1. These annotations are not valid in phpdoc. The actual annotation is "@access (public|private|protected)".
2. These annotations are useful in PHP4-style code.
3. These annotations are useless in PHP5-style code. Either they're redundant with the code, or they contradict the code.
* The task that the wizard is currently processing
* @var string
- * @protected
protected $_task;
* The id of the campaign we are proceessing
* @var int
- * @protected
protected $_campaignId;
* Making this public so we can reference it in the formRule
* @var int
- * @public
public $_surveyId;
* The id of the contact associated with this signature
* @var int
- * @public
public $_contactId;
* The id of the survey (petition) we are proceessing
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_surveyId;
* Values to use for custom profiles
* @var array
- * @protected
public $_values;
* The params submitted by the form
* @var array
- * @protected
protected $_params;
* The task that the wizard is currently processing
* @var string
- * @protected
protected $_task;
* The id of the client associated with this case
* @var int
- * @public
public $_contactID;
* The task that the wizard is currently processing
* @var string
- * @protected
protected $_task;
* @return string the sql query which lists the groups that need to be refreshed
* @static
- * @public
public static function groupRefreshedClause($groupIDClause = null, $includeHiddenGroups = FALSE) {
$smartGroupCacheTimeout = self::smartGroupCacheTimeout();
* @return string the sql query which lists the groups that need to be refreshed
* @static
- * @public
public static function shouldGroupBeRefreshed($groupID, $includeHiddenGroups = FALSE) {
$query = self::groupRefreshedClause("g.id = %1", $includeHiddenGroups);
* @param $groupID int the groupID to delete cache entries, NULL for all groups
* @param $onceOnly boolean run the function exactly once for all groups.
- * @public
* @return void
* @static
* @param int $contactID
* @return array|bool $error@static
- * @public
public static function formRule($fields, $files, $contactID = NULL) {
$errors = array();
* Add entry to log table
* @return void
- * @protected
protected function log() {
* Prepares ajaxResponse
* @return void
- * @protected
protected function response() {
// Load changelog footer from template
* Contact.display_name of contact for whom we are adding user
* @var int
- * @public
public $_displayName;
* Primary email of contact for whom we are adding user
* @var int
- * @public
public $_email;
* The task that the wizard is currently processing
* @var string
- * @protected
protected $_task;
* The id of the contribution that we are processing
* @var int
- * @public
public $_id;
* The id of the premium that we are proceessing
* @var int
- * @public
public $_premiumID = NULL;
* The id of the note
* @var int
- * @public
public $_noteID;
* The id of the contact associated with this contribution
* @var int
- * @public
public $_contactID;
* The id of the pledge payment that we are processing
* @var int
- * @public
public $_ppID;
* The id of the pledge that we are processing
* @var int
- * @public
public $_pledgeID;
* financial transaction
* @var boolean
- * @public
public $_online = FALSE;
* Stores all product option
* @var array
- * @public
public $_options;
* Stores the honor id
* @var int
- * @public
public $_honorID = NULL;
* Related component whose financial payment is being processed
* @var string
- * @public
protected $_component = NULL;
* The id of the contribution that we are processing
* @var int
- * @public
public $_id;
* The id of the premium that we are processing
* @var int
- * @public
public $_premiumID = NULL;
* The id of the note
* @var int
- * @public
public $_noteID;
* The id of the contact associated with this contribution
* @var int
- * @public
public $_contactID;
* The id of the pledge payment that we are processing
* @var int
- * @public
public $_ppID;
* The id of the pledge that we are processing
* @var int
- * @public
public $_pledgeID;
* financial transaction
* @var boolean
- * @public
public $_online = FALSE;
* Stores all product option
* @var array
- * @public
public $_options;
* Storage of parameters from form
* @var array
- * @public
public $_params;
* The id of the contact associated with this contribution
* @var int
- * @public
public $_contactID;
* The id of the contribution object that is created when the form is submitted
* @var int
- * @public
public $_contributionID;
* The id of the contribution page that we are processsing
* @var int
- * @public
public $_id;
* The contact id related to a membership
* @var int
- * @public
public $_membershipContactID;
* The values for the contribution db object
* @var array
- * @protected
public $_values;
* The paymentProcessor attributes for this page
* @var array
- * @protected
public $_paymentProcessor;
public $_paymentObject = NULL;
* The membership block for this page
* @var array
- * @protected
public $_membershipBlock = NULL;
* The default values for the form
* @var array
- * @protected
protected $_defaults;
* The params submitted by the form and computed by the app
* @var array
- * @public
public $_params;
* The fields involved in this contribution page
* @var array
- * @public
public $_fields = array();
* The billing location id for this contribiution page
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_bltID;
* Cache the amount to make things easier
* @var float
- * @public
public $_amount;
* Pcp id
* @var integer
- * @public
public $_pcpId;
* Pcp block
* @var array
- * @public
public $_pcpBlock;
* Pcp info
* @var array
- * @public
public $_pcpInfo;
* The Membership ID for membership renewal
* @var int
- * @public
public $_membershipId;
* Price Set ID, if the new price set method is used
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_priceSetId;
* Array of fields for the price set
* @var array
- * @protected
public $_priceSet;
* Is honor block is enabled for this contribution?
