(@bounceTypeID, 'running out of disk space');
UPDATE `civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern` SET `pattern` = '(disk(space)?|over the allowed|exceed(ed|s)?|storage) quota' WHERE `id` = 87;
-UPDATE `civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern` SET `pattern` = '(mail|in)(box|folder) ((for user \w+ )?is )?full' WHERE `id` = 92;
+UPDATE `civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern` SET `pattern` = '(mail|in)(box|folder) ((for user \\w+ )?is )?full' WHERE `id` = 92;
UPDATE `civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern` SET `pattern` = 'mailbox (has exceeded|is over) the limit' WHERE `id` = 93;
UPDATE `civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern` SET `pattern` = 'quota ?(usage|violation|exceeded)' WHERE `id` = 98;
(@bounceTypeID, 'misconfigured forwarding address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'account is not allowed'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Address .<[^>]*>. not known here'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Recipient address rejected: ([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}'),
+ (@bounceTypeID, 'Recipient address rejected: ([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Non sono riuscito a trovare l.indirizzo e-mail'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'nadie con esta direcci..?n'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'ni bilo mogo..?e najti prejemnikovega e-po..?tnega naslova'),
UPDATE `civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern` SET `pattern` = 'address(es)?( you (entered|specified))? (could|was)( not|n.t)( be)? found' WHERE `id` = 44;
UPDATE `civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern` SET `pattern` = 'address(ee)? (unknown|invalid)' WHERE `id` = 45;
UPDATE `civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern` SET `pattern` = '(mail )?delivery (to this user )?is not allowed' WHERE `id` = 59;
-UPDATE `civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern` SET `pattern` = 'no such (mail drop|mailbox( \w+)?|(e-?mail )?address|recipient|(local )?user|person)( here)?' WHERE `id` = 64;
+UPDATE `civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern` SET `pattern` = 'no such (mail drop|mailbox( \\w+)?|(e-?mail )?address|recipient|(local )?user|person)( here)?' WHERE `id` = 64;
UPDATE `civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern` SET `pattern` = 'no mailbox (here )?by that name' WHERE `id` = 65;
UPDATE `civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern` SET `pattern` = 'recipient (does not exist|(is )?unknown|rejected|denied|not found)' WHERE `id` = 69;
UPDATE `civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern` SET `pattern` = 'unknown (local( |-)part|recipient|address error)' WHERE `id` = 73;
SELECT @bounceTypeID := max(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Spam';
INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern (bounce_type_id, pattern)
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Client host \[[^]]*\] blocked'),
+ (@bounceTypeID, 'Client host .[^ ]*. blocked'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'automatic(ally-generated)? messages are not accepted'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'denied by policy'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'has no corresponding reverse \(PTR\) address'),
+ (@bounceTypeID, 'has no corresponding reverse \\(PTR\\) address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'has a policy that( [^ ]*)? prohibited the mail that you sent'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'is likely unsolicited mail'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Local Policy Violation'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'message could not be forwarded'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'missing or malformed local(-| )part'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'no e-?mail address registered'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'no such (mail drop|mailbox( \w+)?|(e-?mail )?address|recipient|(local )?user|person)( here)?'),
+ (@bounceTypeID, 'no such (mail drop|mailbox( \\w+)?|(e-?mail )?address|recipient|(local )?user|person)( here)?'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'no mailbox (here )?by that name'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'not (listed in|found in directory|known at this site|our customer)'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'not a valid( (user|mailbox))?'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'misconfigured forwarding address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'account is not allowed'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Address .<[^>]*>. not known here'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Recipient address rejected: ([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}'),
+ (@bounceTypeID, 'Recipient address rejected: ([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Non sono riuscito a trovare l.indirizzo e-mail'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'nadie con esta direcci..?n'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'ni bilo mogo..?e najti prejemnikovega e-po..?tnega naslova'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'exceeds allowed message count'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'file too large'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'full mailbox'),
- (@bounceTypeID, '(mail|in)(box|folder) ((for user \w+ )?is )?full'),
+ (@bounceTypeID, '(mail|in)(box|folder) ((for user \\w+ )?is )?full'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'mailbox (has exceeded|is over) the limit'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'mailbox( exceeds allowed)? size'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'no space left for this user'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'blocked by a user configured filter'),
(@bounceTypeID, '(detected|rejected) as spam'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'Client host \[[^]]*\] blocked'),
+ (@bounceTypeID, 'Client host .[^ ]*. blocked'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'automatic(ally-generated)? messages are not accepted'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'denied by policy'),
- (@bounceTypeID, 'has no corresponding reverse (PTR) address'),
+ (@bounceTypeID, 'has no corresponding reverse \\(PTR\\) address'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'has a policy that( [^ ]*)? prohibited the mail that you sent'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'is likely unsolicited mail'),
(@bounceTypeID, 'Local Policy Violation'),