1999-03-02 09:44:33 End 'alternate' queue run: pid=pppp
1999-03-02 09:44:33 using queue 'lowpri'
1999-03-02 09:44:33 10HmaZ-0005vi-00 <= CALLER@the.local.host.name U=CALLER P=local-smtp S=sss Q=lowpri for lowpri@test.ex
+1999-03-02 09:44:33 using queue 'alternate'
+1999-03-02 09:44:33 10HmbA-0005vi-00 <= CALLER@the.local.host.name U=CALLER P=local-smtp S=sss Q=alternate for alternate@test.ex
+1999-03-02 09:44:33 Start queue run: pid=pppp
+1999-03-02 09:44:33 10HmbA-0005vi-00 => alternate <alternate@test.ex> F=<CALLER@the.local.host.name> R=all T=dump
+1999-03-02 09:44:33 10HmbA-0005vi-00 Completed
+1999-03-02 09:44:33 End queue run: pid=pppp
******** SERVER ********
1999-03-02 09:44:33 exim x.yz daemon started: pid=pppp, -qGlowpri/3s, not listening for SMTP
# Various Unix management commands are recognized
if (/^(ln|ls|du|mkdir|mkfifo|touch|cp|cat)\s/ ||
- /^sudo\s(rmdir|rm|chown|chmod)\s/)
+ /^sudo\s(rmdir|rm|mv|chown|chmod)\s/)
run_system("$_ >>test-stdout 2>>test-stderr");
return 1;
sleep 3
+# third-party queue transfer
+exim -bs
+MAIL FROM:<CALLER@myhost.test.ex>
+RCPT TO: <alternate@test.ex>
+Subject: test
+sudo mv DIR/spool/alternate/input/* DIR/spool/input/
+exim -q
354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself\r
250 OK id=10HmaZ-0005vi-00\r
221 the.local.host.name closing connection\r
+220 the.local.host.name ESMTP Exim x.yz Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:44:33 +0000\r
+250 OK\r
+250 Accepted\r
+354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself\r
+250 OK id=10HmbA-0005vi-00\r
+221 the.local.host.name closing connection\r