* @var boolean
- * @protected
public $_honor_block_is_active = FALSE;
* Page title
* @var string
- * @protected
protected $_title;
* The id of the contact associated with this recurring contribution
* @var int
- * @public
public $_contactID;
* The task that the wizard is currently processing
* @var string
- * @protected
protected $_task;
* @return array - fatal is fieldID does not exists, else array of tableName, columnName
* @static
- * @public
public static function getTableColumnGroup($fieldID, $force = FALSE) {
$cacheKey = "CRM_Core_DAO_CustomField_CustomGroup_TableColumn_{$fieldID}";
* @param int $smartGroupId smart group id
* @return array $returnFields associated array of elements@static
- * @public
public static function getFormattedFields($smartGroupId) {
$returnFields = array();
* @return array $returnFields formatted associated array of elements@static
- * @public
public static function formattedFields(&$params, $row = FALSE) {
$fields = array();
* @return array an array of array of values for this option group
* @static
- * @public
public static function getOptionValuesArray($optionGroupID) {
// check if we can get the field values from the system cache
* @return array an associative array of label, value pairs
* @static
- * @public
public static function getOptionValuesAssocArray($optionGroupID) {
$optionValues = self::getOptionValuesArray($optionGroupID);
* @return array an associative array of label, value pairs
* @static
- * @public
public static function getOptionValuesAssocArrayFromName($optionGroupName) {
$dao = new CRM_Core_DAO_OptionGroup();
* This function checks to see if we have the right config values
* @return string the error message if any
- * @public
abstract function checkConfig();
* Page callback for civicrm/payment/ipn
- * @public
public static function handleIPN() {
* processor & ideally the processor will be validating the results
* Load requested payment processor and call that processor's handle<$method> method
- * @public
* @param $method
* @param array $params
* @param string $method method to check for.
* @return boolean
- * @public
public function isSupported($method = 'cancelSubscription') {
return method_exists(CRM_Utils_System::getClassName($this), $method);
* @param array $params assoc array of input parameters for this transaction
* @return array the result in a nice formatted array (or an error object)
- * @public
public function doDirectPayment(&$params) {
if (!defined('CURLOPT_SSLCERT')) {
* Submit an Automated Recurring Billing subscription
- *
- * @public
public function doRecurPayment() {
$template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
* This function checks to see if we have the right config values
* @return string the error message if any
- * @public
public function checkConfig() {
$error = array();
* @param array $params assoc array of input parameters for this transaction
* @return array the result in a nice formatted array (or an error object)
- * @public
public function doDirectPayment(&$params) {
// Invoke hook_civicrm_paymentProcessor
* This function checks to see if we have the right config values
* @return string the error message if any
- * @public
public function checkConfig() {
return NULL;
* This function checks to see if we have the right config values
* @return string the error message if any
- * @public
public function checkConfig() {
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
* @internal param string $mode the mode we are operating in (live or test)
* @return string the error message if any
- * @public
public function checkConfig() {
$error = array();
* This function checks to see if we have the right config values
* @return string the error message if any
- * @public
public function checkConfig() {
$error = array();
* This function checks to see if we have the right config values
* @return string the error message if any
- * @public
public function checkConfig() {
$error = array();
* @param array $params assoc array of input parameters for this transaction
* @return array the result in an nice formatted array (or an error object)
- * @public
public function setExpressCheckOut(&$params) {
$args = array();
* @param string $token the key associated with this transaction
* @return array the result in an nice formatted array (or an error object)
- * @public
public function getExpressCheckoutDetails($token) {
$args = array();
* @internal param string $token the key associated with this transaction
* @return array the result in an nice formatted array (or an error object)
- * @public
public function doExpressCheckout(&$params) {
$args = array();
* @param string $component
* @return array the result in an nice formatted array (or an error object)
- * @public
public function doDirectPayment(&$params, $component = 'contribute') {
$args = array();
* This function checks to see if we have the right config values
* @return string the error message if any
- * @public
public function checkConfig() {
$error = array();
* @param string $method method to check for.
