Here is full list of supported command
-__Stream Command__
-* ```switch public #AKB48``` will switch current stream to public stream and track keyword ```AKB48```
-* ```switch public #AKB48 -f ``` will do exactly as above but will ask you to provide 2 list:
+__Action Commands__
- ```Only nicks``` decide what nicks will be include only.
- ```Ignore nicks```decide what nicks will be exclude.
-* ```switch public #AKB48 -d ``` will apply filter to *ONLY_LIST* and *IGNORE_LIST*.
-You can setup 2 list above at ``````
-* ```switch mine``` will switch current stream to personal stream. ```-f``` and ```-d``` will work as well.
-__Action Command__
+* ```trend```will show global trending topic. ```trend US``` will show trend in US while ```trend JP Tokyo``` will show trend in Tokyo/Japan.
* ```home```will show your timeline. ```home 10``` will print exactly 10 tweets.
* ```q```will quit.
+__Stream Commands__
+* ```switch public #AKB48``` will switch current stream to public stream and track keyword ```AKB48```
+* ```switch public #AKB48 -f ``` will do exactly as above but will ask you to provide 2 list:
+ ```Only nicks``` decide what nicks will be include only.
+ ```Ignore nicks```decide what nicks will be exclude.
+* ```switch public #AKB48 -d ``` will apply filter to *ONLY_LIST* and *IGNORE_LIST*.
+You can setup 2 list above at ``````
+* ```switch mine``` will switch current stream to personal stream. ```-f``` and ```-d``` will work as well.
For example see the screenshot above.
## Bug Report