public static function getConvertedTimestamps() {
return array(
- array('table' => 'civicrm_cache', 'column' => 'created_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_cache', 'column' => 'expired_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_job', 'column' => 'last_run', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_bounce', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_confirm', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_delivered', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_forward', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_opened', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_reply', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_subscribe', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_trackable_url_open', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_unsubscribe', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing', 'column' => 'created_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing', 'column' => 'scheduled_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing', 'column' => 'approval_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_abtest', 'column' => 'created_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_job', 'column' => 'scheduled_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_job', 'column' => 'start_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_job', 'column' => 'end_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_spool', 'column' => 'added_at', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_spool', 'column' => 'removed_at', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683'),
- array('table' => 'civicrm_subscription_history', 'column' => 'date', 'changed' => '4.7.27', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-21157'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_cache', 'column' => 'created_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'When was the cache item created'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_cache', 'column' => 'expired_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'When should the cache item expire'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_job', 'column' => 'last_run', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'When was this cron entry last run'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_bounce', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'When this bounce event occurred.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_confirm', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'When this confirmation event occurred.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_delivered', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'When this delivery event occurred.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_forward', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'When this forward event occurred.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_opened', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'When this open event occurred.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_reply', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'When this reply event occurred.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_subscribe', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'When this subscription event occurred.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_trackable_url_open', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'When this trackable URL open occurred.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_event_unsubscribe', 'column' => 'time_stamp', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'When this delivery event occurred.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing', 'column' => 'created_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'Date and time this mailing was created.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing', 'column' => 'scheduled_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'Date and time this mailing was scheduled.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing', 'column' => 'approval_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'Date and time this mailing was approved.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_abtest', 'column' => 'created_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'When was this item created'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_job', 'column' => 'scheduled_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'date on which this job was scheduled.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_job', 'column' => 'start_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'date on which this job was started.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_job', 'column' => 'end_date', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'date on which this job ended.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_spool', 'column' => 'added_at', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'date on which this job was added.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_mailing_spool', 'column' => 'removed_at', 'changed' => '4.7.20', 'jira' => 'CRM-9683', 'comment' => 'date on which this job was removed.'),
+ array('table' => 'civicrm_subscription_history', 'column' => 'date', 'changed' => '4.7.27', 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'jira' => 'CRM-21157', 'comment' => 'Date of the (un)subscription'),