$valid = $invalid = $duplicate = $saved = 0;
$relationships = $relationshipIds = [];
$ids = ['contact' => $contactID];
- $relationshipId = NULL;
//CRM-9015 - the hooks are called here & in add (since add doesn't call create)
// but in future should be tidied per ticket
$hook = 'create';
// @todo pre hook is called from add - remove it from here
- CRM_Utils_Hook::pre($hook, 'Relationship', $relationshipId, $params);
+ CRM_Utils_Hook::pre($hook, 'Relationship', NULL, $params);
- if (!$relationshipId) {
- // creating a new relationship
- $dataExists = CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::dataExists($params);
- if (!$dataExists) {
+ // creating a new relationship
+ $dataExists = CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::dataExists($params);
+ if (!$dataExists) {
+ }
+ $relationshipIds = [];
+ foreach ($params['contact_check'] as $key => $value) {
+ // check if the relationship is valid between contacts.
+ // step 1: check if the relationship is valid if not valid skip and keep the count
+ // step 2: check the if two contacts already have a relationship if yes skip and keep the count
+ // step 3: if valid relationship then add the relation and keep the count
+ // step 1
+ $contactFields = CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::setContactABFromIDs($params, $ids, $key);
+ $errors = CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::checkValidRelationship($contactFields, $ids, $key);
+ if ($errors) {
+ $invalid++;
+ continue;
- $relationshipIds = [];
- foreach ($params['contact_check'] as $key => $value) {
- // check if the relationship is valid between contacts.
- // step 1: check if the relationship is valid if not valid skip and keep the count
- // step 2: check the if two contacts already have a relationship if yes skip and keep the count
- // step 3: if valid relationship then add the relation and keep the count
- // step 1
- $contactFields = CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::setContactABFromIDs($params, $ids, $key);
- $errors = CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::checkValidRelationship($contactFields, $ids, $key);
- if ($errors) {
- $invalid++;
- continue;
- }
- //CRM-16978:check duplicate relationship as per case id.
- if ($caseId = CRM_Utils_Array::value('case_id', $params)) {
- $contactFields['case_id'] = $caseId;
- }
- if (
- CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::checkDuplicateRelationship(
- $contactFields,
- CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact', $ids),
- // step 2
- $key
- )
- ) {
- $duplicate++;
- continue;
- }
- $singleInstanceParams = array_merge($params, $contactFields);
- $relationship = CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::add($singleInstanceParams);
- $relationshipIds[] = $relationship->id;
- $relationships[$relationship->id] = $relationship;
- $valid++;
+ //CRM-16978:check duplicate relationship as per case id.
+ if ($caseId = CRM_Utils_Array::value('case_id', $params)) {
+ $contactFields['case_id'] = $caseId;
- // editing the relationship
+ if (
+ CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::checkDuplicateRelationship(
+ $contactFields,
+ CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact', $ids),
+ // step 2
+ $key
+ )
+ ) {
+ $duplicate++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ $singleInstanceParams = array_merge($params, $contactFields);
+ $relationship = CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::add($singleInstanceParams);
+ $relationshipIds[] = $relationship->id;
+ $relationships[$relationship->id] = $relationship;
+ $valid++;
// do not add to recent items for import, CRM-4399