'status', "varchar(16) NULL DEFAULT 'active' COMMENT 'Execution status'");
$this->addTask('Add column "civicrm_queue.error"', 'addColumn', 'civicrm_queue',
'error', "varchar(16) NULL COMMENT 'Fallback behavior for unhandled errors'");
+ $this->addTask('Backfill "civicrm_queue.status" and "civicrm_queue.error")', 'fillQueueColumns');
+ }
+ public static function fillQueueColumns($ctx): bool {
+ // Generally, anything we do here is nonsensical because there shouldn't be much real world data,
+ // and the goal is to require something specific going forward (for anything that has an automatic runner).
+ // But this ensures that satisfy the invariant.
+ //
+ // What default value of "error" should apply to pre-existing queues (if they somehow exist)?
+ // Go back to our heuristic "short-term/finite queue <=> abort" vs "long-term/infinite queue <=> log".
+ // We don't have adequate data to differentiate these, so some will be wrong/suboptimal.
+ // What's the impact of getting it wrong?
+ // - For a finite/short-term queue, work has finished already (or will finish soon), so there is
+ // very limited impact to wrongly setting `error=log`.
+ // - For an infinite/long-term queue, work will continue indefinitely into the future. The impact
+ // of wrongly setting `error=abort` would continue indefinitely to the future.
+ // Therefore, backfilling `error=log` is less-problematic than backfilling `error=abort`.
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('UPDATE civicrm_queue SET error = "delete" WHERE runner IS NOT NULL AND error IS NULL');
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('UPDATE civicrm_queue SET status = IF(runner IS NULL, NULL, "active")');
+ return TRUE;