<p><i>This is the text of the speaker release for LibrePlanet. Agreeing to this is a part of the LibrePlanet Call for Sessions process, which you will do on your proposal.</i></p>
-<p>I agree that my presentation at LibrePlanet 2018 is subject to the following terms and conditions:</p>
+<p>I agree that my presentation at LibrePlanet 2019 is subject to the following terms and conditions:</p>
<p>The Free Software Foundation ("FSF") may capture audio and video (a "Recording") of my presentation and any associated materials.</p>
<p><i>This is the text of the speaker release for LibrePlanet. Agreeing to this is a part of the LibrePlanet Call for Sessions process, which you will do on your proposal.</i></p>
-<p>I agree that my presentation at LibrePlanet 2020 is subject to the following terms and conditions:</p>
+<p>I agree that my presentation at LibrePlanet 2022 is subject to the following terms and conditions:</p>
<p>The Free Software Foundation ("FSF") may capture audio and video (a "Recording") of my presentation and any associated materials.</p>