* Class CRM_Event_Tokens
* Generate "event.*" tokens.
- *
- * This TokenSubscriber was produced by refactoring the code from the
- * scheduled-reminder system with the goal of making that system
- * more flexible. The current implementation is still coupled to
- * scheduled-reminders. It would be good to figure out a more generic
- * implementation which is not tied to scheduled reminders, although
- * that is outside the current scope.
class CRM_Event_Tokens extends CRM_Core_EntityTokens {
--- /dev/null
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
+ | |
+ | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
+ | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
+ | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ */
+ * Class CRM_Pledge_Tokens
+ *
+ * Generate "pledge.*" tokens.
+ *
+ * @noinspection PhpUnused
+ */
+class CRM_Pledge_Tokens extends CRM_Core_EntityTokens {
+ /**
+ * Get the entity name for api v4 calls.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ protected function getApiEntityName(): string {
+ return 'Pledge';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get entity fields that should be exposed as tokens.
+ *
+ * These are the fields that seem most likely to be useful as tokens.
+ *
+ * @todo - add more pseudo-fields like 'paid_amount', 'balance_amount'
+ * to v4 api - see the ContributionGetSpecProvider for how.
+ *
+ * @return string[]
+ *
+ */
+ protected function getExposedFields(): array {
+ return [
+ 'amount',
+ 'currency',
+ 'frequency_unit',
+ 'frequency_interval',
+ 'frequency_day',
+ 'installments',
+ 'start_date',
+ 'create_date',
+ 'cancel_date',
+ 'end_date',
+ ];
+ }
- foreach (['Activity', 'Contact', 'Contribute', 'Event', 'Mailing', 'Member', 'Case'] as $comp) {
- $container->setDefinition('crm_' . strtolower($comp) . '_tokens', new Definition(
- "CRM_{$comp}_Tokens",
+ foreach (['Activity', 'Contact', 'Contribute', 'Event', 'Mailing', 'Member', 'Case', 'Pledge'] as $component) {
+ $container->setDefinition('crm_' . strtolower($component) . '_tokens', new Definition(
+ "CRM_{$component}_Tokens",
+ public function testPledgeTokens(): void {
+ $pledgeID = $this->pledgeCreate(['contact_id' => $this->individualCreate(), 'create_date' => '2022-04-07', 'start_date' => '2022-04-07']);
+ $tokenProcessor = $this->getTokenProcessor(['schema' => ['pledgeId']]);
+ $list = $tokenProcessor->listTokens();
+ $this->assertEquals(array_merge($this->getPledgeTokens(), $this->getDomainTokens()), $list);
+ $tokenString = implode(', ', array_keys($this->getPledgeTokens()));
+ $tokenProcessor->addMessage('text', $tokenString, 'text/plain');
+ $tokenProcessor->addRow(['pledgeId' => $pledgeID]);
+ $tokenProcessor->evaluate();
+ $this->assertEquals($this->getExpectedPledgeTokenOutput(), $tokenProcessor->getRow(0)->render('text'));
+ }
+ public function getExpectedPledgeTokenOutput(): string {
+ return '$100.00, US Dollar, year, 5, 15, 5, April 7th, 2022, April 7th, 2022, , ';
+ }
+ public function getPledgeTokens(): array {
+ return [
+ '{pledge.amount}' => 'Total Pledged',
+ '{pledge.currency:label}' => 'Pledge Currency',
+ '{pledge.frequency_unit:label}' => 'Pledge Frequency Unit',
+ '{pledge.frequency_interval}' => 'Pledge Frequency Interval',
+ '{pledge.frequency_day}' => 'Pledge day',
+ '{pledge.installments}' => 'Pledge Number of Installments',
+ '{pledge.start_date}' => 'Pledge Start Date',
+ '{pledge.create_date}' => 'Pledge Made',
+ '{pledge.cancel_date}' => 'Pledge Cancelled Date',
+ '{pledge.end_date}' => 'Pledge End Date',
+ ];
+ }
* Get the advertised tokens the legacy function doesn't know about.