// CVE-2020-11022 and CVE-2020-11023 Passing HTML from untrusted sources - even after sanitizing it - to one of jQuery's DOM manipulation methods (i.e. .html(), .append(), and others) may execute untrusted code.
$.htmlPrefilter = function(html) {
+ // This is how jQuery determines the first tag in the HTML.
+ // @see https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/1.5/jquery.js#L5521
+ var tag = ( rtagName.exec( html ) || [ "", "" ] )[ 1 ].toLowerCase();
+ // It is not valid HTML for <option> or <optgroup> to have <select> as
+ // either a descendant or sibling, and attempts to inject one can cause
+ // XSS on jQuery versions before 3.5. Since this is invalid HTML and a
+ // possible XSS attack, reject the entire string.
+ // @see https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-11023
+ if ((tag === 'option' || tag === 'optgroup') && html.match(/<\/?select/i)) {
+ html = '';
+ }
+ // Retain jQuery's prior to 3.5 conversion of pseudo-XHTML, but for only
+ // the tags in the `selfClosingTagsToReplace` list defined above.
+ // @see https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/1.5/jquery.js#L5518
+ // @see https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-11022
+ html = html.replace(rxhtmlTagWithoutSpaceOrAttributes, "<$1></$1>");
+ html = html.replace(rxhtmlTagWithSpaceAndMaybeAttributes, "<$1$2></$1>");
return html;