<div class="views-field views-field-nothing-2"> <span class="field-content"><hr id="6207">
<div class="talkblock" style="clear:both">
-<h2 style="clear:both"><div class="webform-html-textarea"><p>Org mode for distributed deliberation</p>
+<h2 style="clear:both"><div class="webform-html-textarea"><p>Org mode for peer-to-peer deliberation</p>
<div class="talkblockheader">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>: <a class="lpcalendarlink" href="/2023/program/#6207">Saturday 16:20 - 17:05 EDT (20:20 UTC)</a>
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-road"></i>: <span class="lptrack lptrack3">Community</span>
-<div class="abstract"><div class="webform-html-textarea"><p>
-The <a href="https://ushin.org">ushin</a> project explores Org mode for distributed deliberation.
-Ushin offers the seven <a href="https://ushin.org/#shapes">shapes</a> (or kinds of meaning) deliberative
-structure for mutual understanding by distinguishing facts, feelings,
-needs, thoughts, topics, actions, and people.
+<div class="abstract"><div class="webform-html-textarea">
-"Distributed" means that messages can be shared on a <a href="https://hypercore-protocol.org/">peer-to-peer
-network</a> where you have full control over your data. With no central
-authority to censor "misinformation," decision-making power is also
-distributed. Subjective moderation systems like <a href="https://cblgh.org/trustnet/">TrustNet</a> make it easy
-to find sources of information you can trust.
+The <a href="https://ushin.org">ushin</a> project explores Org mode for peer-to-peer deliberation. Ushin offers the seven <a href="https://ushin.org/#shapes">shapes</a> (or kinds of meaning) deliberative structure for mutual understanding by distinguishing facts, feelings, needs, thoughts, topics, actions, and people. When communicating over the <a href="https://docs.holepunch.to/building-block/hyperdrive">hyperdrive</a> peer-to-peer network, you have full control over your data. With no central authority to censor "misinformation," decision-making power is distributed. A subjective moderation system inspired by <a href="https://cblgh.org/trustnet/">TrustNet</a> makes it easy to find sources
+of information you can trust. <a href="https://orgmode.org/">Org mode</a> is already an effective tool for organizing personal knowledge, and we want to use it to deliberate collective issues. Ushin combines these ideas into a fun and easy-to-use plain-text system for discussing important issues free of censorship, bots, and trolls through community curation.
-<a href="https://orgmode.org/">Org mode</a> is already an effective tool for organizing personal
-knowledge, especially when combined with <a href="https://www.orgroam.com/">Or Roam</a>'s speedy search
-functionality and backlinks.
-Ushin combines these ideas into a fun and easy-to-use plain-text
-system for discussing important issues free of censorship, bots, and
-trolls through community curation.