], $this);
- //-------- end of saved mapping stuff ---------
- $mapperKeysValues = $this->getSubmittedValue('mapper');
- $columnHeaders = $this->getColumnHeaders();
- $fieldMappings = $this->getFieldMappings();
$sel1 = $this->_mapperFields;
if (!$this->isUpdateExisting()) {
$sel2['soft_credit'] = $softCreditFields;
$sel3['soft_credit']['contact_id'] = $sel3['soft_credit']['external_identifier'] = $sel3['soft_credit']['email'] = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('soft_credit_type');
- $sel4 = NULL;
- // end of soft credit section
- $js = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
- $formName = 'document.forms.' . $this->_name;
- //used to warn for mismatch column count or mismatch mapping
- $warning = 0;
- foreach ($columnHeaders as $i => $columnHeader) {
+ foreach ($this->getColumnHeaders() as $i => $columnHeader) {
$sel = &$this->addElement('hierselect', "mapper[$i]", ts('Mapper for Field %1', [1 => $i]), NULL);
- $jsSet = FALSE;
- if ($this->getSubmittedValue('savedMapping')) {
- $fieldMapping = $fieldMappings[$i] ?? NULL;
- if ($fieldMapping) {
- if ($fieldMapping['name'] !== ts('do_not_import')) {
- // $mapping contact_type is not really a contact type - the data has been mangled
- // into that field - see https://lab.civicrm.org/dev/core/-/issues/654
- $softField = $fieldMapping['contact_type'] ?? '';
- if (!$softField) {
- $js .= "{$formName}['mapper[$i][1]'].style.display = 'none';\n";
- }
+ $sel->setOptions([$sel1, $sel2, $sel3]);
+ }
+ $defaults = $this->getDefaults();
+ $this->setDefaults($defaults);
- $js .= "{$formName}['mapper[$i][2]'].style.display = 'none';\n";
- $js .= "{$formName}['mapper[$i][3]'].style.display = 'none';\n";
- $jsSet = TRUE;
- }
- if (!$jsSet) {
- for ($k = 1; $k < 4; $k++) {
- $js .= "{$formName}['mapper[$i][$k]'].style.display = 'none';\n";
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // this load section to help mapping if we ran out of saved columns when doing Load Mapping
- $js .= "swapOptions($formName, 'mapper[$i]', 0, 3, 'hs_mapper_0_');\n";
- }
- //end of load mapping
- }
- else {
- $js .= "swapOptions($formName, 'mapper[$i]', 0, 3, 'hs_mapper_0_');\n";
- if (!empty($mapperKeysValues) && ($mapperKeysValues[$i][0] ?? NULL) === 'soft_credit') {
- $softCreditField = $mapperKeysValues[$i][1];
- $softCreditTypeID = $mapperKeysValues[$i][2];
- $js .= "cj('#mapper_" . $i . "_1').val($softCreditField);\n";
- $js .= "cj('#mapper_" . $i . "_2').val($softCreditTypeID);\n";
- }
- }
- $sel->setOptions([$sel1, $sel2, $sel3, $sel4]);
+ $js = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
+ $formName = 'document.forms.' . $this->_name;
+ foreach ($defaults as $index => $default) {
+ // e.g swapOptions(document.forms.MapField, 'mapper[0]', 0, 3, 'hs_mapper_0_');
+ // where 0 is the highest populated field number in the array and 3 is the maximum.
+ $js .= "swapOptions($formName, '$index', " . (array_key_last(array_filter($default)) ?: 0) . ", 3, 'hs_mapper_0_');\n";
$js .= "</script>\n";
$this->assign('initHideBoxes', $js);
- $this->setDefaults($this->getDefaults());