const CACHE_DAYS = 1;
const BLOG_URL = '';
+ /**
+ * Get the final, usable URL string (after interpolating any variables)
+ *
+ * @return FALSE|string
+ */
+ public function getBlogUrl() {
+ // Note: We use "*default*" as the default (rather than self::BLOG_URL) so that future
+ // developers can change BLOG_URL without needing to update {civicrm_setting}.
+ $url = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::SYSTEM_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'blogUrl', NULL, '*default*');
+ if ($url === '*default*') {
+ $url = self::BLOG_URL;
+ }
+ return CRM_Utils_System::evalUrl($url);
+ }
* List blog articles as dashlet
$expire = time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * self::CACHE_DAYS);
// Refresh data after CACHE_DAYS
if (strtotime($cache->created_date) < $expire) {
- $new_data = $this->_getFeed();
+ $new_data = $this->_getFeed($this->getBlogUrl());
// If fetching the new rss feed was successful, return it
// Otherwise use the old cached data - it's better than nothing
if ($new_data) {
return unserialize($cache->data);
- return $this->_getFeed();
+ return $this->_getFeed($this->getBlogUrl());
* @access public
- public function _getFeed( $url = self::BLOG_URL) {
+ public function _getFeed($url) {
$httpClient = new CRM_Utils_HttpClient(self::CHECK_TIMEOUT);
list ($status, $rawFeed) = $httpClient->get($url);
if ($status !== CRM_Utils_HttpClient::STATUS_OK) {
'description' => null,
'help_text' => null,
+ 'blogUrl' => array(
+ 'group_name' => 'CiviCRM Preferences',
+ 'group' => 'core',
+ 'name' => 'blogUrl',
+ 'prefetch' => 0,
+ 'config_only'=> 0,
+ 'type' => 'String',
+ 'quick_form_type' => 'Element',
+ 'html_type' => 'text',
+ 'html_attributes' => array(
+ 'size' => 64,
+ 'maxlength' => 128,
+ ),
+ 'html_type' => 'Text',
+ 'default' => '*default*',
+ 'add' => '4.3',
+ 'title' => 'Blog Feed URL',
+ 'is_domain' => 1,
+ 'is_contact' => 0,
+ 'description' => 'Blog feed URL used by the blog dashlet',
+ 'help_text' => 'Use "*default*" for the system default or override with a custom URL',
+ ),
'communityMessagesUrl' => array(
'group_name' => 'CiviCRM Preferences',
'group' => 'core',