<form name="tab1Form" unsaved-warning-form>
<div class="crm-block crm-form-block crmABTesting">
- <h3> What would you like to name the Test?</h3><br>
- <input type="text" ng-model="currentABTest.name" name="abname" class="big crm-form-text" required>
+ <br><h3> What would you like to name the Test?</h3><p>
+   <input type="text" ng-model="currentABTest.name" name="abname" class="big crm-form-text" required>
<span ng-show="(!currentABTest.name.length && !tab1Form.abname.$pristine)"> *This field is required</span>
- <br><br>
+ <br>
- <h3> What would you like to test?</h3><br><br>
+ <h3> What would you like to test?</h3>
<label for="radio-option-subject-lines">
  <input id="radio-option-subject-lines" type="radio" ng-model="sparestuff.template" ng-value="templates[0]" ng-click="init(2)"
ng-checked="currentABTest.testing_criteria_id==1" >