$fieldName = $locField[2];
$fieldCount = $locField[3];
- // Rule: resolve address conflict if any -
+ // Rule: resolve address conflict if any
if ($fieldName == 'address') {
$mainNewLocTypeId = $migrationInfo['location'][$fieldName][$fieldCount]['locTypeId'];
if (!empty($migrationInfo['main_loc_block']) &&
- array_key_exists("main_address{$mainNewLocTypeId}", $migrationInfo['main_loc_block'])) {
+ array_key_exists("main_address_{$mainNewLocTypeId}", $migrationInfo['main_loc_block'])) {
// main loc already has some address for the loc-type. Its a overwrite situation.
// look for next available loc-type
$newTypeId = NULL;
foreach ($allLocationTypes as $typeId => $typeLabel) {
- if (!array_key_exists("main_address{$typeId}", $migrationInfo['main_loc_block'])) {
+ if (!array_key_exists("main_address_{$typeId}", $migrationInfo['main_loc_block'])) {
$newTypeId = $typeId;
* Duplicate contact which would be deleted after merge operation.
* @return array|bool|int
+ * 'main_loc_block' => Stores all location blocks associated with the 'main' contact
public static function getRowsElementsAndInfo($mainId, $otherId) {
$qfZeroBug = 'e8cddb72-a257-11dc-b9cc-0016d3330ee9';
$allLocationTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_Address', 'location_type_id');
$allPhoneTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_Phone', 'phone_type_id');
$allProviderTypes = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_IM', 'provider_id');
elseif ($name == 'website') {
$fldName = 'url';
- $locTypeId = NULL;
+ // Websites have a dummy location type ID, but we don't add it to the 'locTypes' array
+ // @todo There'll be a better way of handling this
+ $locTypeId = 0;
$typeTypeId = $blkValues['website_type_id'];
$typeTypes[$moniker][$name][$count] = $typeTypeId;
$typeValue[$moniker][$name] = TRUE;
$locLabel[$moniker][$name][$count] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fldName, $blkValues);
- // @todo Document what this 'if' is really checking
- if ($moniker == 'main' && in_array($name, $locationBlocks)) {
- $mainLocBlock["main_$name$locTypeId"] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fldName, $blkValues);
+ // CRM-17556 Add the type (provider) ID to storage
+ if (!empty($typeTypeId)) {
+ $typeBlockIds[$moniker][$name][$typeTypeId] = $blkValues['id'];
+ }
+ // For the 'main' contact
+ if ($moniker == 'main') {
- // Handle type ids that aren't locations
- if (!empty($typeTypeId)) {
- $mainLocBlock["main_other_type$name$typeTypeId"] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fldName, $blkValues);
- $typeBlockIds['main'][$name][$typeTypeId] = $blkValues['id'];
+ // Add this block to the list of 'main' location blocks
+ // There is a location type, but not necessarily a provider/type (Facebook/mobile/etc.)
+ if (empty($typeTypeId)) {
+ $mainLocBlock["main_" . $name . "_" . $locTypeId] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fldName, $blkValues);
+ }
+ else {
+ $mainLocBlock["main_" . $name . "_" . $locTypeId . "_" . $typeTypeId] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fldName, $blkValues);
+ // Add this block to the list of location block IDs for the 'main' contact
$locBlockIds['main'][$name][$locTypeId] = $blkValues['id'];
+ // For the 'other' contact
else {
- // Handle type ids that aren't locations
- if (!empty($typeTypeId)) {
- $mainLocBlock["main_other_type$name$typeTypeId"] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($fldName, $blkValues);
- $typeBlockIds[$moniker][$name][$typeTypeId] = $blkValues['id'];
- }
- $locBlockIds[$moniker][$name][$count] = $blkValues['id'];
+ // Add this block to the list of location block IDs for the 'other' contact
+ // @todo - why is this 'count' not 'locTypeId'?
