* Should we use the configured thousand & decimal separators.
- * The goal is to phase this into being FALSE - but for now
- * we are looking at how to manage an 'opt in'
+ * Historically, separators were configured with system-settings, but this is problematic
+ * when you have multiple locales with divergent separator rules (eg en_GB / fr_FR).
+ * The goal is to transition to locale-based-separators instead of setting-based-separators;
+ * but for now, we only switch if there's an opt-in flag.
protected function isUseSeparatorSettings(): bool {
- return !Civi::settings()->get('format_locale') && !CRM_Utils_Constant::value('IGNORE_SEPARATOR_CONFIG');
+ // If system enables `format_locale`, then abide the specified locale (regardless of old separator settings).
+ // If system enables IGNORE_SEPARATOR_CONFIG, then abide the active locale's spec (regardless of old separator settings).
+ // If system enables `partial_locales`, then abide active locale's spec (regardless of old separator settings).
+ return !Civi::settings()->get('format_locale')
+ && !CRM_Utils_Constant::value('IGNORE_SEPARATOR_CONFIG')
+ && !Civi::settings()->get('partial_locales');
if (!$currency) {
$currency = Civi::settings()->get('defaultCurrency');
+ $locale = $locale ?: \Civi\Core\Locale::detect()->moneyFormat;
$cacheKey = __CLASS__ . $currency . '_' . $locale . '_' . $style . (!empty($attributes) ? md5(json_encode($attributes)) : '');
if (!isset(\Civi::$statics[$cacheKey])) {
$formatter = new NumberFormatter($locale, $style);