$headerRows = $returnProperties = array();
$primary = $paymentFields = $selectedPaymentFields = FALSE;
$origFields = $fields;
- $queryMode = $relationField = NULL;
- $allCampaigns = array();
+ $relationField = NULL;
$phoneTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_Phone', 'phone_type_id');
$imProviders = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_IM', 'provider_id');
$addPaymentHeader = TRUE;
- // If we have seleted specific payment fields, leave the payment headers
+ // If we have selected specific payment fields, leave the payment headers
// as an empty array; the headers for each selected field will be added
// elsewhere.
else {
$nullContributionDetails = array_fill_keys(array_keys($paymentHeaders), NULL);
- // Split campaign into 2 fields for id and title
- $campaignReturnProperties = array();
- foreach ($returnProperties as $fld => $true) {
- $campaignReturnProperties[$fld] = $true;
- if (substr($fld, -11) == 'campaign_id') {
- $exportCampaign = TRUE;
- $campaignReturnProperties[substr($fld, 0, -3)] = 1;
- }
- }
- $returnProperties = $campaignReturnProperties;
- //get all campaigns.
- if (isset($exportCampaign)) {
- $allCampaigns = CRM_Campaign_BAO_Campaign::getCampaigns(NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
- }
$componentDetails = $headerRows = $sqlColumns = array();
$setHeader = TRUE;
// for CRM-3157 purposes
$i18n = CRM_Core_I18n::singleton();
+ $outputColumns = array();
+ //@todo - it would be clearer to start defining output columns earlier in this function rather than stick with return properties until this point
+ // as the array is not actually 'returnProperties' after the sql query is formed - making the alterations to it confusing
+ foreach ($returnProperties as $key => $value) {
+ $outputColumns[$key] = 1;
+ if (substr($key, -11) == 'campaign_id') {
+ // the field $dao->x_campaign_id_id holds the id whereas the field $dao->campaign_id
+ // we want to insert it directly after campaign id
+ $outputColumns[$key . '_id'] = 1;
+ }
+ }
while (1) {
$limitQuery = "{$queryString} LIMIT {$offset}, {$rowCount}";
$dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($limitQuery);
//convert the pseudo constants
- //first loop through returnproperties so that we return what is required, and in same order.
+ //first loop through output columns so that we return what is required, and in same order.
$relationshipField = 0;
- foreach ($returnProperties as $field => $value) {
+ foreach ($outputColumns as $field => $value) {
//we should set header only once
if ($setHeader) {
$sqlDone = FALSE;
// Split campaign into 2 fields for id and title
- if (substr($field, -8) == 'campaign') {
+ if (substr($field, -11) == 'campaign_id') {
$headerRows[] = ts('Campaign Title');
- elseif (substr($field, -11) == 'campaign_id') {
+ elseif (substr($field, -14) == 'campaign_id_id') {
$headerRows[] = ts('Campaign ID');
elseif (isset($query->_fields[$field]['title'])) {
CRM_Core_OptionGroup::lookupValues($paramsNew, $name, FALSE);
$row[$field] = $paramsNew[$field];
elseif (in_array($field, array(
'email_greeting', 'postal_greeting', 'addressee'))) {
//special case for greeting replacement
- elseif (substr($field, -8) == 'campaign') {
- $campIdFld = "{$field}_id";
- $row[$field] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($dao->$campIdFld, $allCampaigns, '');
- }
elseif ($selectedPaymentFields && array_key_exists($field, self::componentPaymentFields())) {
$paymentData = CRM_Utils_Array::value($dao->$paymentTableId, $paymentDetails);
$payFieldMapper = array(
+ if (substr($fieldName, -11) == 'campaign_id') {
+ // CRM-14398
+ $sqlColumns[$fieldName] = "$fieldName varchar(128)";
+ $sqlColumns[$fieldName . '_id'] = "{$fieldName}_id varchar(16)";
+ return;
+ }
// set the sql columns
if (isset($query->_fields[$field]['type'])) {
switch ($query->_fields[$field]['type']) {