:rtype: :class:`Status` object
+.. method:: API.update_with_media(filename, [status], [in_reply_to_status_id], [lat], [long], [source], [place_id], [file])
+ Update the authenticated user's status. Statuses that are duplicates
+ or too long will be silently ignored.
+ :param filename: The filename of the image to upload. This will automatically be opened unless `file` is specified
+ :param status: The text of your status update.
+ :param in_reply_to_status_id: The ID of an existing status that the update is in reply to.
+ :param lat: The location's latitude that this tweet refers to.
+ :param long: The location's longitude that this tweet refers to.
+ :param source: Source of the update. Only supported by Identi.ca. Twitter ignores this parameter.
+ :param place_id: Twitter ID of location which is listed in the Tweet if geolocation is enabled for the user.
+ :param file: A file object, which will be used instead of opening `filename`. `filename` is still required, for MIME type detection and to use as a form field in the POST data
+ :rtype: :class:`Status` object
.. method:: API.destroy_status(id)
Destroy the status specified by the id parameter. The authenticated