- $form->add('checkbox', 'is_recur', ts('I want to contribute this amount'), NULL);
- if (!empty($form->_values['is_recur_interval']) || $className == 'CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution') {
- $form->add('text', 'frequency_interval', ts('Every'), $attributes['frequency_interval'] + ['aria-label' => ts('Every')]);
- $form->addRule('frequency_interval', ts('Frequency must be a whole number (EXAMPLE: Every 3 months).'), 'integer');
- }
- else {
- // make sure frequency_interval is submitted as 1 if given no choice to user.
- $form->add('hidden', 'frequency_interval', 1);
- }
$frUnits = $form->_values['recur_frequency_unit'] ?? NULL;
if (empty($frUnits) &&
$className == 'CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution'
$unitVals = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $frUnits);
+ // FIXME: Ideally we should freeze select box if there is only
+ // one option but looks there is some problem /w QF freeze.
+ //if ( count( $units ) == 1 ) {
+ //$frequencyUnit->freeze( );
+ //}
+ $form->add('text', 'installments', ts('installments'),
+ $attributes['installments']
+ );
+ $form->addRule('installments', ts('Number of installments must be a whole number.'), 'integer');
+ $is_recur_label = ts('I want to contribute this amount every');
+ $unit_label = ts('Every');
// CRM 10860, display text instead of a dropdown if there's only 1 frequency unit
if (count($unitVals) == 1) {
$form->assign('one_frequency_unit', TRUE);
$form->add('hidden', 'frequency_unit', $unit);
if (!empty($form->_values['is_recur_interval']) || $className == 'CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution') {
$unit .= "(s)";
+ $form->assign('frequency_unit', $unit);
+ } else {
+ $is_recur_label = ts('I want to contribute this amount every %1',
+ [1 => $unit]
+ );
+ $form->assign('all_text_recur', TRUE);
- $form->assign('frequency_unit', $unit);
else {
$form->assign('one_frequency_unit', FALSE);
$units[$val] = $frequencyUnits[$val];
if (!empty($form->_values['is_recur_interval']) || $className == 'CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution') {
$units[$val] = "{$frequencyUnits[$val]}(s)";
+ $unit = ts('Every');
$frequencyUnit = &$form->addElement('select', 'frequency_unit', NULL, $units, ['aria-label' => ts('Frequency Unit')]);
- // FIXME: Ideally we should freeze select box if there is only
- // one option but looks there is some problem /w QF freeze.
- //if ( count( $units ) == 1 ) {
- //$frequencyUnit->freeze( );
- //}
+ if (!empty($form->_values['is_recur_interval']) || $className == 'CRM_Contribute_Form_Contribution') {
+ $form->add('text', 'frequency_interval', $unit, $attributes['frequency_interval'] + ['aria-label' => ts('Every')]);
+ $form->addRule('frequency_interval', ts('Frequency must be a whole number (EXAMPLE: Every 3 months).'), 'integer');
+ }
+ else {
+ // make sure frequency_interval is submitted as 1 if given no choice to user.
+ $form->add('hidden', 'frequency_interval', 1);
+ }
- $form->add('text', 'installments', ts('installments'),
- $attributes['installments']
- );
- $form->addRule('installments', ts('Number of installments must be a whole number.'), 'integer');
+ $form->add('checkbox', 'is_recur', $is_recur_label, NULL);