#country-Primary, #country-1";
+ var stateProvinceId = "#state_province-Primary, #state_province-1";
+ var url = "/civicrm/ajax/jqState";
+ $(countryId).change(function() {
+ $.get(url, {
+ _id: $(this).attr('id'),
+ _name: $(this).attr('name'),
+ _value: $(this).val()
+ }, function(states) {
+ var stateSelect = $(stateProvinceId);
+ function addOption(key, value) {
+ stateSelect.get(0).add(new Option(key, value));
+ }
+ states = parseJSONMaybe(states);
+ stateSelect.empty();
+ if(_.isEmpty(states)) {
+ addOption('- select a country -', '');
+ } else {
+ _.each(states, function(state) {
+ // Civi 4.4 use value, Civi 4.5+ uses key.
+ if(state.key) {
+ addOption(state.value, state.key);
+ } else {
+ addOption(state.name, state.value);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
$(document).ready(function() {
- loadProfile(memberDashboard.profileId, renderProfile);
+ loadProfile(memberDashboard.profileId, function(profile) {
+ renderProfile(profile);
+ watchForCountryChanges();
+ });