* @return boolean
- * @public
public function isSupported($method = 'cancelSubscription') {
if ($this->_paymentProcessor['payment_processor_type'] != 'PayPal') {
* @internal param string $mode the mode we are operating in (live or test)
* @return string the error message if any
- * @public
public function checkConfig() {
$errorMsg = array();
* @internal param string $mode the mode we are operating in (live or test)
* @return string the error message if any
- * @public
public function checkConfig() {
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
* @param array $params assoc array of input parameters for this transaction
* @return array the result in a nice formatted array (or an error object)
- * @public
public function doDirectPayment(&$params) {
* This function checks to see if we have the right config values
* @return string the error message if any
- * @public
public function checkConfig() {
$error = array();
* @return int the country id that the state belongs to
* @static
- * @public
public static function countryIDForStateID($stateID) {
if (empty($stateID)) {
* @param boolean $saveFile -
* @return void
- * @public
* @static
public static function writeCSVFile($fileName, &$header, &$rows, $titleHeader = NULL, $outputHeader = TRUE, $saveFile = NULL) {
* The id of the event we are proceessing
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_id;
* Page title
* @var string
- * @protected
protected $_title;
* The values for the contribution db object
* @var array
- * @protected
public $_values;
* The values for the quickconfig for priceset
* @var boolean
- * @protected
public $_quickConfig = NULL;
* Price Set ID, if the new price set method is used
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_priceSetId;
* Array of fields for the price set
* @var array
- * @protected
public $_priceSet;
* The id of the participation that we are proceessing
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_id;
* The id of the note
* @var int
- * @protected
protected $_noteId = NULL;
* The id of the contact associated with this participation
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_contactId;
* Array of event values
* @var array
- * @protected
protected $_event;
* The id of the event we are proceessing
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_eventId;
* The array of ids of all the participant we are proceessing
* @var int
- * @protected
protected $_participantIDS = NULL;
* The id of the participant we are proceessing
* @var int
- * @protected
protected $_participantId;
* Is participant able to walk registration wizard.
* @var Boolean
- * @protected
public $_allowConfirmation;
* Is participant requires approval
* @var Boolean
- * @public
public $_requireApproval;
* Is event configured for waitlist.
* @var Boolean
- * @public
public $_allowWaitlist;
* when there are pre-registered.
* @var array
- * @public
public $_additionalParticipantIds;
* The values for the contribution db object
* @var array
- * @protected
public $_values;
* The paymentProcessor attributes for this page
* @var array
- * @protected
public $_paymentProcessor;
* The params submitted by the form and computed by the app
* @var array
- * @protected
protected $_params;
* The fields involved in this contribution page
* @var array
- * @protected
public $_fields;
* The billing location id for this contribiution page
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_bltID;
* Price Set ID, if the new price set method is used
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_priceSetId = NULL;
* Array of fields for the price set
* @var array
- * @protected
public $_priceSet;
/* Is event already full.
* @var boolean
- * @protected
public $_isEventFull;
* The values for the contribution db object
* @var array
- * @protected
public $_values;
* The total amount
* @var float
- * @public
public $_totalAmount;
* The task that the wizard is currently processing
* @var string
- * @protected
protected $_task;
* @param CRM_Extension_Info $info
* @param string $method - the method to call in the payment processor class
- *
- * @private
private function _runPaymentHook(CRM_Extension_Info $info, $method) {
// Not concerned about performance at this stage, as these are seldomly performed tasks
* The id of the entity that we are proceessing
* @var int
- * @protected
protected $_entityId;
* The table name of the entity that we are proceessing
* @var string
- * @protected
protected $_entityTable;
* The contact ID
* @var int
- * @protected
protected $_contactID;
* The id of the case that we are proceessing
* @var int
- * @protected
protected $_id;
* The id of the contact associated with this contribution
* @var int
- * @protected
protected $_contactID;
* The task that the wizard is currently processing
* @var string
- * @protected
protected $_task;
* an audit trail
* @static
- * @public
public static function disableLoggingForThisConnection( ) {
// do this only if logging is enabled
* The task that the wizard is currently processing
* @var string
- * @protected
protected $_task;
* The type of pcp component.
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_component = 'contribute';
* The type of pcp component.
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_component = 'event';
* The default values for the form
* @var array
- * @protected
protected $_defaults;
* The id of the pledge payment that we are proceessing
* @var int
- * @public
public $_id;
* The id of the pledge that we are proceessing
* @var int
- * @public
public $_id;
* The id of the contact associated with this pledge
* @var int
- * @public
public $_contactID;
* The Pledge values if an existing pledge
- * @public
public $_values;
* The Pledge frequency Units
- * @public
public $_freqUnits;
* Is current pledge pending.
- * @public
public $_isPending = FALSE;
* The task that the wizard is currently processing
* @var string
- * @protected
protected $_task;
* Upgrade for multilingual
* @var boolean
- * @public
public $multilingual = FALSE;
* Locales available for multilingual upgrade
* @var array
- * @public
public $locales;
* Number to string mapper
* @var array
- * @public
static $_numberMap = array(
0 => 'Zero',
* @return the time in UTC
* @static
- * @public
public static function getUTCTime($offset = 0) {
$originalTimezone = date_default_timezone_get();
* @param string $string the input string
* @return string the cleaned up string
- * @public
* @static
public static function purifyHTML($string) {
* the id of the auction we are proceessing
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_id;
* the id of the item we are processing
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_id;
* the id of the auction for this item
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_aid;
* the id of the person donating this item
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_donorID;
* the id of the auction for which item needs to be updated/added.
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_aid = NULL;
* the id of the item we are processing
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_id = NULL;
* the id of the auction for this item
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_aid;
* the id of the auction for this item
* @var int
- * @protected
public $_aid;
* This function checks to see if we have the right config values
* @return string the error message if any
- * @public
function checkConfig() {
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();