* @return array - the first key is join part of the query and the second key is the where part of the query
public static function buildAcl($contactId) {
+ // If there is no $contactId passed return empty ACL join and where clause
+ if (empty($contactId)) {
+ return array('', '');
+ }
$tables = array();
$whereTables = array();
- $whereClause = CRM_ACL_BAO_ACL::whereClause(CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW, $tables, $whereTables, $contactId);
+ $whereClause = CRM_ACL_BAO_ACL::whereClause(CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW, $tables, $whereTables, $contactId, TRUE);
if (strlen($whereClause)) {
$whereClause = " AND (" . $whereClause . ")";
* @param $tables
* @param $whereTables
* @param int $contactID
+ * @param bool $strictReturn If there is no where clause build for ACL
* @return null|string
- public static function whereClause($type, &$tables, &$whereTables, $contactID = NULL) {
+ public static function whereClause($type, &$tables, &$whereTables, $contactID = NULL, $strictReturn = FALSE) {
$acls = CRM_ACL_BAO_Cache::build($contactID);
$whereClause = NULL;
// call the hook to get additional whereClauses
CRM_Utils_Hook::aclWhereClause($type, $tables, $whereTables, $contactID, $whereClause);
- if (empty($whereClause)) {
+ if (empty($whereClause) && !$strictReturn) {
$whereClause = ' ( 0 ) ';