{ push @ops, ($install = [install => $header{filename}]) }
+ # They have to specify a directory directive.
+ unless ($header{directory}) {
+ # Send the warning to the upload-ftp script maintainer, and the person who
+ # signed the file, if we were able to extract that from the signature on
+ # the directive file.
+ push @errors, "no directory element specified in directive";
+ }
# Set email addresses
if (defined $header{directory}) {
my @a = directory_email_addresses($header{directory});
my $stem = substr $packet->[0],0,-(length '.directive.asc');
my $op_header = $ops->[0][1];
- # They have to specify a directory directive.
- unless ($op_header->{directory}) {
- # Send the warning to the upload-ftp script maintainer, and the person who
- # signed the file, if we were able to extract that from the signature on
- # the directive file.
- fatal("no directory directive specified in $stem.directive.asc",1);
- }
# Configuration must exist for the package
-d File::Spec->catdir($package_config_base, $op_header->{package})
or fatal("no configuration directory for package $op_header->{package}",0);
-re {^gatekeeper\[[0-9]+\]: \(Test\) \[PV\]\
- no directory directive specified in [^\r\n]+} {
+ no directory element specified in [^\r\n]+} {
# from read_directive_file, if no directory key found
set A(validate,no-directory-given) 1