+ $locBlockIds['other'][$name][$count] = $blkValues['id'];
+ // Build the selection boxes for changing the location and type on the 'main' contact side of the form
// Websites are skipped later as they don't have location but do have a type
foreach ($locLabel['other'][$name] as $count => $value) {
$rows["move_location_{$name}_$count"]['other'] = $value;
$rows["move_location_{$name}_$count"]['main'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($count, $locLabel['main'][$name]);
+ // CRM-17556 Set up JS lookup of 'main' contact's value by type
+ $js = NULL;
+ if (!empty($mainLocBlock)) {
+ $js = array('onChange' => "mergeBlock('$name', this, $count, 'typeTypeId' );");
+ }
+ // Select box for type/provider
switch ($name) {
case 'im':
$elements[] = array(
- "type[{$name}][$count][typeTypeId]",
+ "type[$name][$count][typeTypeId]",
$defaultTypeType + $typeTypeValues,
+ $js,
$migrationInfo['type'][$name][$count]['typeTypeId'] = $typeTypeId;
$rows["move_location_{$name}_$count"]['title'] = ts('%1:%2:%3:%4',
$elements[] = array(
- "type[{$name}][$count][typeTypeId]",
+ "type[$name][$count][typeTypeId]",
$defaultTypeType + $typeTypeValues,
$elements[] = array(
- "type[{$name}][$count][typeTypeId]",
+ "type[$name][$count][typeTypeId]",
$defaultTypeType + $typeTypeValues,
- // Websites don't have locations
+ // CRM-17556 Set up JS lookup of 'main' contact's value by location
+ $js = NULL;
+ if (!empty($mainLocBlock)) {
+ $js = array('onChange' => "mergeBlock('$name', this, $count, 'locTypeId' );");
+ }
// @todo make sure websites can be migrated as well
if ($name != 'website') {
+ // Add checkbox to migrate data from 'other' to 'main'
$elements[] = array('advcheckbox', "move_location_{$name}_{$count}");
+ // Add location select list for location block
$migrationInfo["move_location_{$name}_{$count}"] = 1;
// make sure default location type is always on top
$mainLocTypeId = CRM_Utils_Array::value($count, $locTypes['main'][$name], $locTypeId);
$defaultLocType = array($mainLocTypeId => $locTypeValues[$mainLocTypeId]);
// keep 1-1 mapping for address - location type.
- $js = NULL;
- if (in_array($name, $locationBlocks) && !empty($mainLocBlock)) {
- $js = array('onChange' => "mergeBlock('$name', this, $count );");
- }
$elements[] = array(
- "location[{$name}][$count][locTypeId]",
+ "location[$name][$count][locTypeId]",
$defaultLocType + $locTypeValues,
{assign var=position value=$field|strrpos:'_'}
{assign var=blockId value=$field|substr:$position+1}
{assign var=blockName value=$field|substr:14:$position-14}
{* For location blocks *}
{if $row.title|substr:0:5 == "Email" OR
$row.title|substr:0:7 == "Address" OR
<script type="text/javascript">
- function mergeBlock(blockname, element, blockId) {
+ function mergeBlock(blockname, element, blockId, type) {
var allBlock = {/literal}{$mainLocBlock}{literal};
- var block = eval( "allBlock." + 'main_'+ blockname + element.value);
+ // Get type of select list that's been changed (location or type)
+ var locTypeId = '';
+ var typeTypeId = '';
+ // If the location was changed, lookup the type if it exists
+ if (type == 'locTypeId') {
+ locTypeId = element.value;
+ typeTypeId = CRM.$( 'select#type_' + blockname + '_' + blockId + '_typeTypeId' ).val();
+ }
+ // Otherwise the type was changed, lookup the location if it exists
+ else {
+ locTypeId = CRM.$( 'select#location_' + blockname + '_' + blockId + '_locTypeId' ).val();
+ typeTypeId = element.value;
+ }
+ // Get the matching block, based on location and type, from the main contact record
+ if (!typeTypeId) {
+ var block = eval( "allBlock.main_" + blockname + "_" + locTypeId);
+ }
+ else {
+ // @todo Fix this 'special handling' for websites (no location id)
+ if (!locTypeId) { locTypeId = 0; }
+ var block = eval( "allBlock.main_" + blockname + "_" + locTypeId + "_" + typeTypeId);
+ }
var label = '';
if (blockname == 'email' || blockname == 'phone') {
- label = '(overwrite)'+ '<span id="main_blockname_blockId_overwrite">{/literal}{$form.location.$blockName.$blockId.operation.html}{literal}<br /></span>';
+ label = '(overwrite)' + '<span id="main_blockname_blockId_overwrite">{/literal}{$form.location.$blockName.$blockId.operation.html}{literal}<br /></span>';
else {
label = '(overwrite)<br />';
block = '';
label = '(add)';
- cj( "#main_"+ blockname +"_" + blockId ).html( block );
- cj( "#main_"+ blockname +"_" + blockId +"_overwrite" ).html( label );
+ CRM.$( "#main_" + blockname + "_" + blockId ).html( block );
+ CRM.$( "#main_" + blockname + "_" + blockId + "_overwrite" ).html( label );
{* For non-location blocks *}
<script type="text/javascript">
CRM.$(function($) {
$('table td input.form-checkbox').each(function() {
var ele = null;
var element = $(this).attr('id').split('_',3);
// Show/hide matching data rows
$('.toggle_equal_rows').click(function() {